Price Faculty of Engineering
General Office
Dean: Dr. Marcia Friesen, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Dean(s): Dr. Karen Dow, Ph.D., P. Eng.(Undergraduate Programs); Dr. Cyrus Shafai, Ph.D.,P.Eng. (Research and Graduate Programs); Dr. Paul Labossiere, Ph.D., P.Eng., (Design Education)
Campus Address/General Office: E2-290 EITC (Engineering and Information Technology Complex)
Telephone: (204) 474 9809
Fax: (204) 275-3773
Email Address:
The Profession of Engineering
Engineers use fundamental principles and energy sources from the natural world and direct them to the benefit of people. They interpret science in terms of material, human needs and, managing personnel, cost, and supplies. The profession is involved in all aspects of construction and manufacturing, including conceptualization, design, preparation of plans and specifications, and fabrication of products to meet predetermined standards of reliability and performance. Engineers acquire competence through instruction in basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences; by introduction to the processes of synthesis and design; by complementary studies in the humanities, social sciences, and management; by learning from the skills and experience of more senior engineers during the early years of employment.
The educational objective in the Price Faculty of Engineering is to prepare students for positions of leadership in a world where engineering, science, and management are of major importance.
Engineering Access Program
Campus Address/General Office: E2-442 EITC
Telephone: (204) 474 9872 toll free: 1 800 432 1960 ext. 9872
Fax: (204) 474 7518
Email Address:
The Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) recognizes that students of First Nation, Metis, and Inuit ancestry may be challenged with geographic and economic barriers, and/or lack of access to academic preparation, which may make them unable to meet the faculty’s admission requirements. ENGAP serves as a specifically designed post-secondary program that provides an opportunity for students to complete their Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering. The program accomplishes this objective by offering upgrading courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science, as well as providing academic advice, personal and family counselling along with financial supports. First Nation, Metis, and Inuit students who do meet the regular entrance requirements may still wish to join the program to benefit from these supports.
Degree/Diploma | Years to Completion | Total Credit Hours | Has Co-op Option |
Degree/Diploma Biosystems Engineering, B.Sc. | Years to Completion 4-5 | Total Credit Hours 154-156 | Has Co-op Option Yes |
Degree/Diploma Civil Engineering, B.Sc. | Years to Completion 4 | Total Credit Hours 165-167 | Has Co-op Option Yes |
Degree/Diploma Computer Engineering, B.Sc. | Years to Completion 4 | Total Credit Hours 153.5-159.5 | Has Co-op Option Yes |
Degree/Diploma Electrical Engineering, B.Sc. | Years to Completion 4 | Total Credit Hours 159.5-164.5 | Has Co-op Option Yes |
Degree/Diploma Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. | Years to Completion 4 | Total Credit Hours 157-162 | Has Co-op Option Yes |
Degree/Diploma Preliminary Engineering Program | Total Credit Hours 37.5 | Has Co-op Option no |
Available Minors
- Arts
- Computer Science
- Earth Sciences
- Leadership for Business and Organizations
- Management
- Mathematics
- Music
- Recreation Studies
Admissions Suspended - Internationally Educated Engineers Qualification Program (IEEQ) - Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering
The following program has been suspended. Please refer to the UM Past Academic Calendars for the curriculum of this program.
Regarding the Internationally Educated Engineers Qualification Program (IEEQ) - Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering: Admission to this program is suspended effective September 2023. Student admitted to the Price Faculty of Engineering prior to September 2023 should contact the Engineering Undergraduate Program Office for program planning advice.
- Admission to the Price Faculty of Engineering
- Academic Regulations
- Appeals
- Attendance and Approved Leaves
- Categories of Students
- Complementary Studies Electives
- Procedure Regarding the Inclusion of Elective Courses Taken Towards a Student's Degree Requirements
- Course Selection
- Examinations
- Grading and Assessment
- Minors in Engineering
- Professional Registration
- Requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree
- Student Progress and Academic Status
- Limit on Time in the Preliminary Engineering Program
- Students Applying to an Engineering Program
- Use of Calculating Devices
- Withdrawal from Courses
Faculty Academic Regulations
Admission to the Price Faculty of Engineering
The following is a summary of the admission requirements. Equivalent academic courses completed at recognized universities elsewhere will be considered. All admission requirements, as well as application deadline dates and forms, are included in an applicant information bulletin that is available from the Admissions Office, Enrolment Services, 424 University Centre; this information is also posted on the university’s website.
Direct Admission into the Price Faculty of Engineering from High School
Applicants may apply directly to the Preliminary Engineering Program from a Manitoba high school (or the equivalent) and must meet the General Entrance and Specific Admission Requirements for the Price Faculty of Engineering. The General Admission Requirement is a Manitoba (or equivalent) high school graduation. The Specific Admission Requirements is a minimum 80% average over the following four subjects, with no less than 70% in each course: Chemistry 40S, Precalculus Mathematics 40S, Physics 40S, and English 40S. In cases where the number of eligible applicants exceeds the available spaces, applicants will require higher averages than stipulated to be successful in the admissions competition.
Please see the website for more detailed information.
All Other Admissions
A minimum of 8 of the 12 courses in the Preliminary Engineering Program, each with a minimum grade of “C”, and a minimum Adjusted Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.0. In addition, if the total number of credit hours attempted by the student in all courses that apply in the Price Faculty of Engineering meets or exceeds 72, then the ratio of those credit hours passed (from all courses with a grade of “C” or better that are applicable to the student’s potential Engineering program) to total credit hours attempted must be greater than or equal to 75%. Furthermore, if the student has attempted less than 72 credit hours, the total number of failed credit hours (from all courses with a grade of “D” or “F” that are applicable to the student’s potential Engineering program) must not exceed 18 credit hours in order to be eligible to be considered for admission.
Acceptance to Engineering programs is competitive. Courses must be completed within ten years of the application date in order to be considered for transfer credit.
English and Mathematics Requirements
All students are required to complete the University written English and mathematics requirement within the first 60 credit hours of their program. The requirement is described in the chapter General Academic Regulations and Requirements of this Calendar. In the Engineering programs the mathematics requirement is satisfied by one of MATH 1510 or MATH 1710 (or an equivalent); the written English requirement is satisfied by completing a course selected from the list of approved Written English Courses for Engineering Students listed below.
Note that courses transferred from other institutions are evaluated for content, but are not assessed for the written English requirement unless the student explicitly requests such an assessment. Therefore, students wishing to transfer a course from another institution which may be considered equivalent to a course on the list of Written English Courses for Engineering Students should request that the transfer be assessed as meeting the written English requirement. If the assessed course is found not to meet the requirement, the student will be compelled to complete another course from the list.
Written English Courses for Engineering Students
Course | Title | Hours |
ASIA 1420 | Asian Civilizations to 1500 (B) | 3 |
ASIA 1430 | Asian Civilization from 1500 (B) | 3 |
CATH 1190 | Introduction to Catholic Studies | 3 |
ENGL 1200 | Representative Literary Works | 6 |
ENGL 1300 | Literature since 1900 | 6 |
ENGL 1340 | Introduction to Literary Analysis | 3 |
ENGL 1400 | Thematic Approaches to the Study of Literature | 3 |
GPE 2700 | Perspectives on Global Political Economy | 3 |
GRMN 1300 | Masterpieces of German Literature in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 1310 | Love in German Culture in English Translation (C) | 3 |
Any 1000 level HIST course 1 | 3-6 | |
Any 2000 level HIST course 1 | 3-6 | |
INDG 2020 | The Métis in Canada | 3 |
POL 1900 | Love, Heroes and Patriotism in Contemporary Poland | 3 |
POL 2600 | Polish Culture until 1918 | 3 |
POL 2610 | Polish Culture 1918 to the Present | 3 |
POLS 1502 | Introduction to Political Studies 2 | 3 |
RLGN 1440 | Evil in World Religions | 3 |
RLGN 2036 | Introduction to Christianity | 3 |
RLGN 2140 | Introduction to Judaism | 3 |
RLGN 2160 | Hebrew Bible (Tanakh/"Old Testament") | 3 |
RLGN 2170 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 |
RLGN 2222 | The Supernatural in Popular Culture | 3 |
RLGN 2590 | Religion and Social Issues | 3 |
RUSN 1400 | Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation | 3 |
RUSN 2280 | Russian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
RUSN 2290 | Russian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
RUSN 2310 | Exploring Russia through Film | 3 |
UKRN 2200 | Ukrainian Myth, Rites and Rituals | 3 |
UKRN 2410 | Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Experience | 3 |
UKRN 2590 | Ukrainian Literature and Film | 3 |
UKRN 2770 | Ukrainian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
UKRN 2780 | Ukrainian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
UKRN 2820 | Holodomor and Holocaust in Ukrainian Literature and Culture | 3 |
WOMN 1500 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Humanities | 3 |
WOMN 1600 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences | 3 |
WOMN 2560 | Women, Science and Technology | 3 |
- 1
Unallocated credits may not be used
- 2
This course requires a laboratory
Academic Regulations
The provisions of the, General Academic Regulations, and the, University Policies and Procedures, apply to all students. In addition, the Price Faculty of Engineering has regulations and requirements, published below, which apply specifically to its students. Notwithstanding the regulations given in this section, the Faculty Council of Engineering reserves the right to rule on individual cases in exceptional circumstances.
Limited Access will not affect registration for the current Academic Year, which includes Fall, Winter, and Summer terms. See University Policy and Procedures – Repeat Course Policy – Section 2.5 (a) Limited Access.
Students who feel that they have received unfair treatment in a course should appeal to the instructor. If the matter is not thereby resolved, it should be raised with the Department Head and subsequently the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs).
A student's academic status is based on academic performance. Students who feel that there are circumstances that have affected their academic performance should write to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs), Chair of the Committee on Standing and Appeals, E1-262 EITC. Information regarding this process is available from the Undergraduate Student Services Office, E1-262 EITC and may be viewed through web site.
Attendance and Approved Leaves
Attendance and Participation in Courses
Regular attendance and participation is expected of all students in all courses. Excused absences for medical or compassionate reasons must follow the UM policies. When the number of unexcused absences and/or incomplete coursework in any course exceeds 10 percent, the instructor shall report the case to the Department Head. If a student’s attendance or work continues to be unsatisfactory, the case will be referred to the Associate Dean Undergraduate Programs who may initiate debarment of the student. Students who are debarred for inadequate attendance and participation prior to the VW deadline can choose to VW the course. Students who are debarred after the VW deadline will receive a failing grade.
Leaves of Absence
Students may choose not to register for courses in any term at their own discretion. However, doing so will not extend a student's time to completion as set out in Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree.
In exceptional cases, students may make a written application to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) for a Leave of Absence from their studies when significant circumstances (i.e. parental, medical or compassionate) affect their ability to continue in their program. Supporting documentation may be required. Leaves of absence must correspond with the start and end of (an) academic term(s) for a period of time normally not to exceed one (1) year. The limit on a student's time to complete their Engineering program, as set out in Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree, will be extended by the duration of the approved Leave of Absence.
For situations affecting a student's ability to complete courses already in progress, see Withdrawal from Courses.
Notwithstanding a Leave of Absence, student may choose not to register for courses in any term at their own discretion. However, doing so will not extend a student's time to completion as set out in Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree..
Categories of Students
A student shall normally register for three to six courses in a term. Registration for more than six or fewer than three courses in a term must be approved by the Department Head or, in the preliminary program, by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). Students must also receive approval for registration in courses that are not part of the regular degree program.
All undergraduate programs offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering are full-time programs. Engineering considers registration in 15 credit hours per term to be a full course load. Full-time status is defined as being registered in at least 60 percent of this load, or 9 credit hours per term. Scholarships and other awards may require registration in more than this minimum.
Complementary Studies Electives
Complementary studies electives are an integral part of the curriculum. Their purpose is to broaden the student’s experience beyond the purely scientific and technical content of engineering. They include studies in engineering economics and the impact of technology on society, as well as the central issues, methodologies and thought processes characteristic of the humanities and social sciences. Opportunities for development of the student’s oral and written communication skills are also provided. The complementary studies elective requirements may vary from one program to another. Course numbers beginning with a 0 (i.e. ENGL 0930) are not allowed as complementary studies electives and ARTS 1110 cannot not be used for credit in the Price Faculty of Engineering.
Procedure Regarding the Inclusion of Elective Courses Taken Towards a Student's Degree Requirements
Upon Admission Into Engineering
At the time of admission, students may choose to apply (transfer) some or all eligible non-Engineering elective courses (i.e., complementary studies electives, science electives, free electives) taken prior to their admission to the Faculty towards their current Engineering degree program. All attempts for those selected courses shall be applied to the student’s degree program and included in the calculation of Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA).
After Admission Into Engineering
Grades for all eligible courses (i.e., technical electives, complementary studies electives, science electives, free electives) attempted following admission to Engineering shall be included in and applied to a student's current degree program.
Special cases for either circumstance may be considered at the discretion of the Price Faculty of Engineering Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs).
Course Selection
When arranging a program of study, a student must satisfy the following requirements:
- All prerequisite and corequisite course requirements must be met.
- All previously failed compulsory courses must be repeated. Students repeating a course previously taken are subject to Limited Access. Limited Access information may be viewed on the Registrar's Office web site.
- Students are not normally allowed to repeat courses graded “C” or higher, except under special circumstances with the approval of the Department Head, or for students in the Preliminary Engineering Program, of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs).
- Failed elective courses may be repeated or replaced with alternative elective courses, however, all attempts will be included in the degree grade point average calculation.
Prerequisite Course: A prerequisite course must have been completed with a “C” grade or better before a subsequent course can be attempted. Under exceptional circumstances, a course instructor may waive, subject to approval by the Department Head (or designate), a prerequisite requirement.
Corequisite Course: A corequisite course must be taken concurrently or before its companion course. Under exceptional circumstances, a course instructor may waive, subject to approval by the Department Head (or designate), a corequisite requirement.
Deferred Examinations
If you miss a final examination for medical or compassionate reasons, you may be granted a deferred examination. Applications for a deferred examination after the examination has been missed must be filed within 48 hours of the date of the missed examination. A medical certificate or other appropriate documentation may be required.
(Please refer to the General Academic Regulations-Deferred Examinations for more information)
Deferred Examinations are normally scheduled to take place within 30 working days from the end of the examination series from which the examination was deferred. The date of the deferred examination for a particular course will be set by the Dean’s Office no later than January 15, May 15 or Sept 15 and in consultation with the instructor.
Supplemental Examinations
A student who has attempted to meet all requirements for the degree and has a single failure in an Engineering course taken in their final academic year may apply for a supplemental examination in that course. Supplemental examinations may not be requested for any other reason. A student shall only be permitted to exercise the privilege of writing a supplemental examination once in their degree program.
The grade for a course in which a supplemental examination is written shall be calculated in the following manner, with the grade reported being the greater of these two calculations:
- The supplemental examination shall have the same percentage weighting as the original examination;
- The supplemental examination shall have the percentage weighting equal to the combined weight of the original examination and all term tests.
Both the original course grade and the supplemental examination course grade are retained on the student's record, and both are used in the calculation of TGPA and DGPA.
In the event that the supplemental examination is not successfully passed, the course must be repeated again in a subsequent term.
The supplemental examination privileges apply only to courses offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering.
Challenge for Credit
Courses offered in Engineering may not be challenged for credit.
Grading and Assessment
All grades awarded by instructors for undergraduate courses offered in the Price Faculty of Engineering are reviewed by examiners’ boards, which comprise all of the instructors in the student’s program year. After approval by department councils, grades are presented to the Faculty Council of Engineering for acceptance. Grades are published subsequent to their approval by the Faculty Council of Engineering.
Following are the descriptions of grade point averages used for evaluation at end of each of the terms (Fall, Winter, and Summer):
Term Grade Point Average (TGPA)
The Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) is computed from all of the final grades in all undergraduate courses completed during a given academic term.
Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA)
The Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) is computed from the final grades obtained in all courses attempted, including applicable courses transferred from other faculties and other institutions, as part of a student’s current degree program. Where a course has been repeated or replaced by an approved substitution or equivalent course, all attempts shall be included in the computation.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed from the final grades in all undergraduate courses attempted at the University of Manitoba and courses transferred from other faculties and other institutions.
Dean’s Honour List
A continuing student who achieves a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of 3.50 or higher in their most recent academic term will be placed on the Dean’s Honour List. The assessment is based on a minimum of 12 credit hours completed in that term. In addition, a graduating student who achieves a Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) of 3.5 or higher in their final academic evaluation will graduate on the Dean’s Honour List and receive a notation indicating this on their final term transcript.
A number of scholarships, bursaries and other academic awards are available to Engineering students. For information concerning awards (prizes, scholarships, and bursaries), please visit the Faculty web site.
Minors in Engineering
In meeting the specific requirements for any minors available to Engineering students, no more than 50% of the credit hours required for a minor may be common with those forming part of a student's regular Engineering program. Normal pre-requisites and class size restriction apply to courses taken towards minors.
Arts Minor
A Minor in Arts is available to Engineering students. The minor consists of 18 credit hours of Arts courses, including a minimum of 6 credit hours in the Humanities and 6 credit hours in the Social Sciences; students must meet all pre-requisite requirements and all courses must be at the 1000 level or higher. ARTS 1110 may not be included in the minor. Depending on the approval of the Engineering department, courses used for the minor may also be used to fulfill program requirements in Engineering.
Computer Science Minor
A Minor in Computer Science is available to Engineering students. The minimum requirement is 18 credit hours of computer science courses subject to the following constraints:
- Courses COMP 1012, COMP 1020, and COMP 2140 are compulsory;
- Nine (9) additional credit hours of COMP courses at the 2000 level or above; and
- registration in computer science courses will be controlled by normal pre-requisites and class size restrictions.
Earth Sciences Minor
The Minor in Earth Sciences includes the following set of courses:
- GEOL 1340;
- One of the following three courses: GEOL 1400, GEOL 1410 or GEOL 1420;
- Twelve (12) credit hours of 2000-level or above courses in Earth Sciences
Leadership for Business and Organizations Minor
The minor in Leadership for Business and Organizations offered by the Faculty of Management is available to Engineering students. The minor consists of 18 credit hours of approved coursework. Please see the Leadership for Business and Organizations Minor for Non-Business Students under Faculty of Management/I.H. Asper School of Business.
Management Minor
The Minor in Management offered by the Faculty of Management is available to Engineering students. The minor consists of any 18 credit hours of Management courses; students must meet all prerequisite requirements. Depending on the approval of the Engineering department, courses used for the minor may also be used to fulfill program requirements in Engineering. Admission requirements for the minor are based on all courses transferred to Engineering or completed while in Engineering; the requirements are a minimum of 30 credit hours applied to their degrees with a minimum Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) of 3.00. Up to 10 spaces are available each year for engineering students on a competitive basis. Applications can be made in the Engineering Dean’s office by May 30th. Students not granted a reserve space in the minor, but who have successfully completed 18 credit hours of Management courses at the time of graduation, will qualify for the Management Minor.
- Civil Engineering students only may use CIVL 2780 for credit towards the Management Minor in Engineering.
- Mechanical Engineering students only may use MECH 3170 for credit towards the Management Minor in Engineering.
Mathematics Minor
A Minor in Mathematics is available to Engineering students. The minimum requirement is 24 credit hours of mathematics courses subject to the following constraints:
- the students must notify their home department that they are pursuing the minor;
- up to 12 credit hours of mathematics courses in a student’s engineering program may be counted toward the minor;
- the student must complete at least 6 credit hours of courses from the mathematics department at the 3000 level or higher that are not included as part of the curriculum in the student’s engineering program; and
- approval of the Department of Mathematics is required for courses outside of the regular engineering program.
Music Minor
The Minor in Music requires 18 credit hours of MUSC courses and students are subject to the regulations set by the Marcel A. Desautels Faculty of Music. Please see Music Minors for students in the Price Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Science under the Marcel A. Desautels Faculty of Music.
Recreation Studies Minor
The Minor in Recreation Studies requires 18 credit hours of approved coursework. Students are subject to the regulations set by the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. Please see Minor in Recreation Studies under Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management.
Professional Registration
In order to practice engineering in any province or territory in Canada, it is necessary to be a member of the professional engineering association of that province or territory. The requirements for membership are acceptable academic preparation and a subsequent period of acceptable engineering experience gained under the supervision of a registered professional engineer. The undergraduate programs in Biosystems, Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), reflecting acceptable academic preparation for membership in the association of professional engineers in any province or territory in Canada. Through a mutual recognition agreement, these programs are also recognized as satisfying accreditation requirements in many other countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, and Hong Kong.
Graduates of an accredited program are eligible to apply for membership as an engineering intern, in the association of professional engineers in their province of residence in Canada. After a period of acceptable experience, they are eligible to apply to the association for registration as a professional engineer in that province.
Requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree
The requirement for a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering is a grade of “C” or better in all courses in the student’s program. All students are governed by the rules in effect at the time of their first registration in Engineering.
A student must complete at least 50 per cent of an engineering degree program as a full-time student in the Price Faculty of Engineering. Unless otherwise approved by the Dean of Engineering, students must complete all degree requirements within seven calendar years after being accepted into an Engineering departmental program.
Degree with Distinction
A student who on graduation achieves a Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) of 3.80 or higher is awarded the degree “With Distinction.”
Criteria for Medal Awards
The Price Faculty of Engineering Program Medal shall be awarded to the graduating student in each engineering program who has achieved the highest Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) (minimum of 3.80) with no distinction as to full- or part-time status. The Program Medal will be awarded at spring convocation to the student who has completed that program in the past academic year (including October and February graduands).
The University Gold Medal for the Price Faculty of Engineering shall be awarded to the graduating student in the Price Faculty of Engineering who has achieved the highest Degree Grade Point Average (DPGA) (minimum of 3.80) for the entire program with no distinction as to full- or part-time status.
Student Progress and Academic Status
A student’s academic status shall be evaluated at the conclusion of every academic term in which they receive a final grade in a minimum of 6 credit hours of course material, with the assessment being based on the resulting Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) in those courses.
Notwithstanding the above, students will become Ineligible to Proceed in Engineering if at any time the ratio of credit hours passed (from all courses with a grade of "C" or better that are applicable to the student's Engineering program) to total credit hours attempted for that student drops below 75% and the student has attempted a minimum of 72 credit hours.
The academic assessments are as follows:
Preliminary Program:
Good Academic Standing
A student with a TGPA of 2.00 or higher is in Good Academic Standing. This will be notated as “Faculty Minimum Met” or “Satisfactory” on the student academic transcript.
Academic Warning
The first time the student’s TGPA drops below 2.00, they will receive an Academic Warning. Students who receive such a warning are required to meet with an academic advisor.
Academic Probation
The second time that a student’s TGPA drops below 2.00, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. The student will be required to meet with an academic advisor who will assign remedial actions which may include but are not limited to follow-up meetings, participation in skill building workshops determined by the advisor such as study skills, time management, academic writing, test/exam preparation, career development and planning and/or referrals to student support resource units.
Ineligible to Proceed in the Preliminary Program
The third time that a student's TGPA drops below 2.00, the student will be Ineligible to Proceed in the Preliminary Engineering program.
Departmental Programs and Post-baccalaureate Diploma Students:
Good Academic Standing
A student with a TGPA of 2.00 or higher is in Good Academic Standing. This will be notated as "Faculty Minimum Met" or "Satisfactory" on the student academic transcript.
Academic Probation
The first time that a student's TGPA drops below 2.00, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. The student will be required to meet with an academic advisor who will assign remedial actions which may not include but are not limited to follow-up meetings, participation in skill building workshops determined by the advisor such as study skills, time management, academic writing, test/exam preparation, career development and planning and/or referrals to student support resource units.
Required to Withdraw
The second time that a student’s TGPA drops below 2.00, the student will be Required to Withdraw. Students who receive such a suspension shall be ineligible to take courses offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering from the end of the term for which the suspension was issued through to the start of that same term in the subsequent academic year (normally, a period of 8 months.)
In order to be reinstated following the suspension period, the student must submit a written request for reinstatement to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). Applications must be received between 45-60 days in advance of the effective date of reinstatement; requests made earlier than 60 days in advance will not be accepted.
Ineligible to Proceed in Engineering
The third time that a student's TGPA drops below 2.00, the student will be Ineligible to Proceed in their Engineering program.
Starting Afresh
Students who have become Ineligible to Proceed in Engineering may apply to the Dean for permission to start their degree afresh, should they wish to return to the Price Faculty of Engineering. At the discretion of the Dean, a student may start afresh in an engineering program after a minimum period of two years from their last academic assessment by the Price Faculty of Engineering, and may request to transfer up to 40 credit hours in which a minimum grade of "C+" was achieved. All previous courses will remain on the student's academic transcript, but will not be applied to their new program.
Limit on Time in the Preliminary Engineering Program
Students admitted to the Preliminary Engineering Program shall have two years to complete the minimum course requirements and submit an application for possible acceptance into an Engineering program. In the case of students admitted to the program through the Engineering Access Program the limit shall be three years.
Students who fail to meet this criterion shall be required to withdraw from Engineering. Such students may subsequently apply to an engineering program after successfully completing all courses forming the Preliminary Engineering Program.
Students Applying to an Engineering Program
Students will be accepted into department programs based on the following criteria. Students who have completed 8-12 Preliminary Engineering Program courses by May 1st of each academic year will be ranked and admitted on a competitive basis based on the average of the best eight marks in courses in the Preliminary Engineering Program.
Students applying from programs, faculties, colleges, or other institutions will have all courses or equivalent courses that are required in a particular engineering program transferred in, including failed grades (“D’s” and “F’s”) in those courses. In addition, if the total number of credit hours attempted by the student in all courses that apply in the Price Faculty of Engineering meets or exceeds 72, then the ratio of those credit hours passed (from all courses with a grade of “C” or better that are applicable to the student’s potential Engineering program) to total credit hours attempted must be greater than or equal to 75%. Furthermore, if the student has attempted less than 72 credit hours, the total number of failed credit hours (from all courses with a grade of “D” or “F” that are applicable to the student’s potential Engineering program) must not exceed 18 credit hours in order to be eligible to be considered for admission. Students are advised to consult with the Engineering Undergraduate Student Affairs Office if there is concern as to their standing under this rule.
Direct entry engineering students must submit an application for admission through the on line process, indicating their program(s) of choice. The application fee for direct entry engineering students applying to an engineering program is waived. Students from University 1 and other faculties must apply for admission through the on line process as well and will be subject to an application fee.
Use of Calculating Devices
For courses offered by the Price Faculty of Engineering in which the use of devices capable of calculations is permitted in tests or examinations, such devices must be incapable of receiving and/or transmitting signals. Instructors wishing to restrict devices to certain capabilities must inform students, in writing, within the first week of term. Questions concerning the suitability of any given device should be directed to the course instructor(s).
Withdrawal from Courses
The responsibility for initiating withdrawals rests solely with the student, and no voluntary withdrawals are permitted after the deadlines for voluntary withdrawal without academic penalty (please refer to the General Academic Regulations). For documented medical or compassionate reasons, Authorized Withdrawals may be permitted by the Dean's Office, Price Faculty of Engineering.
A student who, after registering for courses, in any term, becomes Ineligible to Proceed in Engineering will be withdrawn from his or her courses for the effective term as well as any subsequent terms, including Summer Session.
Co-operative Education and Industrial Internship Programs
Contact and Program Information
Director: Carolyn Geddert, P.Eng., Engineer-in-Residence
Tel. 204 474 8948
Cooperative Education Administrator: Megan Johnson
Telephone: 204 480 1069
The Price Faculty of Engineering offers a Co-operative education and Industrial Internship Program (Co-op/IIP) designed to complement and enrich the academic program with work experience. The work terms provide students with practical experience, assistance in financing their education, and guidance for future career specialization.
Applications are accepted for Co-op/IIP every fall. Co-op/IIP supports the application and participation of all students who meet the requirements and wish to apply. Application to Co-op/IIP is a process. The Co-op/IIP Office will work with you. Please connect with our staff via email: and refer to the web site for the benefits of Co-op/IIP.
Successful applicants to Co-op/IIP have:
- Attended an information session.
- Been accepted as an undergraduate student into an Engineering Department.
- Completed all 13 Preliminary Engineering Program courses before their first work term.
- Completed 42 credit hours towards your degree by the end of the Fall term. Students must return for at least one academic term following the completion of their final work term placement. (Application early in a student's degree program will support the completion of 3 work terms.)
- Been assessed as in Good Academic standing (GPA above 2.0). I.E. not on Probation or Academic Warning.
- Agree to follow all rules and regulations of the program as detailed in the Rules and Regulations
In addition to students following regular departmental programs, Internationally Educated Engineers Qualification (IEEQ) Program participants may also be approved for participation in Co-op/IIP upon written approval of the IEEQ Director.
Work placements must be confirmed to be appropriate by the Co-op/IIP office in order be credited as a Co-op/IIP work term.
Upon securing a job placement, Engineering students enroll in the course ENG 4800 and subsequently the specific work term of employment ENG 4810, ENG 4820, ENG 4830, ENG 4840.
Students who are unable to maintain the standards of the Co-op/IIP will be transferred back into the regular program.
The course and grade requirements for completion of the Co-op/IIP are the same as those required for the regular program. However, in order to satisfy course prerequisite requirements, timetables may differ from the regular program. Co-op/IIP students are evaluated in the same manner as regular students and all rules and regulations of the Price Faculty of Engineering apply.
Students who are placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation may either be removed from Co-op/IIP or have their acceptance deferred until they have completed two consecutive terms with an Academic Standing of “Satisfactory”.
Students who are Required to Withdraw will immediately become ineligible for Co-op/IIP and will remain ineligible after re-instatement to the Price Faculty of Engineering.
Written reports must be completed at the end of each four month work term. Each successfully completed four month work term and its corresponding report receives a Pass/Fail grade and is rated at one credit hour. Graduates who successfully complete at least three work terms and the required work term reports will have the Co-operative Education Option acknowledged on their B.Sc. graduation parchment.
For more information regarding the Co-op/IIP rules, benefits, regulations and requirements, please refer to the web site..
Academic Schedule Fall/Winter Term 2024-2025
Dates Applicable to all U of M Students
University Closure
When the University is closed no classes/examinations will be held
Event | Date |
Canada Day | July 1, 2024 |
Terry Fox Day (Civic Holiday) | August 5, 2024 |
Labour Day | September 2, 2024 |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | September 30, 2024 |
Thanksgiving Day | October 14, 2024 |
Remembrance Day | November 11, 2024 |
Winter Holiday | December 21, 2024 to January 1, 2025 |
Louis Riel Day | February 17, 2025 |
Good Friday | April 18, 2025 |
Victoria Day | May 19, 2025 |
Canada Day (Holiday Observed) | July 1, 2025 |
Terry Fox Day (Civic Holiday) | August 4, 2025 |
Dates Applicable to most U of M Students
Some additional or differing date information is included in separate sections for: Agriculture Diploma, Art (School of), Dental Hygiene, Dentistry (includes IDDP), Education (B.Ed. only), Management, Medicine (excludes Family Social Sciences), Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Education (B.Ed. only), Management, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Welcome Day Fall Term | Sept 3, 2024 |
Welcome Day Winter Term | Jan 3, 2025 |
Faculty of Architecture | August 23, 2024 |
Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management | July 4 & 9, 2024 |
Start and End Dates
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education, Management, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term | September 4 to December 9, 2024 |
Winter Term (no classes, examinations or tests will be held March 29, 2024) | January 6 to April 9, 2025 |
Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 6 to July 3, 2025 |
Registration and Withdrawal Dates
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy and other faculties, colleges and/or schools offering irregularly scheduled courses. Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy students should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule; all others should also refer to the Class Schedule.
