Calendar Contents
- University of Manitoba Academic Calendar
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- Calendar Contents
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Facilities, Services and Resources
- Academic Advisors
- Academic Integrity
- Academic Learning Centre
- Admissions Office
- BookStore
- Campus Children's Centre
- Career Services
- Cashiers Office
- Chaplains' Association
- Colleges
- Digital Copy Centre
- English Language Centre
- Financial Aid and Awards
- Food Services
- Health and Wellness
- Homestay Program
- Indigenous Student Centre (ISC)
- International Centre
- Libraries
- Mental Health on Campus
- Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management
- Parking Services
- PlayCare Daycare Centre
- Rainbow Pride Mosaic (RPM)
- Recreation Services
- Registrar's Office
- Sports (Bison Sports)
- Student Accessibility Services
- Student Advocacy
- Student Counselling Centre
- Student Life
- Student Residences
- UMSU Service Centre
- University Health Service
- University of Manitoba Aboriginal Students Association (UMASA)
- University of Manitoba Students' Union (UMSU)
- Womyn's Centre
- Graduate Studies
- About the University
- Academic Guide
- Academic Performance – General
- Appeals – Procedures and Guidelines
- Application, Admission, and Registration Policies
- Doctor of Philosophy General Regulations
- Extension of Time to Complete Program of Study
- General Regulations – Diploma
- General Regulations – Micro-Diploma
- General Regulations – Pre-Master’s
- Leaves of Absence
- Master’s Degrees General Regulations
- Policy of Withholding Thesis Pending a Patent Application Content or Manuscript Submission
- Thesis/Practicum Types
- Academic Schedule
- Admissions
- Asper School of Business
- Awards Information
- Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
- Course Descriptions
- Accounting (ACC)
- Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (ABIZ)
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Health Sciences (AHS)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Architecture Interdisciplinary (ARCG)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Biochem. and Medical Genetics (BGEN)
- Biological Sciences (BIOL)
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Biosystems Engineering (BIOE)
- Canadian Studies St. Boniface (CDSB)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- City Planning (CITY)
- Civil Engineering (CIVL)
- Classical Studies (CLAS)
- Community Health Sciences (CHSC)
- Computer Science (COMP)
- Dental Diagnostic and Surgical (DDSS)
- Disability Studies (Grad St.) (DS)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education Admin, Fndns & Psych (EDUA)
- Education Curric, Tchg, & Lrng (EDUB)
- Education Ph.D. Courses (EDUC)
- Electr. and Computer Engin. (ECE)
- Engineering (ENG)
- English (ENGL)
- Entomology (ENTM)
- Entrepreneurship/Small Bus. (ENTR)
- Finance (FIN)
- Fine Art, Art History Courses (FAAH)
- Fine Art, Studio Courses (STDO)
- Food Science (FOOD)
- Foods and Nutr Grad Studies (FDNT)
- French (FREN)
- General Management (GMGT)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geological Sciences (GEOL)
- German (GRMN)
- Graduate Studies (GRAD)
- Greek (GRK)
- History (HIST)
- Human Anat. and Cell Science (ANAT)
- Human Nutritional Sciences (HNSC)
- Human Res. Mgmt/Indus Relat. (HRIR)
- Human Rights (HMRT)
- Icelandic (ICEL)
- Immunology (IMMU)
- Indigenous Studies (INDG)
- Interdisciplinary Management (IDM)
- Interdisciplinary Medicine (IMED)
- Interior Design (IDES)
- International Business (INTB)
- Kinesio, Phys Ed, & Recreation (KPER)
- Labour Studies (LABR)
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)
- Latin (LATN)
- Law (LAW)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management Info. Systems (MIS)
- Management Ph.D. (PHDM)
- Management Science (MSCI)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mech. Engineering Graduate (MECG)
- Medical Microbiology (MMIC)
- Microbiology (MBIO)
- Music (MUSC)
- Natural Resource Management (NRI)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Operations Management (OPM)
- Oral Biology (ORLB)
- Pathology (PATH)
- Peace and Conflict Studies (PEAC)
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacology (PHAC)
- Pharmacy (PHRM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Physician Assistant Education (PAEP)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physiology (PHGY)
- Plant Science (PLNT)
- Political Studies (POLS)
- Preventive Dental Science (PDSD)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Rehabilitation Sciences (REHB)
- Religion (RLGN)
- Restorative Dentistry (RSTD)
- Russian (Slavic Studies) (RUSN)
- Slavic Studies (Pol,Rusn,Ukrn) (SLAV)
- Social Work (SWRK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Soil Science (SOIL)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Surgery (SURG)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WOMN)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics, M.Sc.
