Faculty of Education
General Office
Dean: Dr. Jan Stewart
Associate Dean(s): Dr. Marti Ford (Indigenous Education); Dr. Merli Tamtik (Graduate Programs and Research); Dr. Wayne Serebrin (Undergraduate and Partnerships)
Campus Address/General Office: 203 Education Building
Telephone: (204) 474-9004
Fax: (204) 474-7551
Website: umanitoba.ca/education
Academic Staff: Please refer to the Faculty website at umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/directory/faculty-directory-index.html
Faculty of Education Programs
The Faculty of Education offers two Undergraduate programs: the After-Degree Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) which focuses on becoming a Manitoba certified K–12 teacher and the Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) which provides K–12 educators with ongoing professional learning, career advancement, and opportunities leading to specialized Manitoba Education and Early Learning Specialists Certificates.
After-Degree Bachelor of Education
The After-degree Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) is a two-year professional program consisting of 60 credit hours of coursework undertaken within one of three program streams (Early Years, Middle Years, Senior Years), each with specific creative, critical, responsive and relational teaching and learning goals.
The Early Years (EY) Stream: Focused on early years learners in Kindergarten to Grade 4, the Faculty-based program includes courses taught directly in K–4 schools in the 2nd year of the program.
The Middle Years (MY) Stream: This stream focuses on the specific and complex needs of learners in Grades 5–8. Middle Years teachers are prepared as generalists through Faculty-based and practicum courses.
The Senior Years (SY) Stream: Through this stream, teachers are prepared for in depth teaching with and of learners in grades 9–12. The program emphasizes both teaching in major/minor subject areas and facilitating cross-disciplinary inquiry.
Degree and certification requirements are mandated by the Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning department of the Manitoba Government. This includes twenty-four weeks of in-school practicum, which are completed as part of the 60 credit hours required for the After-Degree B.Ed in all streams.
Recipients of the B.Ed can apply to the certification branch of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning to teach in Manitoba schools and beyond.
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE)
The PBDE program is designed for teacher professional learning and responds to the challenging and changing needs of teachers and educational leaders. Educators can choose a program of study tailored to their area of interest and specializations through a variety of evening, online, and summer courses. The PBDE is a 30-credit hour program usually following the completion of an undergraduate degree (normally the After-Degree B.Ed) and two years of classroom teaching experience.
Degree/Diploma | Years to Completion | Total Credit Hours | Has Co-op Option |
Degree/Diploma After-Degree Bachelor of Education | Years to Completion 2 | Total Credit Hours 60 | Has Co-op Option no |
Degree/Diploma Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education | Years to Completion 1 | Total Credit Hours 30 | Has Co-op Option no |
- After-Degree Bachelor of Education Program - Admission Requirements
- After-Degree Bachelor of Education Program - Academic Regulations
- Bachelor of Education Program - Additional Information
- Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) - Admission Requirements
- Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) Program - Academic Regulations
Faculty Academic Regulations
After-Degree Bachelor of Education Program - Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements for the After-Degree B.Ed. Program
Early and Middle Years Program Requirements
To be considered for admission into the After-Degree B.Ed Early and Middle Years programs, applicants must have a recognized bachelor’s degree of a minimum of 90 credit hours and those 90 credit hours must include:
- 18 credit hours in a teachable major1
See Applicable Early and Middle Years teachable majors and minors. - 12 credit hours in a teachable minor1
See Applicable Early and Middle Years teachable majors and minors. - 6 credit hours English literature or French literature
- 6 credit hours Social Studies (History or Geography)
- 6 credit hours Mathematics (or Statistics)
- 6 credit hours Science (Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology or Physics)
Minister of Education Recognized Major/Minor Subjects for Early and Middle Year Applicants
- Art
Middle Years applicants must possess a minimum of 12 credit hours of studio courses for a major and 9 credit hours of studio courses for a minor. Early Years applicants have no specific requirements. - Computer Science (Middle Years Only)
Applicable for Middle Years applicants only. - Drama/Theatre
- English (Language Arts)
- French
- General Science (Major only)
Major only. This is not available as a minor teachable area. Must include three (3)(only) Science disciplines (Biology/Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environment Science, Geological Science, and Physics. Does not include Geography courses). A minimum of 3 credit hours is required in each of the three disciplines. Additionally, 3 credit hours must be at the 2000 level or above. - Geography
- History
- Human Ecology (Home Economics) (Middle Years Only)
Applicable for Middle Years applicants only. Consists of courses with the designation of HNSC (Human Nutritional Sciences), FMLY (Family Social Science), TXSC (Textile Science) and/or HMEC (General Human Ecology) or their equivalents. Future applicants are encouraged to contact the Faculty of Education for guidance. - Mathematics
A minimum of 6 credit hours must be above the 1000 level. Both major and minor may include courses from either the department of Mathematics and/or the department of Statistics. - Music
See Admissions website for detailed requirements. - Indigenous Studies
May include 6 credit hours of a Canadian Indigenous Language course. - Physical Education
See Admissions website for detailed requirements. - Second Language
Language other than English or French.