Regular Registration Period
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | Ends September 3, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter /Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | Ends January 5, 2025 |
Registration Revision Period
Students may use this period of time to make changes to their selected courses or class schedule. Last day to drop is 1 business day prior to the end of the Registration Revision Period.
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | September 4 to 18, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 6 to 20, 2025 |
Last Date to Drop without Penalty
Last date to drop and have course excluded from transcripts; VWs will be recorded on transcripts for courses dropped after this date. There will be no refunds for courses dropped after this date. Additional or differing dates exist for Agriculture Diploma; students in this program should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term | September 17, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term classes Part A | September 17, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term classes Part B (VW recorded if dropped after Sept 18, 2023) | January 17, 2025 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 17, 2025 |
Last Date to Register/Registration Revision Deadline
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | September 18, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 20, 2025 |
Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) Deadline
Last date to withdraw and not receive a final grade; students cannot withdraw from courses after this date
Event | Date |
Fall Term classes | November 19, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term spanning classes | January 17, 2025 |
Winter Term classes | March 19, 2025 |
Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | May 15, 2025 |
Fee Payment Deadlines
A financial penalty will be assessed on accounts with an outstanding balance after this date.*
Event | Date |
Fall Term | October 2, 2024 |
Winter Term | February 5, 2025 |
- *
Please see the Last Day to Drop without Penalty
Term Breaks
Academic and administrative offices will be open during this period; no classes, tests or assignment due dates occur during this time. Additional or differing dates exist for: Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education (B.Ed. only), Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, and Respiratory Therapy. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term Break (The U of M will be closed Monday November 11 for Remembrance Day) | November 12 to 15, 2024 |
Winter Term Break (The U of M will be closed Monday February 17 for Louis Riel Day) | February 18 to 21, 2025 |
Examination and Test Dates
Students are reminded that they must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled. Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education, Medicine, and Pharmacy. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule. Students in faculties, colleges, schools or programs offering irregularly scheduled courses should also see the exam timetable available through their program office.
Event | Date |
Fall Term (includes tests and mid term exams for Fall/Winter Term classes) | December 10 to 20, 2024 |
Winter Term (includes final exams for Fall/Winter Term classes) | April 11 to 25, 2025 |
Challenge for Credit Application Deadline
Event | Date |
For classes offered Fall Term 2023 and spanning Fall/Winter 2023-2024 | September 18, 2024 |
For classes offered Winter Term 2024 | January 20, 2025 |
Final Grade Appeal Deadlines
Event | Date |
For Final grades received for Fall Term 2023 classes | January 23, 2025 |
For final grades received for Winter Term 2024 and Fall 2023/Winter 2024 classes | June 9, 2025 |
Graduation and University Convocation
Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates will be awarded at Convocation. Graduation date may differ from Convocation Ceremony date. Additional or differing dates exist for Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy; students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
For students graduating Fall 2024
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | July 25, 2024 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | August 27, 2024 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | October 22 to 23, 2024 |
Convocation Ceremony (Bannatyne Campus) | October 31, 2024 |
For students graduating February 2025
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | September 17, 2024 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | January 2, 2025 |
Graduation date for students graduating in February | February 5, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | June 4 to 6, 2025 |
For students graduating Spring 2025
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | January 17, 2025 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | March 27, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Bannatyne Campus) | May 15, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | June 4 to 6, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony - Université de Saint-Boniface | June 16, 2025 |
Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* for students graduating Fall 2025 | August 21, 2025 |
Annual Traditional Graduation Pow Wow in honour of Indigenous graduates | May 3, 2025 |
- *
Last date for receipt by Graduate Studies of Theses/Practica and reports on Theses/Practica, comprehensive examinations, and project reports from students, and lists of potential graduands from departments.
Dates for Summer Term
Start and End Dates (Generally Monday to Thursday classes)
Classes on Monday, May 19th will be made up on Friday, May 23th
Classes on Tuesday, July 1st will be made up on Friday July 4th
Classes on Monday, August 4th will be made up on Friday, August 8th
May - August courses will have no classes scheduled Monday, June 16th to Friday, June 27th
Event | Date |
May - June | May 5 to June 13, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
July - August | June 30 to August 8, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
May - August (3 credits) | May 5 to August 8, 2025 - 3 hours instruction/week |
May - August (6 credits) | May 5 to August 8, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
Registration and Withdrawal Dates
Regular Registration Period
Registration start dates are to be determined by the Registrar’s Office.
Event | Date |
May - June | Ends May 4, 2025 |
July - August | Ends June 29, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | Ends May 4, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | Ends May 4, 2025 |
Late Registration/Registration Revision Period
Students may use this period of time to make changes to their selected courses or class schedule.
Event | Date |
May - June | May 5 to May 8, 2025 |
July - August | June 30 to July 4, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 5 to May 15, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 5 to May 8, 2025 |
Last Date to Drop without Penalty
Last date to drop and have course excluded from transcripts; VWs will be recorded on transcripts for courses dropped after this date. There will be no refunds for courses dropped after this date.
Event | Date |
May - June | May 8, 2025 |
July - August | July 4, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 15, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 8, 2025 |
Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) deadline
Last date to withdraw and not receive a final grade; students cannot withdraw from courses after this date.
Event | Date |
May - June | June 3, 2025 |
July - August | July 29, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | July 17, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | July 17, 2025 |
Fee Payment Deadlines
Event | Date |
May - June | May 21, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 21, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 21, 2025 |
July - August | July 16, 2025 |
- *
A financial penalty will be assessed on accounts with an outstanding balance after this date. (determined by Financial Services)
Examination and Test Dates
Students are reminded that they must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled.
Event | Date |
May - June | June 16 to 21, 2025 |
July - August | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
Challenge for Credit
Event | Date |
Challenge for credit application deadline | |
For classes offered Summer Term 2025 | April 25, 2025 |
Engineering Courses
Develops a basic understanding of the engineering profession with emphasis on basic technical principles, Systems Engineering, and Project Management. Special emphasis will be placed upon the interface between management and engineering and the role management plays in the conduct of technical projects and manufacturing. NOTE: This course is not available for credit to students registered in the Price Faculty of Engineering.
(Lab required) The creative process; the design process; working in a team. The engineering profession from the perspective of students and professionals. Academic, legal and ethical considerations.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (60%) (or one of MATH 0401, MATH 1018, MATH 1230, MATH 1500, MATH 1501, MATH 1510, MATH 1524, MATH 1525, MSKL 0100, or the former MATH 1520, or the former MATH 1680)] and [Physics 40S (60%) (or PHYS 0900 (P) or PSKL 0100 (P) or PHYS 1018, PHYS 1050, or PHYS 1051)] and [Chemistry 40S (60%) (CHEM 0900 (P) or CSKL 0100 (P) or CHEM 1018, CHEM 1100, CHEM 1301, or the former CHEM 1300)] or their equivalents.
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
(Lab required) Statics of particles; rigid bodies, equilibrium of rigid bodies; analysis of structures; distributed forces. Not to be held with ENG 1441.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (60%) (or one of MATH 0401, MATH 1018, MATH 1230, MATH 1500, MATH 1501, MATH 1510, MATH 1524, MATH 1525, MSKL 0100, or the former MATH 1520 or the former MATH 1680)] and [Physics 40S (60%) (or PHYS 0900 (P) or PSKL 0100 (P) or PHYS 1018, PHYS 1050, or PHYS 1051)] and [Chemistry 40S (60%) CHEM 0900 (P) or CSKL 0100 (P) or CHEM 1018, CHEM 1100, CHEM 1301, or the former CHEM 1300)] or their equivalents.
Equiv To: ENG 1441
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
(Lab required) Part I: Current, voltage, energy, potential, power Ohm's law; independent sources; capacitor, inductor, ideal diode, op-amp; Kirchoff's law; simple circuits (Resistive, RC, RL, OP-Amp; Diode); introduction to ac theory (Sinusoidal waveform, phase relations of voltage and current waveforms for R,L,C. RL and RC circuits). Part II: Applications (Digital Logic, motors).
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (60%) (or one of MATH 0401, MATH 1018, MATH 1230, MATH 1500 , MATH 1501, MATH 1510, MATH 1524, MATH 1525, MSKL 0100, or the former MATH 1520 or the former MATH 1680)] and [Physics 40S (60%) (or PHYS 0900 (P) or PSKL 0100 (P) or PHYS 1018, PHYS 1050 or PHYS 1051)] and [Chemistry 40S (60%) (or CHEM 0900 (P) or CSKL 0100 (P) or CHEM 1018, CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1301 or the former CHEM 1300)] or their equivalents.
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
(Lab required) Properties of pure substances; first law for closed systems; first law for open systems; second law; examples of power cycles and refrigeration cycles.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S (60%) (or one of MATH 0401, MATH 1018, MATH 1230, MATH 1500, MATH 1501, MATH 1510, MATH 1524, MATH 1525, MSKL 0100, or the former MATH 1520 or the former MATH 1680)] and [Physics 40S (60%) (or PHYS 0900 (P) or PSKL 0100 (P) or PHYS 1018, PHYS 1050 or PHYS 1051)] and [Chemistry 40S (60%) (or CHEM 0900 (P) or CSKL 0100 (P) or CHEM 1018, CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1301 or the former CHEM 1300)] or their equivalents.
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
Occupational health and safety will be discussed from the perspectives of various professions to understand 1) the issues relevant to individual professions and 2) how these individual perspectives may conflict. The overall goal for the course is to ensure that the student gains an appreciation for the importance of occupational health and safety to society.
(Lab required) Instruction in the use of current CAD technology for conveying design through the use of graphics. Students will gain knowledge in technical drawing, 3D modelling techniques, production technology, and visual communication. Registration restricted to students in Engineering.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 2900 or the former BIOE 2580.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 2112
Students work in a team-based environment to produce deliverables comparable to the engineering workplace. In-class tutorials focus on the sharpening of individual students' writing skills through an analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking approach. Students are exposed to a variety of communicative scenarios and emphasis is placed on development of a repertoire of skills necessary for effective communication in the engineering profession. Not to be held with the former ENG 2010.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1430 and one of the courses from the list of Written English Courses for Engineering Students.
Mutually Exclusive: ENG 2010
This team-based course focuses on a rhetorical approach, communication strategies and guided practice in the design of engineering communications. May not be held with the former ENG 2010.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1430 and one of the courses from the list of Written English Courses for Engineering Students.
Mutually Exclusive: ENG 2010
This course offers an introduction to the economic aspects of the engineering discipline. It covers applied economic concepts such as: time value of money, taxation in cash flows, breakeven points, inflation of goods, cost/benefit ratios, income and depreciation, and general microeconomic concepts. The focus includes analysis techniques such as: cash flow analysis, cost-based analysis, rate of return analysis, sensitivity analysis, replacement analysis, and risk mitigation. Concepts are introduced in the context of sustainability and project management fundamentals in a professional practice setting. May not be held with CIVL 4050.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MATH 1510 (or MATH 1230, or MATH 1500, or MATH 1501).
Equiv To: CIVL 4050
Impact of technology and technological change on society-past, present, future; specific technologies, e.g. construction. machine power, computers, communications, medical, military: the process of technological change; invisible effects of technology; technology and resource use; sustainable development, limits to growth and the role of technology. May not be held with CIVL 4460 or ANTH 2430.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 or BIOE 2900.
Equiv To: CIVL 4460
Mutually Exclusive: ANTH 2430
An introduction to the practice of professional engineering in Manitoba, including culture, professional organization and regulation, employability aspects, engineering ethics and law.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification Program (IEEQ).
Mutually Exclusive: ENG 4020
Professional work assignment in business, industry, or government for cooperative education students in the IEEQ Program. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during a minimum 16-week work period. (Pass/Fail grade only).
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: enrolled in IEEQ Program with 80% of courses complete, including ENG 4010; good academic standing.
(Lab required) An introduction to the practice of professional engineering in Manitoba. Professional culture, organization and regulation; industry topics; engineering ethics and law. Emphasis on professional communication development. Restricted to students enrolled in the IEEQ Program. May not be held with ENG 4010.
Mutually Exclusive: ENG 4010
This course will cover contemporary topics relating to the practice of professional engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered. As the course content will vary from year to year, students may take this course more than once for credit.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education.
(Lab required) Methodical application of operational excellence and engineering principles and theory to address real industry problems, with emphasis on the data and fact-based engineering method of problem solving. Grounded in the Plan-Do-Study-Act system. Covers the seven step problem solving method (problem definition, examine the current situation, root cause analysis, action planning and testing, study the results, standardize the changes, and draw conclusions), applied concepts (Lean Six Sigma Management) and the fundamentals of teamwork, team dynamics and change management. It is expected that students will be challenged in terms of their understanding of the method, concepts, analytics, and the tools, and their application to solving 'real' operational problems. Students must attend both lecture and tutorial. Students will be required to attend meetings at industrial partner facilities. May not be held with MECH 4342 where the topic is Operational Excellence.
Work assignment in business, industry, or government for the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream students. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four- month professional assignment. Those registering for this course must apply for and be accepted into the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative stream. May not be held with BIOE 2000, CIVL 2900, ECE 4720, MECH 2050 or ENG 4012. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Equiv To: BIOE 2000, CIVL 2900, ECE 4720, ENG 4012, MECH 2050
Work assignment in business, industry, or government for the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream students. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment. Those registering for this course must apply for and be accepted into the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream. May not be held with: BIOE 3000, CIVL 3910, ECE 4720, or MECH 3050. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 4800
Equiv To: BIOE 3000, CIVL 3910, ECE 4720, MECH 3050
Work assignment in business, industry, or government for the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream students. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment. Those registering for this course must apply for and be accepted into the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream. May not be held with: BIOE 4000, CIVL 4920, ECE 4720, or MECH 4050. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 4810.
Equiv To: BIOE 4000, CIVL 4920, ECE 4720, MECH 4050
Work assignment in business, industry, or government for the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream students. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment. Those registering for this course must apply for and be accepted into the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream. May not be held with: CIVL 4930, ECE 4720, or MECH 4060. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 4820.
Equiv To: CIVL 4930, ECE 4720, MECH 4060
Work assignment in business, industry, or government for the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream students. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment. Those registering for this course must apply for and be accepted into the Price Faculty of Engineering co-operative education stream. May not be held with: CIVL 4940. This course is graded on a pass/ fail basis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 4830.
Equiv To: CIVL 4940
Biosystems Engineering Courses
Students will gain an understanding of overall sustainability of industrial activities, life-cycle and risk assessment techniques for sustainability, and design improvements to enhance environmental performance of engineered systems. This course will introduce basic methodologies for conducting environmental impact assessments, including physical, chemical, ecological, social and economic impacts. May not be held with the former BIOE 4480. Registration restricted to Biosystems Engineering students.
Mutually Exclusive: BIOE 4480
(Lab required) the course introduces biological principles, including cell structure and function, metabolism, photosynthesis, and structure and function of systems in plants, micro-organisms, and animals, to provide Biosystems engineering students with the necessary knowledge to solve problems involving biologically – centered systems. Students focus on various topics to demonstrate how a fundamental understanding of biology contributes to better engineering solutions. May not be held with BIOL 1020 or BIOL 1030.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1100 or the former CHEM 1300.
(Lab required) Plant and animal physiology as affected by environment for use in the design of agricultural machines, structures, and food processes for biological products; models of simulation of plant and animal growth. May not be held with the former AGRI 2200.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 2590.
Mutually Exclusive: AGRI 2200
(Lab required) this course introduces the fundamental principles of fluid flow in closed conduit and open channels. Case studies will demonstrate the importance of understanding fluid mechanics in designing water distribution systems for food production, processing, and water control within the environment. May not be held with CIVL 2790.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1440 (or ENG 1441) and (MATH 1710 or MATH 1701).
Mutually Exclusive: CIVL 2790
(Lab required) Introduction to the analysis of deformable bodies, namely the fundamental principles governing the response of solid materials to external loads. The concept of stress, strain and displacement are explained from theoretical models and appropriate engineering laboratory work. May not be held with CIVIL 2800.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1440 (or ENG1441) and (MATH 1710 or MATH 1700 or MATH 1701).
