Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy and Procedure
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy
The Policy and Procedure are available online at
Part I: Reason for Policy
1.1 The purpose of this Policy is to identify the responsibilities and the discharge of responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students.
1.2 Some of the responsibilities and discharge of responsibilities with regard to Students will rest with the individual Academic Staff member, while others are collective responsibilities to be exercised at the Unit level.
1.3 This Policy and its related Procedures will identify and differentiate the responsibilities and discharge of responsibilities of Academic Staff at the individual and at the Unit level.
Part II: Policy Content
2.1 The following terms are defined for the purpose of this Policy and related Procedures:
(a) "Academic Administrator(s)" refers to the senior academic administrative positions having direct management authority over a Unit and the primary responsibility for the management functions of planning, directing, controlling and evaluating a large group of the University's resources within that Unit, including people, budgets and facilities. This category includes, without limitation, a dean, director, associate dean, assistant dean, chair or head of department, insofar as they perform managerial duties.
(b) "Academic Staff" refers to all individuals whose primary assignment is instruction, research, and/or service/academic administration. This includes employees who hold an academic rank such as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, librarian, or the equivalent of any of those academic ranks. The category also includes a dean, director, associate dean, assistant dean, chair or head of department, visiting scholars, senior scholars, and those holding unpaid academic appointments, insofar as they perform instructional, research, and/or service/academic administrative duties.
(c) "Policy" means this Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students Policy.
(d)"Procedure" means the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students Procedure.
(e)"Student" or "Students" refer to any person or group of people registered as a student at the University of Manitoba.
(f)"Unit" refers to a department, centre, institute, college, faculty, school, or other academic division to which Academic Staff is assigned to teach Students.
(g)"University" refers to the University of Manitoba.
Individual Responsibilities of Academic Staff
2.2 The responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students are primarily instructional and scholarly, and secondarily administrative. They may include:
(a) Undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education instruction;
(b) Scholarly attainment through personal study and research, including:
(i)study for purposes of academic self-improvement or course improvement; and
(ii) keeping abreast of new developments, and research that leads to a useful or original contribution toward the advancement of knowledge and understanding;
(c) Administrative work as required for instructional and scholarly activities including committee work at various levels (departmental, faculty, university) as it pertains directly or indirectly to Students.
2.3 In discharging their instructional responsibilities, Academic Staff shall act with academic integrity, scholarly competence and pedagogic effectiveness by providing Students with pertinent materials in a timely manner, by maintaining familiarity with current policies and responsibilities regarding privacy, copyright and human rights, and by adhering to regulations pertaining to instruction, reporting and evaluation at the University.
2.4 Academic Staff are to provide an effective learning environment and to endeavor to ensure fair and consistent treatment of Students by periodically reviewing and updating all course content and outlines.
Collective Responsibilities of Academic Staff
2.5 The collective responsibilities of the Academic Staff shall be exercised through the actions of the Unit's administrators and councils, including:
(a) Periodically reviewing all courses and programs, including course descriptions, to ensure that the material to be presented is current and appropriate and the academic calendar information is clear and accurate;
(b) Ensuring that the Unit's policies, regulations and procedures provide for fair and consistent treatment of Students;
(c) Ensuring the academic calendar reflects any Unit-specific policies that may affect the Student's academic progress;
(d) Making available on the University's website and providing for convenient student access to information on supplemental Unit-specific regulations, policies and procedures; and
(e) Providing the names of instructors assigned to teach particular courses and sections at the earliest possible opportunity.
Part III: Accountability
3.1 The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for advising the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) that a formal review of this Policy is required.
3.2 The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) is responsible for the implementation, administration and review of this Policy.
3.3 Academic Staff and Academic Administrators are responsible for complying with this Policy.
Part IV: Authority to Approve Procedures
4.1 The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or the Approving Body may approve Procedures, if applicable, which are secondary to and comply with this Policy.