Minister of Education Recognized Minor Subjects for Early & Middle Year Applicants
- Anthropology
- Classics
- Dance
- Developmental Studies
For applicable coursework see the Faculty of Education website. - Earth Science (Geological Science)
- Economics
- Environmental Science (Environmental Studies)
- Law
- Philosophy
- Political Studies (Political Science)
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
Senior Years Program Requirements
To be considered for admission into the B.Ed SY programs, applicants must have a recognized bachelor's degree with a minimum of 90 credit hours and those 90 hours must include:
- 30 credit hours in a teachable major
- 18 credit hours in a teachable minor
Minister of Education Recognized Major/Minor Subjects for Senior Year Applicants
- Art
Applicants must possess a minimum of 18 credit hours of studio courses for a major and 12 credit hours of studio courses for a minor. - Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Drama/Theatre
- English (Language Arts)
- French
- General Science
Must include two (only) Science disciplines (Biology/Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environment Science, Geological Science, and Physics. Does not include Geography courses). A minimum of 3 credit hours is required in each of the two disciplines. Additionally, applicants selecting this major must present 3 credit hours at the 3000 level or above; and, applicants selecting this minor must present 6 credit hours at the 2000 level or above. - Geography
- History
- Human Ecology (Home Economics)
Consists of courses with the designation of HNSC (Human Nutritional Sciences), FMLY (Family Social Science), TXSC (Textile Science) and/or HMEC (General Human Ecology) or their equivalents. Future applicants are encouraged to contact the Faculty of Education for guidance. - Mathematics
A minimum of 6 credit hours must be above the 1000 level. Both major and minor may include courses from either the department of Mathematics and/or the department of Statistics. - Music
See Admissions website for detailed requirements. - Indigenous Studies
May include 6 credit hours of a Canadian Indigenous Language course. - Physical Education
See Admissions website for detailed requirements. - Physics
- Second Language
Language other than English or French.
Other Admission Requirements for all streams of the After-Degree Bachelor of Education
Minimum admission GPA for consideration: 2.50 on university coursework with a minimum grade of “C” 1 in each teachable major/minor course and in breadth component coursework. (Breadth coursework means multiple courses in one subject area to develop a deeper understanding of that area of study.)
The admission GPA is calculated on the most recent 30 credit hours of university coursework available at February 1 of admission year1. Courses graded 'Satisfactory' or 'Pass' in non-letter graded pass/fail courses will be used within the teachable courses, but excluded from the GPA calculation. International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) will follow the University of Manitoba regulations and will be calculated if part of the above mentioned 30 credit hours.
- 1
See Bachelor of Education Applicant Bulletin
To be eligible for the After-Degree B.Ed program, applicants must have a conferred bachelor’s degree and all course requirements as stipulated above at the 1000 level or higher completed from a recognized institutions by May 1 of the year of application.
All applicants must also submit references with their applications.
Diversity Admission Category
The Faculty of Education has a Diversity Admissions Category. The Faculty recognizes the importance of providing the highest quality of education to all students in Manitoba via a teaching force that is fully representative of the cultural, ethnic and racial diversity of the province.
As the largest teacher education institution in the province, the Faculty recognizes its responsibility to facilitate the development of such a teaching force. Furthermore, the Faculty recognizes the need to ensure that its recruitment and admission policies and procedures do not inappropriately obstruct the achievement of such a goal, but rather actively promote its attainment.
In keeping with the above, the Faculty will admit up to forty-five percent (45%) of the After-Degree B.Ed. applicants under this policy. For the purposes of self-identification, the Diversity Admissions Categories include: Canadian Indigenous Peoples, Racialized Persons, Persons with Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation Difference, Persons with Disabilities, and Disadvantaged Persons.
Canadian Indigenous Peoples (Allocations 15% of each stream) – This includes Canadian First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples.
Racialized Persons (Allocation 7.5% of each stream) – This includes those who have been treated differently by people or institutions on the basis of their perceived racial backgrounds, colour, and/or ethnicity. This diversity category includes non-Canadian Indigenous peoples.
Persons with Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation Difference (Allocation 7.5% of each stream) – This includes persons who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, two spirit or queer (LGBTTQ).