Mutually Exclusive: CIVL 2800
(Lab required) An introduction to the professional discipline of Biosystems Engineering and the philosophy of systems thinking that is used by the Biosystems engineer. Students will be introduced to several principles (i.e., safety engineering, human factors engineering and biomimicry) that should be considered during the design process, and will be given opportunity to apply these principles to design problems. The course will provide opportunity for students to develop technical communication, project mangement and teamwork skills. May not be held with BIOE 2580.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 1430.
Equiv To: BIOE 2580
(Lab required) The course will provide fundamental technical competencies from the discipline of agricultural engineering for the study of agronomy. Students will be introduced to i) concepts from "smart" farming, ii) functions of machinery for production agriculture, iii) water management for production agriculture, and iv) safe storage and handling of grains and oilseeds.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: PLNT 2500 (D).
(Lab required) This course introduces the principles of heat transfer using examples involving biological systems. The laboratory component of the course involves demonstrating and validating heat transfer theory. May not be held with the former BIOE 2110.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1460, BIOE 2790, and MECH 2150.
Mutually Exclusive: BIOE 2110
(Lab required) Engineers must frequently take measurements to inform their engineering decisions. This course introduces the basic theory and instrumentation involved in measuring physical quantities (temperature, humidity, pressure, strain, and flow) and imaging fundamentals (image acquisition, storage, and image processing).
(Lab required) this course emphasizes the importance of understanding the properties of biological materials and the design of engineered systems. The discussion focuses on the definition and the measurement of mechanical, optical, water-retaining, rheological and thermal properties of biological materials.
(Lab required) Design of structural components in machines; designing for axial tension and compression, connections for axial loadings, pinned trusses, bending, torsion, and combined loads; designing for welded connections; use of fluid power to enable movement of structural components. Students will use the computer as a design tool. May not be held with the former BIOE 4530.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 2800 or CIVL 2800 or MECH 2222.
Equiv To: BIOE 4530
(Lab required) Principles of heat transfer, steam, psychometrics, fluid mechanics, material balances, electricity and refrigeration. Cannot be held for credit in the Price Faculty of Engineering.
(Lab required) In this course students will be exposed to both the theory and physical behaviour of materials when subjected to loads. The course will be delivered using a combination of lectures and hands-on labs. The materials presented include a wide range of materials biosystems engineers may be involved with, including plastics, bone, wood, concrete, steel, other biological materials and composites.
(Lab required) An introduction to the use of reverse engineering to deduce design features from previously-designed products or systems. Considerations such as design for sustainability and design for disassembly will be discussed. Students will have opportunity to use reverse engineering principles i) to understand how components fit together to form functional systems, ii) to identify flaws and iii) to propose design improvements. Students will learn appropriate techniques for documenting the reverse engineering process. Theory of project management will also be taught and discussed.
Either an independent or a directed study including at least one of: a comprehensive literature review, an experimental research project, or an engineering design problem. The project is to be concluded by a formal report or thesis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: BIOE 3270 or approval of department.
(Lab required) Equipment and systems used in handling, mixing, size reduction, separation and size enlargement of value-added food products.
(Lab required) Light-frame buildings as a structural and environmental system; structural loads in building systems; energy (heat), moisture and air contaminants in building systems; built-environment for building occupants. Lab activities provide students with an opportunity to construct small-scale structures. Students will be introduced to alternative building systems. May not be held with CIVL 4024.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (BIOE 3110 or the former BIOE 2110) and BIOE 3590.
Mutually Exclusive: CIVL 4024
(Lab required) The purpose of this course is to familiarize senior Biosystems Engineering students with the fundamentals of imaging and spectroscopy for biosystems. Techniques of image acquisition, storage, processing, and pattern recognition will be taught. Various spectroscopy techniques and their applicability to biological materials will be discussed. Analysis of data using statistical, artificial neural networks and chemometric methods will be covered. Offered in alternate years.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 3270.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Biosystems Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
(Lab required) Biological and physical deterioration during storage. Methods of preserving and storing cereals, oilseeds, and other agricultural crops.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 3110 or the former BIOE 2110.
(Lab required) This course will provide students with an understanding of the principles involved in the design of proper conditions for processing of biomaterials for production of high-quality biofuels and bioproducts. The content of this course is built on the principles of physics, transport phenomena, thermodynamics, reaction, kinetics, fermentation, and industrial unit operations.
(Lab required) Air pollutant sources and characteristics, their impact on the environment, their behaviour in the atmosphere. Methods of sampling and measurement and the basic technological alternatives available for separation/removal and control. Particular problems of regional interest are discussed.
(Lab required) Design using wood as a structural material in light-frame buildings. Consideration of design constraints associated with sawn lumber as well as based composite materials. Emphasis on use of computer based design aids.
(Lab required) Topics covered include solid and liquid manure, manure characteristics, manure collection, storage, land application and utilization, biological treatment, design of equipment and facilities for manure handling. Environment issues, such as odour and water pollution associated with manure management will also be discussed.
(Lab required) To introduce the basic theoretical principles in the design of irrigation and drainage systems. Topics covered include the determination of irrigation depth and interval, evapotranspiration, measurement and analysis of precipitation, design of sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, selection of pumps, surface and subsurface drainage design, water quality issues, salinity management, and the environmental impact of water management practices.
(Lab required) Application and design of technology for individuals with disabilities; emphasizing the development of the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes to evaluate, design, and implement client-centred assistive technology. A multi-disciplinary approach to learning and applying knowledge will be emphasized with engineering and medical rehabilitation students collaborating on a design project.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1412.
(Lab required) The theoretical basis for the engineering design of different remediation technologies to treat contaminated soil and groundwater will be introduced. Methods for site characterization, monitoring of progress in remediation, and modeling of the remediation process will be presented. Different methods such as soil washing, air sparging, bioremediation, phytoremediation, constructed wetlands, electrokinetic remediation, reactive barriers will be discussed.
(Lab required) This course surveys bioengineering applications and medicine from a clinical engineering perspective. Topics include: clinical engineering practice; device development legislation; biomedical sensors; biosensors; biomaterials and biocompatibility; as well as the principles of and design for medical imaging equipment.
This course provides students with an introduction to medical textiles and healthcare products used in current practices, as well as fundamentals for designing textile products and devices that improve the health and quality of life of human beings. The course includes both basic topics related to healthcare and medical textiles (i.e., materials and structures, nanofibers for medical uses, comfort and health problems with textiles, biocompatibility and biostability issues) and applications of textile products for healthcare and medical end uses (i.e., protective and hygiene textiles, external devices, tissue engineering and intelligent/smart textiles).
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 2590. Pre- or Co-requisite: BIOE 3320.
Equiv To: TXSC 3500, TXSC 4500
An opportunity for the Biosystems Engineering student to practice fundamental engineering competencies (project management, technical communication) in the preparation of a preliminary design for the client. Students will be expected to demonstrate professionalism as a part of a design team. May not be held with BIOE 3580.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 3900.
Equiv To: BIOE 3580
An opportunity for the Biosystems Engineering student to validate a conceptual solution to an engineering problem through fabrication and testing of a prototype. Students will be expected to employ project management skills to ensure completion of both prototype and an engineering report for a client by the end of the semester. May not be held with BIOE 4580.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: BIOE 4900.
Equiv To: BIOE 4580
Civil Engineering Courses
(Lab required) Principles of testing; testing standards; instrumentation; data acquisition systems; mechanical properties of steel, iron, cement, concrete, asphalt, wood and composites; classification and particle size analysis of soils and aggregates.
(Lab required) Introduction to applied systems analysis approach. Use of applied systems analysis in Civil Engineering. Optimization techniques: linear programming; dynamic programming; other techniques. Evaluation: decision analysis.
(Lab required) Definition of fluid; fluid properties; variation of pressure in a fluid; hydrostatic forces; buoyancy; kinematics of flow; control volumes; continuity; Bernoulli's equation; momentum equation; energy equation; flow in closed conduits; open channel flow.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1440, MATH 1710 or MATH 1700.
Mutually Exclusive: BIOE 2790
(Lab required) Analysis of deformable bodies; stress and strain in three dimensions; equilibrium equations and strain-displacement relations; constitutive relations and mechanical behaviour of materials; radially symmetric and plane problems in elasticity; relevant experimental demonstrations.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1440, MATH 1710 or MATH 1700.
Mutually Exclusive: BIOE 2800
(Lab required) Orthographic Drawing: Object Orientation and Views, Space Dimensions, Surfaces, Lines, and Hidden Features. Computer-based Drawings. Applications: Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures, Digital Terrain Models. Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Co-requisite: CIVL 2840.
Mutually Exclusive: ENG 1400, MECH 2112
(Lab required) Geomatics in civil engineering, map-making, map-reading, computerized maps; leveling; distance measurement angles, directions, traverses; coordinate geometry; electronic survey instruments; global positioning system; geographic information systems; digital photogrammetric methods and data; aspects of route surveying. Not to be held with CIVL 2820.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre or Co-requisite: MATH 1210, Co-requisite: CIVL 2830.
Mutually Exclusive: CIVL 2820
(Lab required) Variety of numerical techniques applicable to solutions of problems in civil engineering. May not be held with MATH 2120 or MECH 2150.
(Lab required) Introduction to environmental engineering analysis concepts, basic water and wastewater quality testing. Water pollution and water quality. Design principles used for design of unit operations and processes applied in water and/or wastewater treatment.
(Lab required) Design principles are developed for water, solid/soil and air pollution control. Application of the principles in design projects which may include surface and groundwater remediation, solid waste management, landfilling, soil remediation and site assessment; municipal and industrial wastewater treatment; odour and air pollution abatement facilities.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3690.
(Lab required) One-dimensional analysis of fluid flow, seepage and heat transfer; truss, beam and frame elements; two-dimensional problems; isoparametric elements and Gauss quadrature; time-dependent problems, diffusion, consolidation, and time integration methods; introduction to commercial packages; solution of problems in civil engineering (seepage, dams, pavements).
(Lab required) Soil and rock properties: laboratory and field techniques; in situ states of stress and consolidations; constitutive models; stress beneath loaded areas and around tunnels; analysis of simple retaining structures and slopes; stability and settlement of shallow and deep foundations in soil and rock.
(Lab required) Hydraulics of uniform and gradually varied flow; backwater computation and classification of surface water profiles; hydraulic jumps, spillways, and stilling basins; flow over weirs; hydraulic models; theory of turbo-machinery.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 2790.
(Lab required) Basic hydrological processes; precipitation; evapotranspiration; infiltration and runoff; analytical methods; hydrograph theory and application; application to reservoir design; project floods and flow forecasting; statistical analysis.
(Lab required) Different structural forms and load distribution, analysis of cables; statically determinate curved, beams and frames; influence lines; energy methods and deflections of structures; flexibility and stiffness methods; computer-aided structural analysis; introduction to structural dynamics.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 2800.
(Lab required) Introduction to design of steel structures; loading calculations based on building codes; structural configurations; design of beams, columns, beam-columns and connections based on limit state design.
(Lab required) Introduction to transportation. Overview of Canada and U.S. transport systems. Fundamentals of transport systems analysis. Introduction to sequential demand modeling. Analysis and evaluation of uninterrupted flow on highways. Highway capacity and level of service. Fundamentals of traffic engineering studies. Basics of geometric design of highways. Basics of design of at-grade intersections.
(Lab required) Fundamentals of uncertainty, risk, reliability and decision making in Civil Engineering applications. Mathematical basis for analyzing the effects of uncertainty on Civil Engineering design. Data driven modelling and analysis of multi-variable Civil Engineering systems. Computer-based numerical and simulation methods to evaluate uncertainty in Civil Engineering applications. Risk analysis using Bayesian Decision Theory.
(Lab required) Introduction to the building codes that govern masonry design. Advanced design procedures for masonry members and structures. Single-story and multi-story building design.
(Lab required) Constituent materials (cement, admixtures, etc.) of concrete; performance-based design and control of concrete mixtures; fresh, hardened and durability properties of concrete.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 2770.
(Lab required) Best practices in sustainable design; current standards that govern building envelope components, cladding systems, membranes, interface details and indoor air quality. Industry challenges; presents fundamental principles of building science and demonstrates their application to the design, repair and maintenance of buildings; building systems; how environments affect material performance. May not be held with BIOE 4412 or BIOE 4700.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3760, Pre or Corequisite: CIVL 3770.
Mutually Exclusive: BIOE 4412, BIOE 4700
(Lab required) Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a product and a process; BIM concepts and workflows in a construction project life cycle; design development and coordination using BIM; model-based scheduling and cost estimating; Virtual Reality-assisted model coordination and reviews. May not be held with CIVL 4500 when titled Building Information Modelling in Construction.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 3000.
(Lab required) Special topics in structural engineering including analysis and design of prestressed concrete structures, fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP)- reinformced concrete structures, and wood structures.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: CIVL 3770.
(Lab required) Fundamentals of highway bridge engineering, base knowledge of bridge construction technology and tools for structural analysis and evaluation for most common bridge types built in North America according to current standards.
(Lab required) Dynamic loads in civil engineering; overview of structural dynamics; single-degree-of-freedom systems; free-vibration, harmonic, periodic and impulsive loads; multi-degree-of-freedom systems; distributed systems; beam vibrations; steady-state vibrations of foundations; introduction to earthquake engineering; elastic waves in soils, response and design spectrums; wind vibrations.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3760.
(Lab required) Teams of students apply environmental management techniques, such as: impact assessment, site assessment, and auditing to selected engineering construction projects and operations; several oral and written reports are required. Co- or
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
prerequisite: CIVL 3700.
(Lab required) Design of unit processes used in potable water treatment plants: solid/liquid separation, oxidation, coagulation, filtration, adsorption and disinfection. Determination of design parameters through laboratory studies. Water treatment plants design standards and guidelines.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3690.
(Lab required) Engineering principles and the practice of integrated management of solid wastes, including characteristics, sorting, utilization and final disposal in landfill. Principles of leachate and hazardous waste management and disposal.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre or Co-requisite: CIVL 3700.
(Lab required) Development of a river water quality model; waste allocation modelling; modelling of the sites selection process; analysis of environmental impact using technical and non-technical (i.e. sociological, ethical, aesthetic) parameters.
(Lab required) Introduction to the principles of groundwater chemistry; chemical evolution of natural groundwater flow systems; sources of contamination; mass transport processes; hydrochemical behaviour of contaminants; nuclear waste disposal; non-aqueous phase organics; aquifer remediation.
(Lab required) Site characterization; design and construction of surface footings, deep foundations, tunnels, earth and rock support systems; design and remediation of slopes; frozen soils and foundation design; geosynthetics and geofabrics in geotechnical construction; reinforced earth; geoenvironmental issues; tailing dams, clean-up, and remediation.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3730.
(Lab required) Case-history approach to geotechnical engineering practice from civil and mining engineering; relationship between predicted and observed behaviour; surface and shallow footings; propped walls and bulkheads; rock and soft ground tunneling; deep foundations; rock and soil slopes; culverts; geoenvironmental problems.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3730.
(Lab required) Introduction to soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. Behavior of soil subjected to various types of dynamic or cyclic loadings; liquefaction and lateral spreading of soil; design of shallow and deep foundations. retaining structures, slopes and pavements subject to seismic loading; design code provisions.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3730.
(Lab required) Introduction to the theory of groundwater flow, flow nets, regional groundwater flow, well hydraulics, role of groundwater in geologic and engineering processes, multiphase flow.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: CIVL 2790, GEOL 1340 ( or the former GEOL 2250), MATH 2130 (or MATH 2110), MATH 2132 (or MATH 2100).
Mutually Exclusive: GEOL 3450
(Lab required) Water supply and the design of water distribution systems. Urban hydrology and design of wastewater and stormwater collection systems. Manitoba specific applications will be discussed.