Part V: Review
5.1 Governing Document reviews shall be conducted every ten (10) years. The next scheduled review date for this Policy is September 1, 2026.
5.2 In the interim, this Policy may be revised or repealed if:
(a) the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or the Approving Body deems it necessary or desirable to do so;
(b) the Policy is no longer legislatively or statutorily compliant; and/or
(c) the Policy is now in conflict with another Governing Document.
5.3 If this Policy is revised or repealed all Secondary Documents, if applicable, shall be reviewed as soon as possible in order that they:
(a) comply with the revised Policy; or
(b) are in turn repealed.
Part VI: Effect on Previous Statements
6.1 This Policy supersedes all of the following:
(a) Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy, revised June 25, 1998;
(b) all previous Board of Governors/Senate Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein; and
(c) all previous Administration Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein.
Part VII: Cross References
7.1 This Policy should be cross referenced to the following relevant Governing Documents, legislation and/or forms:
(a) Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Procedure;
(b) Conflict of Interest Policy;
(c) Conflict of Interest between Evaluators and Students due to Close Personal Relationships Policy;
(d) Electronic Communication with Students Policy;
(e) Final Examination and Final Grades Policy;
(f) Grade Point Averages Policy;
(g) Intellectual Property Policy
(h) Multi-Sectioned Courses Policy;
(i) Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy;
(j) Sexual Assault Policy;
(k) Responsible Conduct of Research Policy;
(l) Student Advocacy Office Policy;
(m) Student Discipline Bylaw;
(n) Student Academic Misconduct Procedure;
(o) Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure;
(p) Student Discipline Appeal Procedure;
(q) Teaching Evaluation Policy;
(r) The University of Manitoba Accessibility Policy;
(s) University Health Services Policy;
(t) Voluntary Withdrawal Policy.
Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Procedure
Part I: Reason for Policy
1.1 To set out Procedures secondary to the Policy entitled "Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students".
Part II: Procedural Content
2.1 These procedures are to be read in conjunction with the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students policy, and all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Policy. In addition, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Academic Administrator(s)" refers to the senior academic administrative positions having direct management authority over a Unit and the primary responsibility for the management functions of planning, directing, controlling and evaluating a large group of the University's resources within that Unit, including people, budgets and facilities. This category includes, without limitation, a dean, director, associate dean, assistant dean, chair or head of department, insofar as they perform managerial duties.
(b) "Academic Staff" refers to all individuals whose primary assignment is instruction, research, and/or service/academic administration. This includes employees who hold an academic rank such as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, librarian, or the equivalent of any of those academic ranks. The category also includes a dean, director, associate dean, assistant dean, chair or head of department, visiting scholars, senior scholars, and those holding unpaid academic appointments, insofar as they perform instructional, research, and/or service/academic administrative duties.
(c) "Calendar" means the University of Manitoba's official Academic Calendar under which the course is taught.
(d) "Policy" means the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students policy.
(e) "Procedure" means this Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students procedure.
(f) "Student" or "Students" refer to any person or group of people registered as a student at the University of Manitoba.
(g) "Unit" refers to a department, centre, institute, college, faculty, school, or other academic division to which Academic Staff is assigned to teach Students.
(h) "Working Days" will mean Monday through Friday excluding days in which the University is closed.
Individual Responsibilities of Academic Staff
2.2 Course Content
Academic Staff shall teach their courses with due alignment to Calendar descriptions.
2.3 Policies
Academic Staff will maintain familiarity with current University, faculty, school, college and/or department policies regarding plagiarism and cheating, examination impersonations, student access to final examination scripts, student discipline, grade appeals, copyright and intellectual property, and the University policy regarding the respectful work and learning environment, as posted on the University's "Governing Documents" website;
2.4 Regulations
Academic Staff will adhere to regulations pertaining to the format, content and conduct of courses and laboratories, including regulations pertaining to examinations, term work, grades, and related matters as outlined in University and Unit guidelines.