Persons with Disabilities (Allocation 7.5% of each stream) – This includes those who have a diagnosed physical, mental, psychological, sensory or diagnosed learning disability.
Disadvantaged Persons (Allocation 7.5% of each stream) – A student graduating from the University of Manitoba ACCESS1 Program from an Undergraduate Degree Program in May of the application year or in October of the preceding year.
All information on admission requirements are described in detail in the Applicant Bulletin that includes application deadline dates and information about applying online. This material is available from the Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Services, 4th Floor University Centre.
- 1
For the purpose of admission, the Faculty of Education follows the University of Manitoba criteria for ACCESS Program applicants, that is: those who have not had the opportunity for university studies at the degree level because of social, economic and cultural reasons, lack of formal education or residence in remote areas.
Criminal Records and Child Abuse Registry
All applicants offered admission to the After-Degree Bachelor of Education program are required to complete the “Self-Declaration for Newly Admitted Students: Child Abuse Registry and Statement of Criminal Records” form as a condition of final acceptance to the program. Only adult convictions must be disclosed, and the existence of such a record will not automatically exclude applicants.
In addition to the above self-declaration, all successful applicants will be conditionally admitted pending clearance of an official Criminal Record Search (including vulnerable sector screening) and clearance from the Child Abuse Registry. Both documents must be current (dated March 15 or later of admit year). Registration will not be permitted until these clearances are received. Failure to clear or failure to provide these documents by the stated deadline (see Applicant Bulletin) will result in admission offer being revoked.
It is strongly recommended that applicants order these documents immediately following admission offer.
After-Degree Bachelor of Education Program - Academic Regulations
The provisions of the Academic Calendar chapters, General Academic Regulations and University Policies and Procedures, apply to all students. In addition, the Faculty of Education has regulations and requirements, published below, that apply specifically to its students.
Academic Regulations of the After-Degree Bachelor of Education Programs
Academic Requirement for Graduation
A DGPA of 2.50 is required for graduation in the After-Degree B.Ed.
Academic Standing
A minimum DGPA of 2.50 must be maintained in the After-Degree B.Ed. program for clear standing. A grade of “C” or a Pass (P) is a passing grade for Education courses including practicum.
Additional Academic Considerations
Each student in the Faculty of Education is presumed to be generally suited to a teaching program. Should this prove not to be the case, the Faculty reserves the right, at any time, to require a student to withdraw from the After-Degree B.Ed. program. Unsatisfactory performance in Practicum courses may be considered reason to require an After-Degree B.Ed. student to withdraw from the faculty. Refer to Professional Unsuitability By-Law.
Appeal Procedures
The Faculty of Education Grade Appeal Policy & Procedure is located on the Faculty of Education website. Information about admission decision appeals may be found in the Academic Calendar chapter, Admissions.
Assessment of Student Academic Performance
Academic performance is assessed at the end of each regular term in which the After-Degree B.Ed. student is registered in all courses that are used for credit towards the After-Degree B.Ed. degree. Decisions concerning academic standing are normally made upon initial completion of 15 credit hours.
Based on the DGPA attained in these courses, the following decisions with respect to the student’s eligibility to continue as a Faculty of Education After-Degree B.Ed. student will be made.
Eligible to Proceed
The student with a minimum of 2.50 is eligible to proceed.
Academic Probation
The student who passes all courses, but whose DGPA is below 2.50 but above 1.99 is placed on academic probation.
The student with failing grades whose DGPA is below 2.50 but above 1.99 may be granted permission to repeat and/or replace the failed courses and permission to proceed on probation until completion of an additional 15 credit hours of Education coursework.
Students placed on academic probation may continue on probation until they have completed an additional 15 credit hours of required degree coursework. To clear probation, a student must raise their DGPA to 2.50 by the end of the probationary period. Students on probation who fail to raise the DGPA to at least 2.50 will be required to withdraw on academic grounds (suspension) for a period of two years.
Academic Suspension
Any student who does not meet the minimum academic requirements or whose DGPA is below 2.00 shall be required to withdraw on academic grounds (suspension) from the Faculty of Education for a period of two academic years.
Students who have been required to withdraw on academic grounds will be informed via registered mail. These students may not register at the university for two academic years. Following this period, students wishing to pursue an After-Degree B.Ed., must make a written request for reinstatement. The following will apply in such cases:
- No application for reinstatement will be considered before a minimum period of two academic years has lapsed from the effective date of the required withdrawal to the effective date of the requested reinstatement.
- The applicant will be expected to demonstrate that he or she will now be able to meet the academic requirements of the program.
If the student is reinstated after the time limit for program completion has expired (see Statute of Limitation Regulations), the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, shall determine which, if any, courses previously successfully completed shall be repeated or replaced.