The student will undertake an original study involving engineering design, procedure, or experimental investigation that emphasizes the student's initiative and judgement. The student must demonstrate an ability to plan, conduct and formally report on the study by written thesis and oral presentation. May not be held with CIVL 4330.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: Completion of 120 credit hours, and [ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 (or the former ENG 2010).].
Equiv To: CIVL 4330
(Lab required) Sources and classification of hazardous and industrial wastes. Overview of the waste management problem. Theory and applications of various physical, chemical, and thermal, waste treatment processes. Waste elimination options and strategies.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3690.
(Lab required) Introduction to the theory and application of water resources planning and management as a constrained optimization problem with multiple conflicting objectives. Water laws including international, inter-provincial and local regulations will be discussed. The process for planning a water resource project, including identifying the problems and opportunities, resource and demand forecasting, plan formulation and evaluation, and optimization will be discussed.
(Lab required) Infrastructure engineering; drainage systems, maintenance engineering and management. Construction and project management; workplace health and safety, construction site field trips, construction equipment, temporary facilities, project management. Elements of law for civil engineers.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 3000 or CIVL 4050.
(Lab required) Limit state design of reinforced concrete; analysis and design of beams and one-way slabs subjected to bending and shear; bond, cracking and deflection considerations; column design; isolated footings.
(Lab required) Concepts of risk and design in transportation engineering. Bicycle and pedestrian integrated design. Design of public transportation systems. Design of sustainable streets and communities. Commercial vehicle operations. Design for trucks. Introduction to pavement engineering and design. Elements of railway engineering. Legislative and policy framework for transportation engineering.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3790.
(Lab required) Trade-offs in transportation systems analysis. Advanced sequential demand modeling. Contemporary approach to transportation planning period road safety engineering. Crash analysis, countermeasures, and evaluation. Sustainable transportation and system design. Transportation, energy use, emissions, and the environment. Transportation financing and management.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: CIVL 3790.
(Lab required) Pavement traffic loading, soil and aggregate types and properties; asphalt mix design; performance test methods; flexible and rigid pavement analysis; mechanistic-empirical structural design of pavements; surface characteristics; non-destructive testing; life-cycle cost analysis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: CIVL 3790.
(Lab required) Rainfall-runoff processes, flood routing; characteristics and mechanics of flow in (natural) channels; computer modelling of watershed hydrology and hydraulics; influence of man-made structures; river morphology, sediment transport prediction, design of a stable channel; river ice processes.
This course will cover contemporary topics in Civil Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department head.
An interdisciplinary project-based course involving engineering design, teamwork and delivered in studio format. Students are expected to work in pre-assigned teams under the guidance of professional engineers on a pre-determined project. Lecture material will cover project management, construction, environmental and economic issues. Each team will be required to give an oral presentation of their design project.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses
(Lab required) Characteristics of integrated circuits and transistors; design of DC and AC amplifiers in the steady state.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2262.
(Lab required) Boolean algebra and logic primitives, net-work simplification techniques, physical realizations, number systems and codes; analysis and design of asynchronous and synchronous sequential circuits; applications to computation, measurements, and control.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 1450
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 3090
(Lab required) Numerical methods applied to Electrical Engineering problems; mathematical models of physical systems, solutions of linear and non-linear equations, numerical differentiation and integration methods and associated errors, introduction to solution analysis. May not be held with MATH 2120.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ECE 2262, COMP 1012, MATH 2132
Equiv To: MATH 2120
(Lab required) The application of circuit concepts; network theorems and formal methods, steady state analysis, frequency and transient response, application of the Laplace transform in the analysis of linear time-invariant networks.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [ENG 1450. Pre- or corequisite: MATH 2132 or [MATH 2100 and MATH 2110].
Equiv To: ECE 2260
(Lab required) An introduction to common engineering algorithmic problem-solving approaches. Students will develop the ability to evaluate, analyze, design, and implement a wide array of generally useful algorithmic paradigms, for example, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. May not be held with the former ECE 3790.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MATH 2132. Pre- or corequisite: COMP 2140 and MATH 2136.
Equiv To: ECE 3790
(Lab required) Introduction to elementary concepts in ac circuits, electric machines, and digital sub-systems. Topics include electrical impedance, capacitors, inductors, electric motors, logic gates, decoders, multiplexing, flip flops, registers, microprocessor structures, I/O and data acquisition. Not available to students in Electrical or Computer Engineering.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 1450, MATH 2132, and a year class designation of Year 3 or Year 4.
Equiv To: ECE 3680
(Lab required) An exploration of common engineering algorithmic problem-solving approaches, focused primarily on numerical analysis problems. Students will develop the ability to evaluate, analyze, design, and implement a wide array of generally useful paradigms, for example solving linear and non-linear equations (linear algebra and root finding), curve fitting, numerical integration and differentiation, solving differential equations, and introduction to optimization and machine learning.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2400 or the former ECE 3790.
(Lab required) Application of the Laplace Transform in the analysis of linear time-invariant networks, poles, zeros and frequency response; natural frequencies; general network theorems; two ports; energy and passivity; transmission lines; time and frequency domain.
(Lab required) (Formerly ECE 2130) Fundamental laws of field theory; Maxwell's equations in integral and point form.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2240, PHYS 2152, and MATH 3132 (MATH 3100).
Equiv To: ECE 2130
(Lab required) Maxwell's equations; plane electromagnetic waves; transmission line theory; electromagnetic radiation and introduction to antennas.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3580 (or the former ECE 2130.)
(Lab required) Basic solid state theory; properties of semi-conductors; principles of metal-semiconductor junctions, p-n junctions and transistors; optoelectronic processes.
(Lab required) Fundamentals of microprocessors and microcomputers; data flow; machine programming; architectures and instructions sets; stacks, subroutines, I/0, and interrupts; interfacing fundamentals; designing with microprocessors.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2220.
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 2280
(Lab required) Design of embedded systems with real-time requirements. File, memory, I/O, and process management. Real-time operating system considerations, including multitasking, thread communication, and real-time scheduling. Debugging and testing of embedded real-time systems. May not be held with COMP 3430.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ECE 3610 and ECE 3740.
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 3430
(Lab required) Continuation of ECE 3720 , including steady state and transient performance and introductory power systems theory.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3720
(Lab required) Continuation of ECE 2160, including device models, feedback, regulators, frequency effects, oscillators, and bistability and gates.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2160.
( Lab required) This course will introduce modem concepts in telecommunications, including LANs, WANs, telephone networks, wireless and mobile networks, and Internet networks. Focus will be on design engineering, and management of networks, and on network programming for client server architectures.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: COMP 2140.
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 3720, COMP 4300
(Lab required) Principles and applications of electric power, energy conversion and machines.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2262.
(Lab required) This course will introduce students to the design and implementation of embedded systems. Topics include introduction to UML and data structures, A-to-D, D-to-A, serial bus architectures, embedded computing, bus-based computer systems, program design and analysis, networks, and hardware-software co-design.
(Lab required) Complexity and other system measures and analysis, system architectures and architectural elements for embedded systems, hardware and software, incremental design elaboration. Coding, testing, debugging, verification and validation. Project planning, cost analysis and maintenance. Real-time systems, graphical user interfaces and computational models.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: COMP 2140.
(Lab required) Reliability measures and analysis, software system architectures, system metrics, system verification for embedded systems. Coding practices for large scale embedded system development. Real- time systems, graphical user interfaces, and computational models.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3740.
(Lab required) Design methodologies for the development of digital hardware, including system specification, component allocation, functional partitioning, specification refinement, implementation, verification, and testing. Hardware-software co-design.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 4240.
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 4550
(Lab required) Executable system specification and a methodology for system partitioning and refinement into system-level components. Models and architectures, specification languages, translation to an HDL, system partitioning, design quality estimation, specification refinement into synthesizable models.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 4240 and MATH 3120.
(Lab required) Introduction to signals and systems; spectral analysis (Fourier Series) of continuous-time periodic signals; spectral analysis of aperiodic signals (Fourier Transform); the impulse response and convolution operator; frequency analysis of linear time-invariant systems; applications to filtering, communications systems, and biological systems; A/D conversion; sampling. Laboratory periods will be used to give students hands-on experience in programming many of the techniques covered in the theoretical parts of the course.
(Lab required) Introduction to the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs). Emphasis is on silicon based devices. Topics include water preparation, oxidation, thin film deposition, diffusion and ion implantation, lithography, wet and dry etching and metallization. An introduction to MEMS and micromachining technology is given.
(Lab required) Principal methods of analysis and design for feedback control systems.
(Lab required) Design of control systems by frequency domain and root locus method; state equations; introduction to nonlinear analysis.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 4150.
(Lab required) This course provides fundamental concepts of robotics, including robot classification and applications, robot kinematics, sensor and actuators, sensor interfacing, motor control, trajectory planning, and robot programming.
(Lab required) Interfacing of microcomputers to the external world: interfacing of I/0 devices with minimum hardware and software; data acquisition with and without microprocessors; data communication, transmission and logging with small computers.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 2160 and ECE 3610.
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 4550
(Lab required) Transmission of digital data; error rates, interference. Information measures, information rate and channel capacity. Coding.
(Lab required) Development and applications of random processes. Analysis and comparison of modulation schemes: AM, FM, PM, PCM.
(Lab required) Radiation fundamentals, linear antennas, point source arrays, aperture antennas, antenna impedance, antenna systems.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3590.
(Lab required) Plane, cylindrical and spherical waves, introduction to scattering and diffraction, waveguides, transmission line applications.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3590.
(Lab required) Microwave circuit analysis; passive and active devices; communication system power budget and signal-to-noise ratio calculations.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3590.
(Lab required) Power system component modelling and computational methods for system problems such as load flow, faults, and stability.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3650.
(Lab required) Generating stations. Power system stability and optimal operation. EHV-ac and HVDC power transmission. Power system protective relaying and reliability evaluation.
(Lab required) The course serves as an introduction to high voltage engineering, including basics of electrical breakdown, high voltage generation, high voltage test systems, measurement and analysis techniques as applied to power system apparatus, such as cables, insulators, transformers, and generators.
(Lab required) Thyristor device theory and operation, controlled rectifiers and line-commuted inverters, and forced commutation as applied to d/c choppers and a/c variable frequency and voltage inverters.
(Lab required) Development and application of numerical methods for the solution of electrical and computer engineering problems. Optimization techniques. Finite difference, finite element and boundary element methods. Solution of large systems of linear and non-linear equations.
(Lab required) Mathematical modelling of sampling switches. Z-transforms. Response and stability of systems involving sampling. Design of digital compensators.
(Lab required) Techniques for the system level design, simulation, fabrication,and testing of RF devices and microwave circuits, including the basics of radar and RFID technology. May not be held with ECE 4860 when titled " Design of RF Devices and Wireless Systems".
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3590.
Mutually Exclusive: ECE 4860
(Lab required) Image formation and sensing, image compression, degradation and restoration, geometrical and topological properties, pattern classification, segmentation procedures, line-drawing images, texture analysis, 3-D image processing.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3780.
(Lab required) Computational intelligence and machine learning algorithms and their application in solving complex engineering problems. May not be held with COMP 4360 or ECE 4850 when titled " Applied Computational Intelligence".
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MATH 3132.
Monte Carlo Methods, random processes, simulation of complex systems in the design of computer systems. Use of statistical interference and measures of performance in hardware and software systems.
(Lab required) This course provides an overview of parallel processing (classification of parallel processing architectures and other select topics), parallel programming strategies (embarrassingly parallel partitioning, divide-and-conquer, and other select topics), applied design and implementation of parallel software solutions (including distributed computing, shared memory computing, and GPGPU computing), and evaluation of parallel performance (time and memory complexity, speedup, efficiency, Amdahl's law, Gustafson's law). May not be held with COMP 4510.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (COMP 2140 and (ECE 2400 or the former ECE 3790)) or (ECE 2240 and ECE 3730).
Mutually Exclusive: COMP 4510
(Lab required) Introduction to wireless communications systems, network architectures, protocols and applications. Topics include mobile computing systems, signals propagation, channel modelling, modulation, and networking standards.
(Lab required) Advanced topics in computer architecture and organization, such as instruction set architecture, performance measures, pipeline processor design, data and instruction cache, data dependencies, branch prediction and penalties, superscalar architecture, multithreading, out-of-order execution, speculative execution, overlapping register windowing, and multiprocessor system design. May not be held with ECE 4850 when titled" Modern Computing Systems".
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3610.
Mutually Exclusive: ECE 4850
(Lab required) Basic theory of quantum mechanics; solution of Schrodinger equations; interaction of radiation with matter; masers and lasers; propagation, modulation, excitation and detection in optical waveguides; introduction to fiber and integrated optics.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3600.
The engineering curriculum must culminate in a significant design experience which is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and which gives students an exposure to the concepts of team work and project management.
(Lab required) Introduction to biological systems and the application of engineering principles to medical problems. Students design systems to acquire and analyze biological signals in the laboratory. Content includes introduction to relevant physiology and anatomy of cells, skeletal muscles, heart and cardiovascular systems, human balance and biomechanics, recording and analyzing biological signals (ECG, EMG,respiratory sounds), design of instrumentation amplifiers for signal conditioning, medical instrumentation safety and health hazards.
(Lab required) Implementation methodologies and technologies for digital systems, including VLSI implementations, PCB implementations, and rapid prototyping (FPGA). Not to be held with ECE 4500.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 4240.
(Lab required) Representation of discrete-time signals and systems in the time and frequency domains; the z-transform; application to various discrete-time linear time-invariant systems; design of digital filters. Laboratory periods will be used to give students hands-on experience in programming many of the techniques covered in the theoretical parts of the course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ECE 3780.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering via lectures and laboratory sessions. The specific topics and a detailed course outline will be available at the time or registration.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering via lectures and laboratory sessions. The specific topics and a detailed course outline will be available at the time or registration.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
Mutually Exclusive: ECE 4430
This lecture based course will cover contemporary topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed course outline will be available at the time of registration.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
This lecture based course will cover contemporary topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering . The Specific topics and a detailed course outline will be available at the time of registration.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
Mechanical Engineering Courses
(Lab required) Provide instruction on the application of computer aided design software packages. The students will work in groups in the design and development of a product using CAD packages and digital fabrication technologies. May not be held for credit with CIVL 2830, the former ENG 2020, ENG 2022, MECH 2010, or MECH 2012.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: ENG 1430.
(Lab required) A case-study-based introduction to modelling and numerical methods with mechanical engineering applications. Selected problems, primarily from second and third year mechanical engineering course material, will be used to teach modelling. Derivation and application of appropriate numerical methods will be performed to solve the case study problems using a hands-on approach. A high level computer language and accompanying toolkit/built-in functions will be introduced for solution of the cases. May not be held with MATH 2120.
(Lab required) Cycles, transient flow processes, entropy, gas mixtures, psychrometry combustion. May not be held for credit with MECH 2200.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 1460, (MATH 1500 or MATH 1510 and MATH 1700 or MATH 1710).
Equiv To: MECH 2200
(Lab required) Topics covered in this course include: axial and torsional loading, stress-strain and deformation in statically determinate/indeterminate systems, thermally induced stress, and stresses in beams (including reinforced beams) under pure bending and bending with shear. The mechanical properties of materials under various loading modes will be addressed.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [PHYS 1050] and [ENG 1440 or ENG 1441 (ENG 1350)] and COMP 1012 and [MATH 1710 or MATH 1700].
Equiv To: MECH 2220, MECH 2270
(Lab required) Fundamental concepts used in the analysis of fluid behaviour, pressure in stationary fluids, forces on submerged surfaces, buoyancy, integral methods, Bernoulli equation, pipeline analysis. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 2260.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: PHYS 1050 and ENG 1440 and ENG 1460 and MATH 2130 (or the former MATH 2110). Pre or Co requisite: MATH 2132 (or the former MATH 2100).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 2260
(Lab required) Introduction to engineering materials; defects, strengthening mechanisms, and plasticity in engineering metals and alloys; fundamentals and application of heat treatment of metallic materials including topics such as diffusion, phase diagram, phase transformation, and thermal processing; mechanical properties of engineering metallic materials and their relationship to structure, defects, various strengthening mechanisms, and processing; structure of non-metallic polymers and ceramics. May not be held with MECH 2270, MECH 2290 or MECH 3540.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [CHEM 2240 or [(CHEM 1110 or CHEM 1111) and CHEM 1126] or the former CHEM 1310 or the former CHEM 1311] and [MECH 2222 or the former MECH 2220].