- Animal Science, M.Sc.
- Animal Science, Ph.D.
- Applied Human Nutrition, M.A.H.N.
- Biosystems Engineering, M.Eng.
- Biosystems Engineering, M.Sc.
- Biosystems Engineering, Ph.D.
- Entomology, M.Sc.
- Entomology, Ph.D.
- Food Science, M.Sc.
- Food Science, Ph.D.
- Human Nutritional Sciences, M.Sc.
- Human Nutritional Sciences, Ph.D.
- Plant Science, M.Sc.
- Plant Science, Ph.D.
- Soil Science, M.Sc.
- Soil Science, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of Arts
- Anthropology, M.A.
- Anthropology, Ph.D.
- Classics, M.A.
- Economics, M.A.
- Economics, Ph.D.
- English, M.A.
- English, Ph.D.
- French, M.A.
- French, Ph.D.
- German, M.A.
- History, M.A.
- History, Ph.D.
- Icelandic, M.A.
- Indigenous Studies, M.A.
- Indigenous Studies, Ph.D.
- Linguistics, M.A.
- Linguistics, Ph.D.
- Philosophy, M.A.
- Political Studies, M.A.
- Psychology, M.A.
- Psychology, Ph.D.
- Public Administration, M.P.A.
- Religion, M.A.
- Religion, Ph.D.
- School Psychology, M.A.
- Slavic Studies, M.A.
- Sociology, M.A.
- Sociology, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Science
- Biological Sciences, M.Sc.
- Biological Sciences, Ph.D.
- Chemistry, M.Sc.
- Chemistry, Ph.D.
- Computer Science, M.Sc.
- Computer Science, Ph.D.
- Mathematics, M.Sc.
- Mathematics, Ph.D.
- Microbiology, M.Sc.
- Microbiology, Ph.D.
- Physics and Astronomy, M.Sc.
- Physics and Astronomy, Ph.D.
- Statistics, M.Sc.
- Statistics, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Social Work
- General Academic Regulations
- Important Notice
- Marcel A. Desautels Faculty of Music
- Organizational Structure
- Price Faculty of Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering, M.Sc.
- Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.
- Civil Engineering, M.Eng.
- Civil Engineering, M.Sc.
- Civil Engineering, Ph.D.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, M.Eng.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, M.Sc.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D.
- Mechanical Engineering, M.Eng.
- Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc.
- Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.
- Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
- College of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry
- Max Rady College of Medicine
- Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, M.Sc.
- Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Ph.D.
- Community Health Sciences, M.P.H.
- Community Health Sciences, M.Sc.
- Community Health Sciences, Ph.D.
- Genetic Counselling, M.Sc.
- Human Anatomy and Cell Science, M.Sc.
- Human Anatomy and Cell Science, Ph.D.
- Immunology, M.Sc.
- Immunology, Ph.D.
- Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, M.Sc.
- Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Ph.D.
- Micro-Diploma in Applied Health Services Research
- Micro-Diploma in Science Communication
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Ph.D.
- Pathology, M.Sc.
- Pediatrics and Child Health, M.Sc.
- Pediatrics and Child Health, Ph.D.
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics, M.Sc.
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ph.D.
- Physician Assistant Studies, M.P.A.S.
- Physiology & Pathophysiology, M.Sc.