2.5 Course Outline
Academic Staff shall provide a course outline to every Student registered in their class and review its content within the first week of classes, either through a paper copy and/or via the University’s student information system (Aurora, UM Learn, or such other University information system as may be approved by the University from time to time). The course outline will contain at minimum the following information:
(a) Name of Academic Staff;
(b) Office number, telephone number and email address;
(c) A list of the learning materials that the Student is required to obtain including the appropriate referencing style guide(s) acceptable to the Academic Staff and/or discipline in courses where it is relevant;
(d) A course description outlining the topics to be covered and goals of the course, which could include the bona fide academic requirements and learning outcomes for the course;
(e) Expectations for class attendance and penalties, if any, for non-compliance;
(f) A description of the evaluation procedure and methods that will be used, including:
(i)The weighting of the components that will contribute to the final grade;
(ii) A description of how the numeric grade will be converted to the University's letter grade system; and
(iii) An indication of whether specific assignment instructions, grading rules, or rubrics will be provided.
Note: It is understood by Senate that the provision of this information is not intended to affect the question of equity in multi-sectioned courses in any way.
(g) An indication of how evaluative feedback will be given to the student, including:
(i)The form of evaluative feedback [formative (e.g. comments) or summative (e.g. grade)];
(ii) When summative feedback will be distributed in relation to the voluntary withdrawal deadline, Unit guidelines, and section 2.9(f) of this Procedure; and
(iii) The method in which evaluative feedback will be delivered (for example, via paper or electronic method);
(h) A schedule of the Academic Staff member's availability for individual student consultation, in accordance with section 2.9(d);
(i) A schedule of term assignments and tests;
(j) A statement of the practice to be followed regarding late submission of assignments and missed term tests;
(k) A statement outlining parameters for the use of electronic and mechanical devices and course technology that may be required (for example, cellphones, laptops, tablets);
(l) A statement regarding recording of classes, with reference to any University policies that might apply;
(m) A statement referring Students with disabilities to Student Accessibility Services to facilitate the implementation of accommodations, and a statement communicating willingness to meet with Students to discuss the accommodations recommended by Student Accessibility Services; and
(n) A statement regarding academic integrity, including "plagiarism and cheating" and "examination personation" as described in the Calendar and, where appropriate, references to specific course requirements for individual work and group work, such as:
(i) Group projects are subject to the rules of academic dishonesty;
(ii) Group members must ensure that a group project adheres to the principles of academic integrity.
(iii) Students should also be made aware of any specific instructions concerning study groups and individual assignments;
(iv) The limits of collaboration on assignments should be defined as explicitly as possible; and
(v) All work is to be completed independently unless otherwise specified.
2.6 Policy and Resource Document
Academic Staff shall provide to every student the information on University support offices and policies outlined in Schedule "A" to this Procedure, within the first week of classes, either through a paper copy and/or via the University’s student information system (Aurora, UM Learn, or such other University information system as may be approved by the University from time to time).
2.7 Learning Materials
Academic Staff shall specify learning materials in accordance with announced purchasing deadlines.
2.8 Changes to Course Outline and Timing Requirements
Academic Staff who wish to make changes to the method of evaluation or format of assignments in the course outline after it has been distributed to the class shall proceed as follows:
(a) Academic Staff shall, in a timely fashion:
(i) Discuss the proposed changes (e.g. in the class and/or through UM Learn) and encourage Students to provide feedback to the Academic Staff if there are any issues with the proposed changes;
(ii) Provide the revised outline to the Academic Administrator of the Unit; and
(iii) Confirm the changes in writing by providing the revised course outline to every Student registered in the course within the first week following the change, either through a paper copy and via the University’s student information system (Aurora, UM Learn, or such other University information system as may be approved by University administration from time to time).
(b) In circumstances where weighting of assignments is changed retroactively, a Student who wishes to be graded according to the original course outline must advise the Academic Staff within at least five (5) Working Days of receiving the revised outline, failing which the Student will be graded according to the revised outline. Academic Staff shall advise Students of the deadline when they provide the revised outline.