Equiv To: MECH 2270, MECH 3540
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 2290
(Lab required) Topics covered include project planning, scheduling, resource allocation, process analysis, layout and control. The course will make use of industrial projects for developing a strong design and analytical approach pertinent to project management. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 4170.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2112 (or the former MECH 2010 or the former MECH 2012) or CIVL 2830.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4170
(Lab required) Vibrations and computer simulations of single-degree-of-freedom systems, viscous and friction damping, MD of systems and modal analysis, measurement and sources of noise, noise control.
(Lab required) Mathematical modelling of mechanical systems. Feedback systems and stability. Digital control; analog to digital and digital to analog control systems.
( Lab required) This is the first course in heat transfer. Topics covered include fundamental concepts relevant to heat transfer analysis, steady-state and transient conduction, forced and free convection, external and internal flows, heat exchangers and fundamentals of radiation. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 3470.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 2150, MATH 3132 (or the former MATH 3100) and ENG 1460. Pre- or corequisite: MECH 3492 (or the former MECH 3490).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3470
(Lab required) Fundamentals of 2D and 3D rigid body motions (kinematics) and the forces/moments (kinetics) needed to produce such motions. Applications will emphasize elements of machine design. May not be held for credit with MECH 2120 or MECH 3480.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: PHYS 1050 and [ENG 1440 or ENG 1441] and COMP 1012 and [MATH 1710 or MATH 1700].
Equiv To: MECH 2120
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3480
(Lab required) The angular momentum principle, introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion, internal and external incompressible viscous flow, fluid machinery and multiple-path systems, fluid coupling and torque couplings and torque converters. May not be held with the former MECH 3490.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 2112 and MECH 2262 (or the former MECH 2260). Pre- or corequisite: MECH 2150 or CIVL 3590 or MATH 2120.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3490
(Lab required) Strength and stability of columns, torsion of thin-walled members, unsymmetric loading and shear centres, beam deflflection and energy methods. May not be held with MECH 2220 or MECH 3500.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 2222 (the former MECH 2220), MATH 2130 (the former MATH 2110) and MECH 2112.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3500
(Lab required) Aeronautical definitions, compressible flow, plane normal shock waves, Mach. no. and shock waves in two-dimensional flow, potential flow theory in two-dimensional and axisymmetric flows. Two-dimensional wing theory, finite wing theory panel methods, elements of boundary layer theory. Compressibility and wings, wing design, flow control.
(Lab required) Mechanical properties of engineering non-metallic materials such as polymers, ceramics and composites, and their relationship to structure and processing; introduction to various shaping and joining processes used in manufacturing, their advantages and limitations; selection and application of engineering materials. May not be held for credit with MECH 2270, MECH 2290 or MECH 3540.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 2272 (formerly MECH 2270).
Equiv To: MECH 2270, MECH 3540
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 2290
(Lab required) This course builds up a foundation in the area of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) such as computer numerically controlled machine tools and robotics. Intense hands on experience is provided in the laboratory sessions on part programming using Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages and robots to demonstrate application in the area of CAM. Several case studies and manufacturing applications will be discussed.
(Lab required) The objective of this course is to develop the ability to formulate and analyze problems that will be encountered in a manufacturing system. The skills acquired will allow the students to approach problems from an optimization perspective. The students will be provided experience in related software packages. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 3560.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (MECH 2112 or the former MECH 2010 or the former MECH 2012 or CIVL 2830) and [STAT 2220 preferred or (STAT 1000 and STAT 2000)].
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3560
(Lab required) This course builds upon the foundation developed in a previous course: namely Robotics and Computer Numerical Control. The course covers a wide variety of topics in the area of computer controlled automation. The students are provided with hands on experience in design for automation. It will synthesize several aspects associated with integrated operation of computer controlled automated devices.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3550.
(Lab required) The course covers topics such as: group technology, just-in-time, computer aided process planning, statistical process control and manufacturing planning and control. Issues related to the integration of several areas that fall within CIM are emphasized. Systems approach is introduced. May not be held with the former MECH 3580.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2112 (or the former MECH 2010 or the former MECH 2012) or CIVL 2830.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3580
(Lab required) The objective of this course is to introduce simulation for manufacturing operations and the concepts of facilities location and layout. The students will learn how to program WITNESS, a simulation language, and through simulation, explore the effects of facility planning; resource availability e.g. machines and quality related problems on manufacturing productivity and timing. May not be held with MECH 3590.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2112 (or the former MECH 2010 or the former MECH 2012) or CIVL 2830.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3590
(Lab required) This course will give students hands on experience with numerous manufacturing processes, machines and systems. Using CNC mills, lathes, conventional machine shop equipment and hand tools, the students will manufacture mechanical components, assemble them and troubleshoot any problems. The object is to provide students with hands-on exposure to the application of basic manufacturing process tools. May not be held for credit with MECH 3600.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2112 (or the former MECH 2012 or the former MECH 2010) or CIVL 2830.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3600
(Lab required) Stress and failure analysis and the design of machine elements; shafts and couplings, threaded fasteners and power screws, clutches and power transmission components; spur, bevel, worm and helical gears; lubrication, journal and roller bearings. May not be held for credit with MECH 4650.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (MECH 3482 or the former MECH 2120) and (MECH 3502 or the former MECH 3500).
Equiv To: MECH 4650
(Lab required) Laboratory course on topics that compliment and reinforce concepts developed in second and third year mechanical engineering courses in mechanics of solids and structures, and vibrations. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 3980, MECH 4980, or MECH 4990.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 or the former ENG 2010) and (MECH 2222 or the former MECH 2220). Pre- or corequisites: MECH 3420 and (MECH 3502 or the former MECH 3500).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3980, MECH 4980, MECH 4990
(Lab required) Laboratory course on topics that compliment and reinforce concepts developed in second and third year mechanical engineering courses in thermofluids. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 3980, MECH 4980, or MECH 4990.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 or the former ENG 2010), (MECH 2202 or the former MECH 2200), and (MECH 2262 or the former MECH 2260). Pre- or corequisites: MECH 3460 or the former MECH 3470.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 3980, MECH 4980, MECH 4990
This course will give students the opportunity to gain research or design experience in their area of interest. Thesis topics must be approved by the head of the department or designate. Restriction: Only students with a year class distinction of 4 or higher in Mechanical Engineering may register for this course and eligible to graduate. May not be held for credit with MECH 4160.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 (or the former ENG 2010).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4160
(Lab required) Methodology and techniques for design of aerospace structures and components to preclude failure with minimum weight, cost and resource consumption. Analysis of structural, air, gust and manoeuvre loads. May not be held for credit with MECH 4180.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 3502 (or MECH 3500).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4180
(Lab required) Properties of aerospace structural materials including glass and graphite fibre composites, light metal alloys and high strength steels. Properties of high temperature materials; superalloys ceramics, intermetallic compounds, metal matrix composites. Specialized methods for manufacture of these materials. May not be held for credit with MECH 4190.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 3542 (formerly MECH 3540).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4190
(Lab required) Gas turbine systems, shaft power cycles, gas turbine propulsion cycles, centrifugal compressors, axial flow compressors, combustion systems, design performance predictions, off-design operations and transient behaviour of gas turbines. Design performance predictions.
(Lab required) Thermodynamics of internal combustion engines and engine cycles; fuels and fuel systems; combustion; emission control systems; electronic engine controls and strategies; intake and exhaust systems; camshafts and valvetrain dynamics; balancing; performance and testing. May not be held for credit with MECH 4290.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2202 (or the former MECH 2200).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4290
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Mechanical Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration prior to the start of the registration prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4542
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Mechanical Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered. May not be held for credit with MECH 4320.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Departmental Permission.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Manufacturing Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in Manufacturing Engineering. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available at the time of registration prior to the start of the registration period for the session in which the course will be offered. May not be held for credit with MECH 4340.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Departmental Permission.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in engineering materials. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available prior to the start of registration period for the session in which the course will be offered.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Departmental Permission.
(Lab required) This course will cover contemporary topics in engineering materials. The specific topics and a detailed outline will be available prior to the start of registration period for the session in which the course will be offered.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Departmental Permission.
(Lab required) Psychometric processes, equipment selection, and the design of heating and cooling systems for typical buildings. May not be held for credit with MECH 4410.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2202 (formerly MECH 2200).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4410
(Lab required) The engineering support process as applied to the entire product life cycle from requirements definition to disposal. Focus on the system as a whole; from the outside, its interaction with its environment and other systems; and from the inside, its design requirements and implementation. May not be held with MECH 4342 when titled “Systems Engineering.” Restricted to students in third year or above.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4342
(Lab required) A study of the morphology of aerospace vehicles; basic components and their functions, Aircraft performance; drag, thrust, lift, basics of orbital mechanics. May not be held for credit with MECH 4450.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 3520.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4450
(Lab required) Nonlinear Vibrations: mathematical theory for lumped vibratory systems; response of systems to nonharmonic excitation; solutions by Laplace transforms and Fourier analysis; introduction to the matrix formulation of vibration problems and vibration of distributed systems.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3420.
(Lab required) Principles and practices of test and measurement system design and analysis for aerospace applications. Topics include transducers, signal conditioning, data acquisition and analysis, uncertainty analysis, calibration and correlation, system design and maintenance, and piping and instrumentation diagrams, and an introduction to LabVIEW software. This course may include a field trip component. May not be heldfor credit with MECH 4322 when titled "Applied Instrumentation".
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 3430 and [(MECH 3982 and MECH 3992) or the former MECH 3980 or (the former MECH 4980 and the former MECH 4990)].
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4322
(Lab required) Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method, basic components in a Finite Element procedure, application of FEM to solve engineering problems and use of commercial software.
(Lab required) Stress and strain in three dimensions; thick walled cylinders, beams of elastic foundations, unsymmetrical bending and sheet-stringer construction, curved beams. Additional topics such as the analysis of fibre-composite material, techniques in experimental stress analysis and studies in metallics fatigue may be presented. May not be held for credit with MECH 4530.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3502 (formerly MECH 3500).
(Lab required) Principles and design of turbomachinery, including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and engineering applications. A variety of turbomachines are introduced, including hydraulic pumps and turbines, centrifugal compressors and fans, and axial flow compressors and fans. May not be held for credit with MECH 4310 when titled “Turbomachinery.”
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: MECH 2202 (or the former MECH 2200) and MECH 3492 (or the former MECH 3490).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4310
(Lab required) An elective course open to all branches of Engineering; a recommended course for students taking Air Conditioning. Wave propagation, transducers and measurement techniques, psycho-acoustic criteria, legislation, techniques of noise and vibration control.
(Lab required) Topics may include: wind tunnel design; experimental techniques; some exact solutions of the conservation equations; fundamentals of turbulence; secondary flows; fluidization; elementary meteorology; fluidics; other topics of current interest.
(Lab required) General testing and fault diagnostic techniques for ground vehicles including common signal analysis techniques, vibration testing and fault analysis methods. Basic knowledge of vibration based condition monitoring including the basic theory and applications of engineering tools, damage analysis and detection, and modal analysis. May not be held for credit with MECH 4322 when titled “Ground Vehicle Testing Technology.”
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3420.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4322
(Lab required) Electrochemical basis of corrosion, corrosion prevention by cathodic protection, inhibitors, alloying and heat treatment, passivation, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue; ionic and electronic conduction; oxidation of metals and alloys.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3542 (or MECH 3540).
(Lab required) Graphical, analytical and computer techniques for the analysis and design of mechanisms to produce a desired set of motion characteristics; design of linkages, double lever, slider and dwell mechanism; cognate linkages. Kinetic synthesis tasks function generation, path generation and motion generation. May not be held for credit with MECH 4670.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3482 (formerly MECH 2120).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4670
(Lab required) Energy supply and demand, advanced thermodynamic cycles, conventional energy sources, alternative energy, conservation of energy, environmental considerations.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2202 (formerly MECH 2200).
(Lab required) Some combination of the following advanced topics: conduction heat transfer, radiation, heat-exchanger design, two-phase phenomena, fluidization, alternative energy, energy conservation. Other topics of current interest may also be included.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3460 (or MECH 3470).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4694
(Lab required) Introduction to renewable energy systems, current and future global energy issues and the need for renewable energy applications, and distributed renewable energy generation. Renewable energy systems that will be considered are; solar heat, solar PV, biomass heat and power, hydro power, and wind power. Students will develop simple numerical models of renewable energy systems.
(Lab required) Some combination of the following advanced topics; conduction heat transfer radiation, heat-exchanger design, two-phase phenomena, fluidization, alternative energy, energy conservation. Other topics of current interest may also be included. May not be held for credit with MECH 4690.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3460 (or MECH 3470).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4690
(Lab required) Modeling of thermal systems; system simulation; design applications of optimization methods: Lagrange multipliers, search methods, and dynamic geometric and linear programming. May not be held for credit with MECH 4700.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 2202 (or MECH 2200).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4700
(Lab required) Introduction to vehicle dynamics; power trains; braking systems; road loads, aerodynamics and fuel efficiency; ride and suspension systems; steering systems; tire properties and dynamics; structural analysis and crash safety; performance vehicle design. May not be held for credit with MECH 4810.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3502 (or the former MECH 3500). Pre or Co-requisite: MECH 3420.
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4810
(Lab required) General conservation equations; specific forms of the conservation equations and energy equations; finite difference methods: one dimensional steady problems, one dimensional unsteady problems, two dimensional steady problems; two dimensional unsteady problems; convection, solution for the flow fluid. May not be held for credit with the former MECH 4820.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: (MATH 3132 or the former MATH 3100), (MECH 2150 or MATH 2120), MECH 3460 (or the former MECH 3470) and MECH 3492 (or the former MECH 3490).
Mutually Exclusive: MECH 4820
(Lab required) Biomechanics and design of hard biomaterials and soft biomaterials and their applications in orthopedics, cardiovascular and neural systems. Course includes fundamental biological concepts, materials science fundamentals and medical/clinical concerns.
(Lab required) Design projects; teams of students prepare written and oral design reports on solutions to specific problems from Manitoba industries; series of seminars by invited speakers.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: eligibility for graduation in the current academic year or registered in third year Industrial Cooperative Education Program. Prerequisites: (ENG 2030 or ENG 2040 or the former ENG 2010) and MECH 3170 and (MECH 3652 or the former MECH 4650).
(Lab required) Criteria for crack initiation and propagation leading to structural failure. Fracture mechanics and fracture toughness phenomena. Effects of structure geometry, loading rate, environment, temperature, composition and microstructure on material integrity.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3542 ( or MECH 3540).
(Lab required) The course covers topics in the analysis of control systems and components with the goal to provide students with tools and an understanding of issues related to integrating mechanical, electronic and software components towards building mechatronic devices. Hands-on-experience is provided in the laboratory sessions on simulation and actual computer control of various devices. Problems considered would include application to fluid power systems, systems integration and validation. The focus is placed on learning to work with real hardware.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: MECH 3430.
Supervised work experience normally of 12-16 months duration, concluded by a work report. (Pass/Fail grade only.)
- Introduction
- Residence and Written English and Mathematics Requirements
- Course Identification
- Grades and Grade Point Average Calculation
- Academic Evaluation
- Academic Integrity
- Appeals of Grades
- Attendance and Withdrawal
- Deferred and Supplemental Examinations
- Final Examinations
- Hold Status
- Graduation and Convocation
- Personal Information
This chapter contains the regulations and requirements that apply to all students, regardless of faculty or school.
Each faculty and school has its own supplementary regulations and requirements. These are published in the faculty or school chapters of the Academic Calendar. Some faculties and schools also have additional regulations and requirements governing their programs; these are available from the faculty or school.