- Physiology & Pathophysiology, Ph.D.
- Surgery, M.Sc.
- Registration Information
- School of Art
- University Policies and Procedures
- Accessibility Policy and Procedures
- Authorized Withdrawal Policy and Procedure
- Campus Alcohol Policy
- Conflict of Interest Between Evaluators and Students Due to Close Personal Relationships Policy and Procedure
- Disclosure and Security of Student Academic Records
- Electronic Communication with Students
- Final Examinations and Final Grades Policy and Procedure
- Grade Point Averages Policy
- Repeated Course Policy
- Respectful Work and Learning Environment and Sexual Assault Policy and Procedure
- Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy and Procedure
- Self-Declaration for Brief and Temporary Student Absences Policy and Procedure
- Student Discipline Bylaw and Procedure
- University Parking Regulations
- Violent or Threatening Behaviour Policy and Procedure
- Voluntary Withdrawal Policy
- About the University
- Academic Programs
- Academic Schedule
- Admissions
- Areas of Study
- Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
- Earth Sciences
- Environment and Geography
- Environmental Science Minor
- Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. General
- Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. Honours
- Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. Major
- Environmental Studies Minor
- Environmental Studies, B.Env.St. General
- Environmental Studies, B.Env.St. Honours
- Environmental Studies, B.Env.St. Major
- Geography Minor
- Geography, B.A. Advanced
- Geography, B.A. General
- Geography, B.A. Honours
- Physical Geography Minor
- Physical Geography, B.Sc. Honours
- Physical Geography, B.Sc. Major
- Agribusiness, B.Sc.
- Agroecology, B.Sc.
- Agronomy Minor
- Agronomy, B.Sc. - Agriculture
- Animal Systems Minor
- Animal Systems, B.Sc. - Agriculture
- Business Management, Agriculture Diploma
- Crop Management, Agriculture Diploma
- Crop Protection Minor
- Entomology Minor
- Food Industry Option, B.Sc. - Human Nutritional Sciences
- Food Science Minor
- Food Science, B.Sc.
- Foods Option, B.Sc. - Human Nutritional Sciences
- General Agriculture, Agriculture Diploma
- Human Nutrition and Metabolism Minor
- Human Nutritional Sciences, B.Sc. - Agreement with Red River College Culinary Arts
- Human Nutritional Sciences, B.Sc. - Second Degree Program
- Internationally Educated Agrologists Post-Baccalaureate Diploma
- Livestock, Agriculture Diploma
- Nutrition Option, B.Sc. - Human Nutritional Sciences
- Plant Biotechnology Minor
- Plant Biotechnology, B.Sc. - Agriculture
- Soil Science Minor
- Anthropology
- Asian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies
- Canadian Studies
- Catholic Studies
- Central and East European Studies
- Classics
- Classical Studies, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- Classical Studies, B.A. General
- Classical Studies, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- Classical Studies, Minor (Concentration)
- Greek, B.A. Single Advanced
- Greek, Minor (Concentration)
- Latin Minor (Concentration)
- Latin, B.A. Single Advanced
- Micro Diploma in Mythology and Folktale
- Courses and Programs Offered by Other Faculties and Schools for Credit in Arts
- Economics
- English, Theatre, Film & Media
- English Minor (Concentration)
- English, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- English, B.A. Double Honours
- English, B.A. General
- English, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- English, B.A. Single Honours
- Film Studies Minor (Concentration)
- Film Studies, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- Film Studies, B.A. General
- Film Studies, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- Theatre Minor (Concentration)
- Theatre, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- Theatre, B.A. General
- Theatre, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- French, Spanish and Italian
- French Minor (Concentration)
- French, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- French, B.A. Double Honours
- French, B.A. General
- French, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- French, B.A. Single Honours
- Italian Minor (Concentration)
