General Regulations – Pre-Master’s
Admission and Program Requirements
Graduates of bachelor degree programs with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.5 GPA scale (or equivalent) in the last two (2) previous years of full-time university study (60 credit hours) may be considered for admission to a Pre-Master’s program. Departments/Units may specify higher or additional criteria. Admission to a Pre-Master’s program does not guarantee future admission to a Master’s program.
The purpose of the Pre-Master’s program of study is to bring a student’s background up to the equivalent of a required four (4)-year undergraduate degree and/or provide knowledge of a particular discipline. Departments/Units should assign to students, as part of their Pre-Master’s program of study, an appropriate number of applicable upper level (3000 or 4000) undergraduate courses. These courses may not be transferred into a Master’s program. Pre-Master's students are not usually permitted to register in 7000-level courses or above, with the exception of GRAD 7300 and GRAD 7500 (or GRAD 7501), unless prior permission is granted by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or designate. If permission is granted, students may take a maximum of three (3) credit hours at the 7000 level or above and these credit hours must be taken as Occasional (“O”).
A Pre-Master’s student may only transfer a maximum of three (3) credit hours at the 7000 level into a prospective Master’s program of study.
Academic Performance
The Department/Unit Head is responsible for assigning the courses and monitoring the progress of each student.
A minimum degree grade point average of 3.0 with no grade below C+ must be maintained to continue in a Pre-Master’s program. Students who fail to maintain this standing will be Required to Withdraw unless remedial action recommended by the department/unit (as described below) is approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Students can consult Student Accessibility Services (SAS) if accommodations are required for coursework (see Accessibility Policy and Procedures).