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the academic regulations and requirements of the University of Manitoba in general and of the specific academic regulations and requirements of their faculty or school of registration. Accordingly, students are asked to seek the advice of advisors in faculty and school general offices whenever there is any question concerning how specific regulations apply to their situations.
Residence and Written English and Mathematics Requirements
Residence Requirements For Graduation
Each faculty and school recommends to the Senate the number of credit hours each student must complete in order to graduate from its programs. Senate also requires each student to complete a minimum number of credit hours at the University of Manitoba -- this is called the “residence requirement.”
Unless otherwise stated in faculty and school chapters, the minimum residence requirement of the University of Manitoba is the work normally associated with one year in the case of programs of three years’ duration, and two years for programs of four years’ duration. Some faculties and schools may have additional residence requirements specified in their program regulations. However, in all cases, the residence requirement is assessed following an appraisal of the educational record of the student applying to transfer credits from another institution or applying to earn credits elsewhere on a letter of permission. The residence requirement is not reduced for students whose “challenge for credit” results in a passing grade.
University English and Mathematics Requirements for Undergraduate Students
All students are required to complete, within the first 60 credit hours of their programs, a minimum of one three credit hour course with significant content in written English, and a minimum of one three credit hour course with significant content in mathematics.
Some degree programs have designated specific written English and mathematics courses to fulfil this requirement.
Price Faculty of Engineering have their own written English requirements.
Some degree programs require that the written English and/or mathematics requirements be completed prior to admission.
See the program descriptions in the faculty and school chapters of the Academic Calendar for details.
Exemptions to the Written English and Mathematics Requirement
- All students with completed baccalaureate degrees and who transfer into any program to which these requirements apply.
- Registered Nurses entering the Bachelor of Nursing Program for Registered Nurses.
- Students admitted before the 1997-98 Regular Session.
- Written English exemption only: Students transferring from Université de Saint-Boniface who have completed a written French requirement (at the university) before transferring to the University of Manitoba will be deemed to have met the written English requirement.
Approved English and Mathematics Courses
A complete list of all courses which satisfy the university written English and mathematics requirement is provided below. (When searching for courses in Aurora, students may search Course Attributes for courses that satisfy the written English and Mathematics requirements).
Note that some programs may restrict the choice of English or Mathematics courses. See the program descriptions in the faculty and school chapters of the Academic Calendar for details.
Written English Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
AGRI 2030 | Technical Communications | 3 |
ANTH 2020 | Relatedness in a Globalizing World | 3 |
ARTS 1110 | Introduction to University | 3 |
ASIA 1420 | Asian Civilizations to 1500 (B) | 3 |
ASIA 1430 | Asian Civilization from 1500 (B) | 3 |
CATH 1190 | Introduction to Catholic Studies | 3 |
CATH 2010 | Literature and Catholic Culture 1 | 3 |
CATH 2020 | Literature and Catholic Culture 2 | 3 |
CLAS 2612 | Greek Literature in Translation | 3 |
CLAS 2622 | Latin Literature in Translation | 3 |
ENGL 0930 | English Composition | 3 |
ENGL 0940 | Writing About Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1XXX | All English courses at the 1000 level | |
ENGL 2XXX | All English courses at the 2000 level | |
ENVR 2810 | Environmental Critical Thinking and Scientific Research | 3 |
FAAH 2930 | Writing about Art | 3 |
FILM 2280 | Film and Literature | 6 |
FORS 2000 | Introductory Forensic Science | 3 |
GEOG 2900 | Geography of Canadian Prairie Landscapes (A) | 3 |
GEOL 3130 | Communication Methods in the Geological Sciences | 3 |
GMGT 1010 | Business and Society | 3 |
GMGT 2010 | Business Communications | 3 |
GPE 2700 | Perspectives on Global Political Economy | 3 |
GRMN 1300 | Masterpieces of German Literature in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 1310 | Love in German Culture in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2120 | Introduction to German Culture from 1918 to the Present (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2130 | Introduction to German Culture from the Beginnings to 1918 (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2500 | Special Topics in German in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2510 | German Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm to Hollywood (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2520 | Spies: Stories of Secret Agents, Treason, and Surveillance (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2530 | My Friend the Tree: Environment and Ecology in German Culture in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3262 | Representations of the Holocaust in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3270 | Studies in Contemporary German Cinema (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3282 | Sex, Gender and Cultural Politics in the German-Speaking World in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3390 | German Representations of War (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3510 | Special Topics in German in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3530 | Special Topics in Comparative German and Slavic Studies (C) | 3 |
HIST 1XXX | All History courses at 1000 level | |
HIST 2XXX | All History courses at 2000 level | |
HNSC 2000 | Research Methods and Presentation | 3 |
HYGN 1340 | Communications | 2 |
INDG 2020 | The Métis in Canada | 3 |
INDG 2110 | Introduction to Indigenous Community Development | 3 |
INDG 2530 | Introduction to Indigenous Theory | 3 |
KPER 2120 | Academic Skills in Kinesiology and Recreation Management | 3 |
LABR 1260 | Working for a Living | 3 |
LABR 1290 | Labour Unions and Workers' Rights in Canada | 3 |
LABR 2200 | Labour History: Canada and Beyond (C) | 3 |
LABR 2300 | Workers, Employers and the State | 3 |
LABR 4510 | Labour Studies Field Placement Seminar | 3 |
LAW 1540 | Legal Methods | 5 |
LAW 2650 | Introduction to Advocacy | 3 |
LING 2740 | Interpretation Theory | 3 |
PHIL 2612 | A Philosophical History of Science | 3 |
PHIL 2614 | Philosophy of Science | 3 |
PHIL 2790 | Moral Philosophy | 6 |
PHIL 3220 | Feminist Philosophy | 3 |
POL 1900 | Love, Heroes and Patriotism in Contemporary Poland | 3 |
POL 2600 | Polish Culture until 1918 | 3 |
POL 2610 | Polish Culture 1918 to the Present | 3 |
POL 2660 | Special Topics in Polish Literature and Culture | 3 |
POLS 1502 | Introduction to Political Studies | 3 |
PSYC 2500 | Elements of Ethology | 3 |
PSYC 3380 | Nature, Nurture and Behaviour | 3 |
PSYC 4520 | Honours Research Seminar | 6 |
RLGN 1440 | Evil in World Religions | 3 |
RLGN 2032 | Introduction to the Study of Religion | 3 |
RLGN 2036 | Introduction to Christianity | 3 |
RLGN 2052 | Conservative Christianity in the United States | 3 |
RLGN 2112 | Medicine, Magic, and Miracle in the Ancient World | 3 |
RLGN 2116 | Cognitive Science and Religion | 3 |
RLGN 2140 | Introduction to Judaism | 3 |
RLGN 2160 | Hebrew Bible (Tanakh/"Old Testament") | 3 |
RLGN 2162 | Great Jewish Books | 3 |
RLGN 2170 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 |
RLGN 2222 | The Supernatural in Popular Culture | 3 |
RLGN 2590 | Religion and Social Issues | 3 |
RLGN 2770 | Contemporary Judaism | 3 |
RLGN 3102 | Myth and Mythmaking: Narrative, Ideology, Scholarship | 3 |
RLGN 3280 | Hasidism | 3 |
RUSN 1400 | Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation | 3 |
RUSN 1410 | Love in Russian Culture in English Translation | 3 |
RUSN 2280 | Russian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
RUSN 2290 | Russian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
RUSN 2310 | Exploring Russia through Film | 3 |
RUSN 2410 | Russian Literature after Stalin | 3 |
RUSN 2600 | Special Topics in Russian Culture in English Translation | 3 |
RUSN 2740 | Literature and Revolution | 3 |
RUSN 3770 | Tolstoy | 3 |
SLAV 3530 | Special Topics in Comparative German and Slavic Studies | 3 |
SOC 3100 | Practicum in Criminological/Sociological Research | 6 |
SOC 3350 | Feminism and Sociological Theory | 3 |
UKRN 2200 | Ukrainian Myth, Rites and Rituals | 3 |
UKRN 2410 | Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Experience | 3 |
UKRN 2590 | Ukrainian Literature and Film | 3 |
UKRN 2600 | Special Topics in Ukrainian Studies | 3 |
UKRN 2770 | Ukrainian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
UKRN 2780 | Ukrainian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
UKRN 2820 | Holodomor and Holocaust in Ukrainian Literature and Culture | 3 |
UKRN 3970 | Women and Ukrainian Literature | 3 |
WOMN 1500 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Humanities | 3 |
WOMN 1600 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences | 3 |
WOMN 2560 | Women, Science and Technology | 3 |
WOMN 3520 | Transnational Feminisms | 3 |
Mathematics Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
AGRI 2400 | Experimental Methods in Agricultural and Food Sciences | 3 |
ECON 2040 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 3 |
FA 1020 | Mathematics in Art | 3 |
GEOG 3810 | Quantitative Research Methods in Geography (TS) | 3 |
MATH 1XXX | All Mathematics courses at 1000 level | |
MATH 2XXX | All Mathematics at 2000 level | |
MATH 3XXX | All Mathematics at 3000 level | |
MATH 4XXX | All Mathematics at 4000 level | |
MUSC 3230 | Acoustics of Music | 3 |
PHIL 1300 | Introduction to Logic | 3 |
PHIL 2200 | Intermediate Logic | 3 |
PHYS 1020 | General Physics 1 | 3 |
PHYS 1030 | General Physics 2 | 3 |
PSYC 2260 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 3 |
SOC 2294 | Understanding Social Statistics | 3 |
STAT 1XXX | All Statistics courses at 1000 level | |
STAT 2XXX | All Statistics courses at 2000 level | |
STAT 3XXX | All Statistics courses at 3000 level | |
STAT 4XXX | All Statistics courses at 4000 level |
Course Identification
Credit Hours (Cr.Hrs.)
Each faculty and school develops courses for its degree credit programs, subject to Senate approval, and assigns a credit hour value to each course.
The credit hours for a course are expressed as a number associated with the course which indicates its relative weight. There is a correlation between class hours and credit hours (i.e. 6 credit hours = 3 hours a week, two terms; and 3 credit hours = 3 hours a week, one term).
For the purposes of registration, courses taught over both the Fall and Winter Terms have been divided into two parts. The credit hour value of the course are divided equally and applied to each part of the course. For example: for a six credit hour spanned course each of the Fall and Winter Term parts of the course will be assigned the value of three credit hours. Students registering for term spanning courses will receive one grade for the course and only when the second part is completed. The course grade will be applied to both the Fall and Winter parts of the course.
Prerequisite and Co-requisite Courses
Prerequisite: If a course is prerequisite for a second course, the prerequisite must be met in order to begin the second course. To determine whether or not a course has a prerequisite, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course. Normally, a minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses listed as prerequisites, except as otherwise noted in the course descriptions.
For some courses, the prerequisite may be completed before registering for the second course or may be taken concurrently with the second course. To determine if a course may be taken concurrently, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course.
Co-requisite: If a first course is a co-requisite for a second course, the first course must be completed in the same term as the second course. To determine if a course has a co-requisite, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course.
Course Numbers
First Two to Four Characters
The two, three or four characters in every course number are a shortened version of the subject of the course.
Last Four Digits
At the University of Manitoba the last four digits of the course number reflect the level of contact with the subject.
For example:
ECON 1210
ECON is the code for Economics.
1210 indicates that it is an introductory or entry level course.
If the course requires a laboratory, this will be shown following the credit hours immediately following the title.
For example:
BIOL 3242 (lab required)
The 2000, 3000, 4000 course numbers indicate the second, third, and fourth levels of university contact with a subject.
Numbers in the 5000 range are normally associated with pre-Master’s work or courses in the Post Baccalaureate Diploma and the Post-Graduate Medical Education programs.
Courses numbered 6000-8000 are graduate courses of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Course numbers in the 9000 series are used to identify courses taken at the University of Winnipeg by students in the University of Manitoba/University of Winnipeg Joint Master’s Programs. The 9000 numbers do not indicate the level of the course taken (see Graduate Calendar or University of Winnipeg Calendar).
In most cases, some correlation exists between the course number and a student's year of study; that is, students in the third year of a program will generally carry course loads comprised primarily of 3000-level courses.
Other course numbering information
Courses with numbers that end in 0 or an even number are taught in English, most of which are offered on the Fort Garry or Bannatyne campuses or through Distance and Online Education.
Courses with numbers that end in odd numbers are taught in French at Université de Saint-Boniface.
Grades and Grade Point Average Calculation
Final grades in most courses are expressed as letters, ranging from F, to A+ the highest. A grade of D is the lowest passing grade, however the minimum grade required to use a course as credit toward a degree or diploma program may be set higher by a faculty or school. Refer to faculty and school regulations. Each letter grade has an assigned numerical value which is used to calculate grade point averages. Grading scales used to determine the final letter grade may vary between courses and programs.
Some courses are graded on a pass/fail basis and because no numerical value is assigned to these courses, they do not affect grade point averages. Courses graded in this way are clearly identified in course descriptions and program outlines.
The Letter Grade System
Letter Grade | Grade Point Value | Description |
A+ | 4.5 | Exceptional |
A | 4.0 | Excellent |
B+ | 3.5 | Very Good |
B | 3.0 | Good |
C+ | 2.5 | Satisfactory |
C | 2.0 | Adequate |
D | 1.0 | Marginal |
F | 0 | Failure |
P | Pass | |
S | Standing |
The grade of “D” is regarded as marginal in most courses by all faculties and schools. It contributes to decreasing a term, degree or cumulative Grade Point Average to less than 2.0. Courses graded “D” may be repeated for the purpose of improving a GPA. Note that some faculties and schools consider a grade of “D” as unacceptable and will not apply the course toward the program as credit. In most cases the course will need to be repeated to attain the acceptable grade. Refer to faculty and school regulations.
Calculation of Grade Point Average
The University of Manitoba will report cumulative and term grade point averages for all students through Aurora Student.
Please also refer to the Grade Point Averages Policy found in the University Policies and Procedures..
Quality Points
The quality points for a course are the product of the credit hours for the course and the grade point obtained by the student; e.g., 3 credit hours with a grade of “B” (3.0 points) = 3 credit hours x 3.0 = 9.0 quality points.
Quality Point Total
The quality point total is the sum of quality points accumulated as students proceed through their program of studies.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The grade point average (GPA) is the quality point total divided by the total number of credit hours.
Course | Credit Hours | Grade | Grade Points | Quality Points |
Course 1 | 3 | B | 3 | 9 |
Course 2 | 3 | B+ | 3.5 | 10.5 |
Course 3 | 3 | C+ | 2.5 | 7.5 |
Course 4 | 3 | B | 3 | 9 |
Course 5 | 3 | A | 4 | 12 |
Totals | 15 | 48 |
Grade point average: 240 Quality Points / 15 Credit Hours = 3.20
Poor Grades and Program Progression
A course in which a “D” standing is obtained may need to be repeated by probationary students in certain faculties or where a minimum grade of “C” is required in a prerequisite subject or to meet degree requirements.
Students in doubt as to the status of their record should consult an advisor in their faculty or school.
For minimum grade levels, especially as they affect progression requirements, see the faculty or school regulations in the Academic Calendar or consult an advisor.
Academic Honours
Students qualify for the Honour List (Dean’s, Director’s, University 1) when they achieve qualifying grade point averages, as specified by the faculty/school or program regulations.
In addition, outstanding academic achievement will qualify students for other honours and awards. These include:
- the University Gold Medal, which is awarded at graduation in each faculty or school to the student with the most outstanding academic record;
- program medals, which are awarded by faculties and schools to the best student graduating from a specific program;
- graduation “with distinction”, which is recorded on the transcripts of all students who attain a qualifying grade point average;
- and other medals and prizes that are specific to programs or disciplines.
Academic Evaluation
Methods of Evaluation
Students shall be informed of the method of evaluation to be used in each course, as specified in the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy, found in the University Policies and Procedures.
