Academic Calendar

Authorized Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Authorized Withdrawal Policy

The Policy and Procedure are available online at

Part I: Reason for Policy

1.1 The University of Manitoba provides Students with a range of course and program withdrawal options to facilitate academic progression and personal circumstances. The purpose of this Policy is to define and establish the requirements for Authorized Withdrawal at the University of Manitoba.

Part II: Policy Content


2.1 The following terms have the following defined meanings for the purpose of this Policy and its Procedures:

(a) "Authorized Withdrawal" or "AW" is an approved withdrawal from all courses in a given period for medical or compassionate reasons.

(b) "Calendar" means the University's official academic calendar for the Term and Level in which a course is taught.

(c) "College" means a Professional College as defined under the Definitions of Academic Units Policy.

(d) "Faculty" means a Faculty as defined under the Definitions of Academic Units Policy.

(e) "Leave of Absence" is a period of leave, established, administered, and approved by the Faculty/College/School that enables Students to temporarily withdraw from the University.

(f) "Level" refers to the level of the degree in which the Student is enrolled, such as undergraduate level, graduate level or non-degree level.

(g) "Official Record" is a Student’s complete academic history at the University of Manitoba that is maintained by the Registrar’s Office. Official Records are available in the form of an Official Transcript or a Student History.

(h) "Official Transcript" is an official document printed on secure paper and signed by the Registrar that reflects a Student’s permanent record at the University of Manitoba.

(i) "Policy" means this Authorized Withdrawal Policy.

(j) "Procedure" means the Authorized Withdrawal Procedure.

(k) "Registration Revision Period" is the period after the beginning of classes within which students may withdraw from a course or courses without academic or financial penalty.

(l) "School" means a "School of the University" or a "School of a Faculty", as those terms are defined under the Definitions of Academic Units Policy.

(m) "Student" refers to any person enrolled at the University.

(n) "Student History" is the complete record of a Student’s activity at the University, including a record of Authorized Withdrawals, produced for internal administrative use.

(o) "Term" is a period of time defined in the Calendar within which a course for credit may be offered, including Fall, Winter and Summer Terms.

(p) "University" means The University of Manitoba.

(q) "Voluntary Withdrawal" or "VW" is a registration option that enables students to withdraw from a course or courses after the Registration Revision Period without academic penalty.

(r) "Voluntary Withdrawal Period"” is the period after the Registration Revision Period within which students may voluntarily withdraw from a course or courses, as outlined in section 2.6 of the Voluntary Withdrawal Policy.


2.2 An AW is to be distinguished from other withdraw options at the University, including Voluntary Withdrawal and Leaves of Absence.

2.3 Requests for AW must be based on medical or compassionate grounds as outlined in Section 2.2 of the Procedure.

2.4 Faculties/Colleges/Schools may adopt supplemental regulations, subject to approval by Senate, pertaining to AW from their programs.


2.5 Requests for AW will only be considered for withdrawal from all courses in a given Term, except in extraordinary circumstances.

2.6 Requests for AW will be considered for the currently enrolled Term and for Terms dating back no more than three academic years, except in extraordinary circumstances.

2.7 Withdrawal from future Terms may be subject to supplemental regulations adopted under section 2.4 of this Policy. Students considering withdrawing from the University for future terms should consult their Faculty/College/School of registration.

Part III: Accountability

3.1 The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for advising the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) that a formal review of this Policy is required.

3.2 The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or his/her delegate is responsible for the implementation, administration and review of this Policy.

3.3 All Faculty/College/School Councils and Students are responsible for complying with this Policy.

Part IV: Authority to Approve Procedures

4.1 The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) may approve Procedures, if applicable, which are secondary to and comply with this Policy.

Part V: Review

5.1 Governing Document reviews shall be conducted every ten (10) years. The next scheduled review date for this Policy is September 1, 2026.

5.2 In the interim, this Policy may be revised or repealed if:

(a) The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or the Approving Body deems it necessary or desirable to do so;

(b) the Policy is no longer legislatively or statutorily compliant; and/or

(c) the Policy is now in conflict with another Governing Document.

5.3 If this Policy is revised or repealed all Secondary Documents, if applicable, shall be reviewed as soon as possible in order that they:

(a) comply with the revised Policy; or

(b) are in turn repealed.

Part VI: Effect on Previous Statements

6.1 This Policy supersedes all of the following:

(a) Voluntary Withdrawal Policy, effective February 1, 1977 and revised May 13, 1993, and December 7, 2005;

(b) all previous Board of Governors/Senate Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein; and

(c) all previous Administration Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein.

Part VII: Cross References

7.1 This Policy should be cross referenced to the following relevant Governing Documents, legislation and/or forms:

(a) Authorized Withdrawal Procedure;

(b) Definitions of Academic Units Policy;

(c) Voluntary Withdrawal Policy.