2.9 Interactions with Students
In their interactions with Students, Academic Staff shall:
(a) not deny registration for instruction in those courses for which the permission of the Academic Staff is required, except where the Student lacks appropriate qualifications or where an approved policy on limited enrolment is in effect;
(b) comply with existing human rights legislation;
(c) not accept money or other goods or services from Students for assistance with any course offered by the University. This clause, however, shall not prevent student teaching assistants or other Academic Staff from accepting payment for tutoring in courses/sections which do not fall within the scope of their University employment;
(d) be available for a reasonable amount of time, on a known and posted basis, for individual consultation with Students registered in their courses or laboratories;
(e) evaluate student academic performance in a fair and reasonable manner, and by means of appropriate academic criteria;
(f) provide early evaluative feedback as specified in the course outline (see section 2.5(g));
(g) foster an exchange of ideas between themselves and their Students in the classroom and allow Students the freedom to take legitimate exception to the data, views, or methods presented;
(h) respect the confidentiality of information about Students;
(i) keep confidential any information about the academic performance of a Student, unless release is authorized by the Student, required by his/her instructional team, or requested by an administrative officer in accordance with the University policy on the release of information;
(j) explicitly acknowledge in written or oral presentations any contribution of student research or assistance;
(k) not obtain any improper personal advantage from a Student or Student work; and
(l) not retaliate against a student who has filed a complaint, whether the complaint was substantiated or unsubstantiated.
2.10 Instruction
Academic Staff are responsible for:
(a) the organization, preparation and delivery of course material, the evaluation of student academic progress;
(b) the reporting of such evaluation in accordance with approved policies and schedules; and
(c) consultation with Students out of class or laboratory hours, and supervision of student research and thesis preparation.
2.11 Scheduled Classes
Academic Staff shall not cancel, miss, terminate or shorten scheduled instruction except for good reasons. Whenever a scheduled period of instruction is cancelled, the Academic Staff shall:
(a) inform the class at the earliest possible time;
(b) inform the Academic Administrator of his/her Unit at the earliest possible time; and
(c) where possible, ensure that appropriate substitution or make-up instruction is provided.
2.12 Evaluation
Academic Staff shall adhere to the relevant Senate-approved policy regarding professor-course evaluation.
2.13 Reporting Student Grades
Academic Staff who provide instruction shall comply with the schedules and formats for reporting student grades, as established by their Unit and the Registrar's Office. Where such grades are reviewed by Unit committees, Academic Staff should be available for the duration of the committees' work. Academic Staff must also correct any grade errors of which they become aware in a timely manner and notify the Student accordingly.
2.14 Term Work
Academic Staff shall adhere to Unit-specific policies regarding return and/or retention of term work. In the absence of Unit-specific policies, all term work shall be returned to the Student. Any unclaimed term work will be held by the Unit for 4 months from the end of the term in which the work was assigned. At the conclusion of this time, all unclaimed term work will become property of the Unit and be destroyed according to the University's common records schedule, using confidential measures for disposal.
2.15 Class Size
Where necessitated by large class sizes or other circumstances, the Unit shall ensure that Academic Staff and/or designated substitutes are available for individual consultation with Students for a reasonable amount of time on a known and posted basis.
Collective Responsibilities of Academic Staff
2.16 Course Descriptions
Through their Unit councils, Academic Staff members should review program and course descriptions periodically to ensure that the material to be presented is current and appropriate and that the Calendar information is clear and accurate.