In departments where a course is offered in more than one section, the department offering the course endeavours to provide instruction so that all sections cover similar topics and that all students achieve a similar level of competency in the topic. However, there will be differences in evaluation as well as in teaching style, readings and assignments from one section to another. Students may contact the department for additional information before registration.
Credit for Term Work
In subjects involving written examinations, laboratories, and term assignments, a student may be required to pass each component separately. If no final examination is scheduled in a course, the student’s final grade will be determined on the basis of the method of evaluation as announced in the first week of lectures.
If credit is not given for term work, the student’s final grade will be determined entirely by the results of the final written examination. Where the final grade is determined from the results of both term work and final examinations, the method of computing the final grade will be as announced within the first week of classes. Should a student write a deferred examination, term grades earned will normally be taken into account as set out in the immediately preceding paragraph.
Repeating a Course
A course in which a “D” standing is obtained may need to be repeated by probationary students in certain faculties or where a minimum grade of “C” is required in a prerequisite subject or to meet degree requirements.
Elective courses graded “F” may either be repeated or another elective substituted. All electives in a program must be approved by the faculty or school.
Probation and Academic Suspension
Failure to meet minimum levels of performance as specified in the regulations of the faculty or school will result in a student being placed either on probation or academic suspension in accordance with the faculty or school regulations.
A student’s status is determined, following final examinations, at the end of each term (Fall, Winter or Summer terms) or at the end of an academic session as specified in faculty regulations. A student placed on probation is advised to discuss his/her program prior to the next registration with a representative of the dean or director to determine which courses, if any, should be repeated.
A student placed on academic suspension will normally be permitted to apply for re-entry to the faculty or school after one year has elapsed, but reinstatement is not automatic and individual faculty or school regulations must always be consulted.
While on suspension, students are not normally admissible to another faculty or school.
Other Forms of Earning Degree Credit
Letter of Permission for Transfer of Credit
Students in degree programs at this university may take courses at other recognized colleges or universities for transfer of credit provided such courses are approved at least one month prior to the commencement of classes at the other institution by the faculty or school in which they are currently registered. The approval is subject to individual faculty/school regulations and is granted in the form of a Letter of Permission. The student must obtain a Letter of Permission whether or not the course/s being taken are for transfer of credit to the University of Manitoba. Failure to obtain a Letter of Permission may have serious academic implications.
To obtain a Letter of Permission, application must be made to the Registrar’s Office as early as possible and at least one month prior to when required at the other institution.
Each application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. The fees are for each application and a separate application is required for each session and institution regardless of the number of courses being considered. Students planning to seek permission to take courses elsewhere for transfer of credit to the University of Manitoba are cautioned to check the current Academic Calendar for the residence and degree requirements of the degree programs in which they are enrolled.
Transferred courses will be given assigned credit hour values and grades. The transferred grade will be included in the student's degree and cumulative GPA.
Challenge for Credit
The purpose of Challenge for Credit is to provide students of the university with some means of obtaining academic credit in University of Manitoba courses (not otherwise obtainable as a transfer of credit from other institutions) for practical training and experience, or reading and study previously completed. Students who have registered to challenge would normally not attend classes or laboratories. Courses which have previously been taken at the University of Manitoba may not be challenged for credit.
To be eligible to challenge for credit a student must first be admitted to a faculty or school of the University of Manitoba. Eligible students will be required to demonstrate their competence in the courses which they are challenging for credit. Where formal, written examinations are required, these will be generally scheduled during the regular examination sessions in April/May, June, August, or December.
For information regarding requirements, procedures, applications and fees a student should contact the office of the faculty or school in which the student is enrolled, or in the case of new students, the faculty or school to which the new student has been admitted.
Application of Course Credit when transferring between Programs within the University of Manitoba
When students transfer into program from another faculty or school within the University of Manitoba, some course credits previously earned may be applied to the new program. The credit hour value assigned by the faculty or school that offers the course is used. That is, there can only be one credit weight designated for a course with a particular course number.
Appeal of Academic Decisions, Admission Decisions and Academic Accommodation Decisions
The Senate Committee on Appeals will consider appeals of Academic Decisions, Admission Decisions and Academic Accommodation Decisions, in accordance with the Senate Committee on Appeals policy and procedure.
Academic Decisions: Decisions of Faculty/School Councils or their Appeal Bodies, of Professional Unsuitability Committees, of Faculty/School Award Selection Committees and of the Comité d’appels de l’Université de Saint Boniface upon application by Appellants.
Admission Decisions: Decisions of Faculty/School/College admission selection committees, and these only when the Appellant has sought reconsideration by the admission selection committee as set out below:
i) Administrative decisions which affect the admission process
ii) Decisions of Faculties/Schools/Colleges or Admissions Office personnel regarding eligibility requirements
iii) Decisions of Faculties/Schools/Colleges regarding granting transfer of credit at the point of admission and possible granting of advanced standing
Academic Accommodation Decisions: Decisions of the Director of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) regarding a request for reconsideration of a proposed accommodation.
The Senate Committee on Appeals policy and procedure as well as an Appeal Form may be obtained from the Governing Documents website.
Academic Integrity
The University of Manitoba takes academic integrity seriously. As a member of the International Centre for Academic Integrity, the University defines academic integrity as a commitment to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. (International Centre for Academic Integrity, 2014)
To help students understand the expectations of the University of Manitoba, definitions for the types of prohibited behaviours are in the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure and provided below.
"Academic Misconduct" means any conduct that has, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on the academic integrity of the University, including but not limited to:
(a) Plagiarism – the presentation or use of information, ideas, images, sentences, findings, etc. as one’s own without appropriate attribution in a written assignment, test or final examination.
(b) Cheating on Quizzes, Tests, or Final Examinations – the circumventing of fair testing procedures or contravention of exam regulations. Such acts may be premeditated/planned or may be unintentional or opportunistic.
(c) Inappropriate Collaboration – when a student and any other person work together on assignments, projects, tests, labs or other work unless authorized by the course instructor.
(d) Duplicate Submission – cheating where a student submits a paper/assignment/test in full or in part, for more than one course without the permission of the course instructor.
(e) Personation – writing an assignment, lab, test, or examination for another student, or the unauthorized use of another person’s signature or identification in order to impersonate someone else. Personation includes both the personator and the person initiating the personation.
(f) Academic Fraud – falsification of data or official documents as well as the falsification of medical or compassionate circumstances/documentation to gain accommodations to complete assignments, tests or examinations.
Note that the above applies to written, visual, and spatial assignments as well as oral presentations.
Over the course of your university studies, you may find yourself in situations that can make the application of these definitions unclear. The University of Manitoba wants to help you be successful, and this includes providing you with the knowledge and tools to support your decisions to act with integrity. There are a number of people and places on campus that will help you understand the rules and how they apply to your academic work. If you have questions or are uncertain about what is expected of you in your courses, you have several options:
- Ask your professor, instructor, or teaching assistant for assistance or clarification.
- Get support from the Academic Learning Centre or Libraries:
- Visit the Academic Integrity site for information and tools to help you understand academic integrity.
- Make an appointment with the Student Advocacy office. This office assists students to understand their rights and responsibilities and provides support to students who have received an allegation of academic misconduct.
Appeals of Grades
Appeal of Term Work
Students may formally appeal a grade received for term work provided that the matter has been discussed with the instructor in the first instance in an attempt to resolve the issue without the need of formal appeal. Term work grades normally may be appealed up to ten (10) working days after the grades for the term work have been made available to the student.
The fee which is charged for each appealed term work grade will be refunded for any grade which is changed as a result of the appeal.
Appeal of Final Grades
Final grades are not released to students who are on “Hold Status”; the deadline for appeal of assigned grades will not be extended for students who were unable to access their final grades due to a hold.
These regulations expand on the Final Grades Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
Attendance and Withdrawal
Attendance at Class and Debarment
Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses.
An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty or school regulations.
A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.
Withdrawal from Courses and Programs
Voluntary Withdrawal
The registration revision period extends two weeks from the first day of classes in both Fall and Winter terms. Courses dropped during this period shall not be regarded as withdrawals and shall not be recorded on official transcripts or student histories. The revision period is prorated for Summer terms and for parts of term.
After the registration revision period ends, voluntary withdrawals (VWs) will be recorded on official transcripts and student histories.
The following dates are deadlines for voluntary withdrawals:
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline shall be the 48th teaching day in both Fall and Winter term for those half-courses taught over the whole of each term;
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline for full-courses taught over both Fall and Winter term shall be the 48th teaching day of the Winter term; and
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline for full-and-half courses taught during Summer terms or during some other special schedule shall be calculated in a similar manner using a pro-rated number of teaching days.
The exact Voluntary Withdrawal dates that apply to courses offered in the current academic session are published in the Academic Schedule.
Authorized Withdrawal
Subject to the provision of satisfactory documentation to the faculty of registration, Authorized Withdrawals (AWs) may be permitted on medical or compassionate grounds.
Required Withdrawal from Professional Programs
Senate, at the request of some faculties and schools, has approved bylaws granting them the authority to require a student to withdraw on the basis of unsuitability for the practice of the profession to which the program of study leads.
This right may be exercised at any time throughout the academic year or following the results of examinations at the end of every year.
This right to require a student to withdraw prevails notwithstanding any other provisions in the academic regulations of the particular faculty or school regarding eligibility to proceed or repeat.
Where Senate has approved such a bylaw, that fact is indicated in the Academic Calendar chapter for that faculty or school. A copy of the professional unsuitability bylaw may be obtained from the general office of the faculty or school.
Deferred and Supplemental Examinations
These regulations expand on the Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
Accepting Standing in Course without Examination
In the event that a student is unable to write a deferred examination as it has been scheduled, a grade may be assigned without examination (please refer to the Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedures). A student who accepts standing in a course without examination may not, at a later date, request permission to write a deferred examination in the course.
Supplemental Examinations
Supplemental Examinations are offered by some faculties to students who have not achieved the minimum result in required courses.
Students who are granted supplemental privileges are normally required to sit the examination within thirty (30) working days from the end of the examination series in which the supplemental grade was received, unless the progression rules of a faculty or school require the successful completion of an entire academic year before a student is eligible to proceed into the next. In this case, students are obliged to sit the examination at the next ensuing examination period.
Final Examinations
These regulations expand on the Final Examinations and Final Grades Policy and Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
General Examination Regulations
Students (with the exception of students auditing courses) are required to write all final examinations. Those who absent themselves without an acceptable reason will receive a grade classification of “NP” (No Paper) accompanied by a letter grade based on term work completed, using a zero value for incomplete term work and for the final examination. If no credit for term work is involved, a grade of “F” will be assigned. Under certain conditions a student may apply for a deferred examination; see Deferred and Supplemental Examinations.
Examination Schedules
For most faculties, schools and colleges, final examinations are normally conducted in December for Fall Term courses; in April/May for Winter Term and Fall/Winter Term spanned courses; and in August for Distance and Online Education Summer Term courses. Exact dates for the exam period can be found in the Academic Schedule.
The Schedule of Final Exams for Fall and Winter is made available by the Registrar’s Office approximately one month after the beginning of the term. This schedule is made available on the Registrar’s Office Website and includes finalized dates and times for each exam. Exam locations are added to the schedule at a later date. Summer Term courses, final exam details will be made available 1 – 2 weeks before the posted exam period.
Students must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled. Travel plans are not an acceptable reason for missing an exam.
Examination Personations
A student who arranges for another individual to undertake or write any nature of examination for and on his/her behalf, as well as the individual who undertakes or writes the examination, will be subject to discipline under the university’s Student Discipline Bylaw, which could lead to suspension or expulsion from the university. In addition, the Canadian Criminal Code treats the personation of a candidate at a competitive or qualifying examination held at a university as an offence punishable by summary conviction.
Hold Status
More details about being on Hold can be found online on the Registrar's Office website.
Students will be placed on "Hold Status" if they incur any type of outstanding obligation (either financial or otherwise) to the university or its associated faculties, schools, colleges or administrative units.
Some typical reasons for holds are:
- Program/course selection must be approved
- U1 student must transit into the Faculty of Arts or Science
- Required Major, Minor and/or Concentration declaration
- Transcripts or documents required from other institutions
- Unpaid tuition and/or other university fees
- Outstanding library books and/or fines
- Parking fines
- Pending disciplinary action
Depending on the reason for the hold, limited or no administrative or academic services will be provided to students on Hold Status until the specific obligations have been met.
Students must clear their holds prior to registration by contacting the appropriate office. Students with outstanding financial obligations to the university will not be permitted to register again until the hold has been cleared or permission to register has been obtained from the Office of the Vice-President (Administration).
Advisor and Program Holds
Students enroled in some programs are required to discuss their course selections and program status with an advisor prior to registration. Advisor and Program Holds normally only restrict registration activity; other administrative services remain available.
Students can verify whether their program requires consultation with an advisor by checking their faculty/school section of the Academic Calendar, or by viewing their Registration Time and Status in Aurora.
Graduation and Convocation
Students may graduate from the University of Manitoba in May/June, October, and February of each year. (Convocation ceremonies are held in May/June and October only).
Students are eligible to graduate when they have completed all of the requirements for their degree program in accordance with the regulations described in the chapter General Academic Regulations and the regulations available from the general offices of their faculties and schools.
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the graduation requirements of the program in which they are enrolled. Consultation with academic advisors is advised to ensure that graduation requirements are met.
Please refer to the Registrar’s Office website for Frequently asked Questions about Graduation and Convocation.
Application for Graduation
Every candidate for a degree, diploma or certificate must make formal application at the beginning of the session in which he/she expects to complete graduation requirements.
Application is to be made through Aurora Student. (Log into Aurora Student; click Enrolment and Academic Records, then Declarations, then Declare Graduation Date.)
Changing a Graduation Date
If you need to change your graduation date after you have made your declaration, you must contact the general office of your faculty, college, or school as soon as possible.
Receipt of Information about Graduation
After you have declared your graduation, you will be sent a series of e-mails to your University e-mail account, requesting you to verify your full legal name, asking you about your attendance at convocation, providing convocation information, and so on. It is imperative that you activate your University of Manitoba email account and check it regularly.
Convocation ceremonies are held in May/June and October of each year.
February graduates are invited to attend the May/June ceremonies.
Graduating students are encouraged to attend with their families and friends because it is the one ceremonial occasion that marks the successful conclusion of their program of studies.
Graduates who wish to attend Convocation, verify their attendance at the Convocation ceremony by reserving their academic attire through the University approved supplier.
Students who, for any reason, do not attend Convocation will receive their degrees in absentia.
The Registrar’s Office will hold unclaimed parchments for a maximum of twelve months after graduation when any unclaimed parchments will be destroyed. These will include those not given at Convocation, those that were to be picked up in person but not claimed, those that were mailed but returned to the Registrar’s Office by the postal outlet or courier depot, those that were not issued due to a financial hold on a student’s records, and those that were reprinted immediately after convocation due to corrections.
It is critical that you update your address, phone number and email through Aurora whenever changes occur. Note that any changes made with the Alumni Association are not reflected in your University of Manitoba student records.
If you do not receive your parchment, it is your responsibility to follow up with the Registrar’s Office within a twelve-month period. Any requests for parchments after this time will be processed as replacements; there is a fee charged for replacement parchments.
Academic Dress
Students are responsible for making arrangements to reserve their academic attire through the University approved supplier. Rental fees apply. Details will be provided via e-mail once Convocation planning begins.
Convocation Information
Information on Convocation may be found on the Graduation/Convocation website.
Personal Information
Mailing Address
In order to receive University mail, it is essential that you to provide the Registrar’s Office with your current address. All mail will be directed to the address you provide. You may change your mailing address and phone number by accessing Aurora Student and then selecting Personal Information.
Change of Name
If you have changed your name since you were first admitted or if the name on your record is incomplete or inaccurate, official evidence of the name change or correction must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office along with a completed Request for Change of Name form. The University of Manitoba uses your full legal name on its records, transcripts, and graduation documents (a full legal name, for example, includes all names on your birth certificate - first, middle, and last - or on your study permit). Abbreviated names, Anglicized names, or initials should not be used unless they have been proven with appropriate documentation.