- Italian Studies, B.A. General
- Italian Studies, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- Spanish Minor (Concentration)
- Spanish, B.A. General
- Spanish, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- German and Slavic Studies
- German Minor (Concentration)
- German, B.A. Double Advanced Major
- German, B.A. Double Honours
- German, B.A. General
- German, B.A. Single Advanced Major
- German, B.A. Single Honours
- Micro-Diploma in Introduction to German Language, Life, and Culture
- Polish Minor (Concentration)
- Russian Minor (Concentration)
- Russian, B.A. General
- Ukrainian Minor (Concentration)
- Ukrainian, B.A. General
- Global Political Economy
- History
- Icelandic Studies
- Indigenous Studies
- Interdisciplinary Courses
- Judaic Studies
- Labour Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Linguistics
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Studies
- Psychology
- Religion
- Sociology and Criminology
- Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Accounting, B. Comm., Honours
- Actuarial Mathematics, B.Comm., Honours
- Asper School of Business/Red River College Polytechnic Articulation Agreement
- Business Analytics, B. Comm., Honours
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation, B. Comm., Honours
- Finance B. Comm., Honours
- Generalist, B. Comm., Honours
- Human Resources Management/Industrial Relations, B. Comm., Honours
- Indigenous Business Studies, B. Comm., Honours
- Marketing, B. Comm., Honours
- Red River College Polytechnic Articulation Agreement B.Comm. Honours
- Strategy and Global Management, B. Comm., Honours
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics, B. Comm., Honours
- Actuarial Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- General B.Sc.
- Genetics
- Interdisciplinary Science Courses
- Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics with Computer Science Option, B.Sc. Major
- Applied Mathematics with Economics Option, B.Sc. Major
- Applied Mathematics with Statistics Option, B.Sc. Major
- Mathematics - Economics Joint, B.Sc. Honours
- Mathematics - Physics and Astronomy Joint, B.Sc. Honours
- Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics, B.Sc. Double Honours
- Mathematics, B.Sc. Honours
- Mathematics, B.Sc. Major
- Microbiology
- Physics and Astronomy
- Psychology
- Statistics
- College of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry
- Interdisciplinary Health Program
- Max Rady College of Medicine
- School of Dental Hygiene
- Accounting (ACC)
- Actuarial Mathematics (ACT)
- Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (ABIZ)
- Agriculture (AGRI)
- Agriculture Diploma (DAGR)
- Agroecology (AGEC)
- American Sign Language (ASLL)
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Arabic (ARA)
- Arts Interdisciplinary (ARTS)
- Asian Studies (ASIA)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Biochem. and Medical Genetics (BGEN)
- Biological Sciences (BIOL)
- Biosystems Engineering (BIOE)
- Biotechnology (BTEC)
- Canadian Studies (CDN)
- Catholic Studies (CATH)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Civil Engineering (CIVL)
- Classical Studies (CLAS)
- Computer Science (COMP)
- Data Science (DATA)
- Dental Diagnostic and Surgical (DDSS)
- Dental Hygiene (HYGN)
- Dentistry (DENT)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education Admin, Fndns & Psych (EDUA)
- Education Curric, Tchg, & Lrng (EDUB)
- Electr. and Computer Engin. (ECE)
- Engineering (ENG)
- English (ENGL)
- Entomology (ENTM)
- Entrepreneurship/Small Bus. (ENTR)
- Envir. Design Landsc & Urban (EVLU)
- Environment (ENVR)
- Environment, Earth & Resources (EER)
- Environmental Architecture (EVAR)
- Environmental Design (EVDS)
- Environmental Interior Environ (EVIE)
- Family Social Sciences (FMLY)
- Film Studies (FILM)
- Finance (FIN)
- Fine Art, Art History Courses (FAAH)
- Fine Art, General Courses (FA)
- Fine Art, Studio Courses (STDO)
- Food Science (FOOD)
- Forensic Science (FORS)
- French (FREN)
- General Management (GMGT)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geological Sciences (GEOL)
- German (GRMN)
- Global Political Economy (GPE)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health Studies (HEAL)
- Hebrew (HEB)