2.17 Materials
The following material must be kept on file in the Unit's general offices and made available to Students:
(a) University and Unit policy and procedures regarding class attendance and penalties, if any, for non-compliance;
(b) the information described in section 2.5 of this Procedure in regards to materials to be provided to Students by the Academic Staff of each course section;
(c) University and Unit policy and procedures regarding the evaluation of professors and courses by Students;
(d) University and Unit policy and procedures regarding student access to final examination scripts;
(e) University policy and procedures on student discipline;
(f) University and Unit policy and procedures regarding grade appeals;
(g) University policy and related procedures on the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students;
(h) University policy and protocol regarding responding to sexual assault;
(i) University policy and related procedures on Respectful Work and Learning Environment;
(j) University policy and related procedures on Accessibility for Students with Disabilities; and
(k) University policy and related procedures on Intellectual Property.
2.18 Instruction
The Unit should ensure the provision of names of Academic Staff assigned to teach particular courses and sections at the earliest possible opportunity;
Part III: Accountability
3.1 The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for advising the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) that a formal review of this Procedure is required.
3.2 The Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) is responsible for the implementation, administration and review of this Procedure.
3.3 Academic Staff and Academic Administrators are responsible for complying with this Procedure.
Part IV: Review
4.1 Governing Document reviews shall be conducted every ten (10) years. The next scheduled review date for this Procedure is September 1, 2026.
4.2 In the interim, this Procedure may be revised or repealed if:
(a) the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or Approving Body deems it necessary or desirable to do so;
(b) the Procedure is no longer legislatively or statutorily compliant;
(c) the Procedure is now in conflict with another Governing Document; and/or
(d) the Parent Policy is revised or repealed.
Part V: Effect on Previous Statements
5.1 This Procedure supersedes all of the following:
(a) Responsibilities of Academic Staff with regard to Students Policy, effective July 4, 1979 and revised June 25, 1998;
(b) Cancellation of Scheduled Classes Policy, effective November 30, 1971 and revised November 29, 1988;
(c) all previous Board of Governors/Senate Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein; and
(d) all previous Administration Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein.
Part VI: Cross References
6.1 This Procedure should be cross referenced to the following relevant Governing Documents, legislation and/or forms:
(a) Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy;
(b) Schedule "A": Policy and Resource Document;
(c) Conflict of Interest Policy;
(d) Conflict of Interest between Evaluators and Students due to Close Personal Relationships Policy;
(e) Electronic Communication with Students Policy;
(f) Final Examination and Final Grades Policy;
(g) Grade Point Averages Policy;
(h) Intellectual Property Policy;
(i) Multi-Sectioned Courses Policy;
(j) Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy;
(k) Sexual Assault Policy;
(l) Responsible Conduct of Research Policy;
(m) Student Advocacy Office Policy;
(n) Student Discipline Bylaw;
(o) Student Academic Misconduct Procedure;
(p) Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure;
(q) Student Discipline Appeal Procedure;
(r) Teaching Evaluation Policy;
(s) The University of Manitoba Accessibility Policy;
(t) University Health Services Policy;
(u) Voluntary Withdrawal Policy.
Schedule "A": Policies and Resources
1. In accordance with section 2.6 of the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students procedure, Academic Staff shall provide the following information to every student within the first week of classes, either through a paper copy and/or via the University’s student information system (Aurora, UM Learn, or such other University information system as may be approved by the University from time to time):
(a) A list of academic supports available to Students, such as the Academic Learning Centre, Libraries and other supports as may be appropriate;
(b) A statement regarding mental health that includes referral information to resources and student supports, such as Student Counselling Centre, University Health Services and other supports as may be appropriate;
(c) A notice to respect copyright, with a reference directing Students to the University's Copyright Office;
(d) A statement directing the Student to University and Unit policies, procedures and supplemental regulations available online, with special direction to review the University's policies and procedures regarding:
(i) Academic Dishonesty: plagiarism, cheating and examination impersonation;
(ii) Student access to final examination scripts;
(iii) Student discipline;
(iv) Grade appeals;
(v) Student advocacy;
(vi) Respectful Work and Learning Environment;
(vii) Sexual Assault; and
(viii) Intellectual Property.
2. The University's Centre for Advancement Teaching and Learning will compile sample language and templates for Academic Staff to use in fulfilling the above requirements.