Authorized Withdrawal Procedure

Part I: Reason for Procedure

1.1 To outline the Procedures to be followed in order to comply with the Authorized Withdrawal Policy.

Part II: Procedural Content

2.1 These Procedures are to be read in conjunction with the Policy and all terms defined in the Policy shall have the same meaning in this Procedure.

2.2 An AW may be approved under the following circumstances:

(a) Medical Grounds. When a serious event, including but not limited to illness, accident or injury affects a student’s ability to attend classes and/or complete course requirements; and/or

(b) Compassionate  Grounds. When an extraordinary personal circumstance, including but not limited to a serious illness or death of a significant person in a Student’s life affects a Student’s ability to attend classes and/or complete course requirements.

2.3 Ceasing to attend a class or classes will not constitute an AW. In cases where a request for an AW is not approved, a Student will remain enrolled in, and will receive a final grade for all registered courses.

Requests for Authorized Withdrawal

2.4 Requests for AW's at the undergraduate Level must be submitted to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty/College/School of registration and will be processed through the Dean's Office of the Student's Faculty/College/School of registration.

2.5 Requests for AW's at the graduate Level must be submitted to the head or graduate chair in the department in which the Student is registered, for recommendation to and approval by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

2.6 An AW request must include the following:

(a) Official request form: The Request for an Authorized Withdrawal Form is available through the Dean’s Office of the student’s Faculty/College/School of registration, or from Student Advocacy.

(b) Letter of Explanation written by the student and detailing how the circumstances or symptoms affected their ability to attend classes and/or complete course requirements;

(c) Supporting documentation including but not limited to:

(i) Letters or documents from objective, credible and verifiable health care professionals. Students are encouraged to consult the Guidelines for Health Care Professionals that are available through the Office of Student Advocacy;

(ii) A funeral program and/or obituary;

(iii) A police report or auto accident report; and/or

(iv) Travel receipts (e.g., airline, rail, bus).

2.7 If an AW request is approved, a Faculty/College/School may impose conditions prior to re-enrolment including, but not limited to, meeting with an academic advisor, producing a certificate of fitness to return to studies, and/or making use of support services on campus.

2.8 In limited enrolment programs, re-enrolment following an AW may be subject to availability of space.

Responsibilities of the Student

2.9 Students are responsible for considering all implications prior to requesting an AW. Withdrawal may affect academic progression, financial aid eligibility, CIS athletic eligibility, entrance into professional programs, and/or student visa requirements.

Responsibilities of the Faculties/Colleges/Schools

2.10 Faculties/Colleges/Schools are required to consider requests for AW and to direct the Registrar’s Office to process approved requests.

2.11 Faculties/Colleges/Schools are required to notify students of the outcome of their AW request in a timely manner.

2.12 Faculties/Colleges/Schools are responsible for ensuring that the receipt, storage and disposal of personal information are appropriately managed and secured under The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and the University’s Access and Privacy Policy and Procedures.

2.13 Faculties/Colleges/Schools must provide an annual report on AW applications and approvals to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic).

Official Records

2.14 An AW will appear on a Student History but will not appear on Official Transcripts issued by the University.

Tuition Fee Refund

2.15 The approval of an AW request will not automatically result in a tuition fee refund. Students must apply to the Registrar’s Office for a refund using the Tuition Fee Appeal Form, available at the Registrar’s Office.

Appeal Process

2.16 The process for appealing an unsuccessful AW request will be subject to the policies and procedures established by the Student’s Faculty/College/School of registration or enrolment.

2.17 Faculties/Colleges/Schools must disclose to the Student the length of time available to appeal an unsuccessful AW request.

Part III: Accountability

3.1 The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for advising the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) that a formal review of this Procedure is required.

3.2 The Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or his/her delegate is responsible for the implementation, administration and review of this Procedure.

3.3 All Faculty/College/School Councils and Students are responsible for complying with this Procedure.

Part IV: Review

4.1 Governing Document reviews shall be conducted every ten (10) years. The next scheduled review date for this Procedure is September 1, 2026.

4.2 In the interim, this Procedure may be revised or repealed if:

(a) the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), or Approving Body, deems it necessary or desirable to do so;

(b) the Procedure is no longer legislatively or statutorily compliant;

(c) the Procedure is now in conflict with another Governing Document; and/or

(d) the Parent Policy is revised or repealed.

Part V: Effect on Previous Statements

5.1 This Procedure supersedes all of the following:

(a) Voluntary Withdrawal Policy, effective February 1, 1977 and revised May 13, 1993 and December 7, 2005;

(b) all previous Board of Governors/Senate Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein; and

(c) all previous Administration Governing Documents on the subject matter contained herein.

Part VI: Cross References

6.1 This Procedure should be cross referenced to the following relevant Governing Documents, legislation and/or forms:

(a) Authorized Withdrawal Policy;

(b) Access and Privacy Policy and Procedure;

(c) Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals;

(d) Tuition Fee Appeal Form