- History (HIST)
- Human Anat. and Cell Science (ANAT)
- Human Ecology General (HMEC)
- Human Nutritional Sciences (HNSC)
- Human Res. Mgmt/Indus Relat. (HRIR)
- Hungarian (HUNG)
- Icelandic (ICEL)
- Immunology (IMMU)
- Indigenous (INDG)
- Intensive English Program (IEP)
- Interdisciplinary Management (IDM)
- International Business (INTB)
- Italian (ITLN)
- Judaic Civilization (JUD)
- Kinesio, Phys Ed, & Recreation (KPER)
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Labour Studies (LABR)
- Latin (LATN)
- Law (LAW)
- Leadership (LEAD)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management Info. Systems (MIS)
- Management Science (MSCI)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
- Microbiology (MBIO)
- Midwifery (MDFY)
- Music (MUSC)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Operations Management (OPM)
- Oral Biology (ORLB)
- Pharm. D (PHMD)
- Pharmacology (PHAC)
- Pharmacy (PHRM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Education (PHED)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physiology (PHGY)
- Plant Science (PLNT)
- Polish (Slavic Studies) (POL)
- Political Studies (POLS)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Preventive Dental Science (PDSD)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Recreation Studies (REC)
- Rehabilitation Sciences (REHB)
- Religion (RLGN)
- Respiratory Therapy (RESP)
- Restorative Dentistry (RSTD)
- RRC/UM American Sign Language (ASL)
- Russian (Slavic Studies) (RUSN)
- Science Interdisciplinary (SCI)
- Slavic Studies (Pol,Rusn,Ukrn) (SLAV)
- Social Work (SWRK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Soil Science (SOIL)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMT)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Theatre (THTR)
- Ukrainian (Slavic Studies) (UKRN)
- Ukrainian Cdn Heritage Studies (UCHS)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WOMN)
- Yiddish (YDSH)
- Accessibility Policy and Procedure
- Authorized Withdrawal Policy and Procedure
- Campus Alcohol Policy
- Conflict of Interest Between Evaluators and Students Due to Close Personal Relationships Policy and Procedure
- Disclosure and Security of Student Academic Records
- Electronic Communication with Students
- Final Examinations and Final Grades Policy and Procedure
- Grade Point Averages Policy
- Repeated Course Policy
- Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy, Sexual Violence Policy, and Disclosure and Complaints Procedure
- Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy and Procedure
- Self-Declaration for Brief and Temporary Student Absences Policy and Procedure
- Student Discipline Bylaw and Procedure
- University Parking Regulations
- Violent or Threatening Behaviour Policy and Procedure
- Voluntary Withdrawal Policy
- Courses taught at Université de Saint-Boniface
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Arts Interdisciplinary (ARTS)
- Biological Sciences (BIOL)
- Canadian Studies St. Boniface (CDSB)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Computer Science (COMP)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education Admin, Fndns & Psych (EDUA)
- Education Curric, Tchg, & Lrng (EDUB)
- Education St. Boniface (EDSB)
- English (ENGL)
- Entrepreneurship/Small Bus. (ENTR)
- Finance (FIN)
- Francais St. Boniface (FRAN)
- General Management (GMGT)
- Geography (GEOG)
- German (GRMN)
- History (HIST)
- Human Res. Mgmt/Indus Relat. (HRIR)
- Intercultural Studies - CUSB (INTC)
- Interdisciplinary Management (IDM)
- International Business (INTB)
- International Studies - CUSB (INTL)
- Management Info. Systems (MIS)
- Management Science (MSCI)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Microbiology (MBIO)
- Operations Management (OPM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Studies (POLS)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Religion (RLGN)
- Science Interdisciplinary (SCI)
- Social Work (SWRK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Theatre (THTR)
- Traduction (St. Boniface) (TRAD)
- Education-Université de Saint-Boniface
- Maîtrise en Études canadiennes et interculturelles-Université de Saint-Boniface
- Université de Saint-Boniface Profile and Programs Offered