Attendance at Class/Withdrawal
Regular attendance is expected for all students in all courses, including practicum. An instructor or Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, in consultation with the instructor, will normally initiate procedures to withdraw a student from a course where unexcused absences exceed 10% of the scheduled instructional class hours for a course in any one term, or where absences (excused or unexcused) reach 20% or higher of the scheduled class instructional hours for a course in any one term.
Students must contact instructors regarding absences. Students may be required to complete alternative professional learning activities.
The Director of Practicum & Partnerships can initiate proceedings to withdraw a student from a practicum course where absences from required practicum days, excused or unexcused, cannot be made up within the term.
See refer to the Attendance Policy for details.
Authorized Withdrawals
Authorized Withdrawals (AWs) may be requested on medical or compassionate grounds, subject to satisfactory documentation. Students must contact an Education Academic Advisor to initiate an Authorized Withdrawal.
Dean’s Honour List
Students registered in a minimum of 12 credit hours within a single term and who achieve a Term Grade Point Average of 3.90 or better will be included in the Dean’s Honour List. Grades for coursework taken on a Letter of Permission and used towards the After-Degree B.Ed. will be used in meeting the eligibility requirements of the Dean’s Honour List.
Students receiving failing grades where such coursework is required to earn the After-Degree B.Ed. and/or practicum will not be eligible for the Dean’s Honour List.
Eligible students must be enrolled in the After-Degree B.Ed. program.
Degree with Distinction
A student graduating from the After-Degree B.Ed. program will have the degree granted “With Distinction” if a minimum DGPA of 4.20 has been attained on all courses that are used for credit towards the After-Degree B.Ed. This distinction will be noted on the parchment and on the student’s transcript.
Gold Medal
The Gold Medal is awarded each year to the After-Degree B.Ed. graduate who has the highest GPA (minimum 3.75) in the last 60 credit hours of the After-Degree B.Ed. and who has completed at least 80 percent of what is considered to be the normal full course load in each of the last two years of the program.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade | Grade Point | Level of Achievement | Percentage Range |
A+ | 4.50 | Exceptional | 95 and above |
A | 4.00 | Excellent | 90-94 |
B+ | 3.50 | Very Good | 85-89 |
B | 3.00 | Good | 80-84 |
C+ | 2.50 | Satisfactory | 75-79 |
C | 2.00 | Adequate | 70-74 |
D | 1.00 | Unacceptable | 60-69 |
F | 0.00 | Failure | Below 60 |
The required After-Degree B.Ed. Practicum courses are marked on a Pass/Fail basis.
A minimum grade of “C” or a Pass (P) is required for all B.Ed. courses.
Refer to the General Academic Regulations, Academic Evaluation.
Leave of Absence and Part-Time Studies
Although most students will complete the After-Degree B.Ed. program in two years, the Faculty recognizes that individual circumstances may arise that require a student to take one or more full years away from study. In such cases a student should meet with an Education Academic Advisor as early as possible to discuss their particular situation and to map out plans for completing their program. It is important to note that in such cases the following applies:
- Newly admitted students must successfully complete a minimum of 3 credit hours of required After-Degree B.Ed. coursework in the fall or winter term of the year of admission. That is, a leave of absence is not permitted in the first year.
- The normal maximum time allowed for completion of the After-Degree B.Ed. program is six years from the date of admission.
- Application to return for a practicum following a leave must be made by the deadline stated under “Application Deadline for School Placement” in the “Program Requirements” sections.
- Any student returning to resume studies after a leave of absence is expected to conform to any new requirements that have been approved during their absence.
- A student who is on a leave of absence is still considered to be within the After-Degree B.Ed. program and therefore, cannot take courses at another post-secondary institution unless approved on a Letter of Permission (refer to the General Academic Regulations, Academic Evaluation).
Students considering part-time options should note that required After-Degree B.Ed. courses may not always be offered each term or each year (for example, Senior Years C & I in Physics is offered in alternate years). Therefore, students should consult with an Academic Advisor when considering part-time options.
Professional Unsuitability By-Law
The Senate of the University has approved a by-law granting authority to the Faculty of Education to require a student to withdraw from the Faculty for reasons of professional unsuitability. A student may be required to withdraw from the Faculty or may face other disciplinary action when, at any time, the Professional Unsuitability Committee has determined that the student is unsuited, on consideration of competence or professional fitness, for the practice of teaching.
Copies of this by-law may be obtained from the Faculty of Education website.
Repeating a Course
Limited Access will not affect registration for the current Academic Year, which includes Fall, Winter, and Summer terms. See University Policy and Procedures – Repeat Course Policy – Section 2.5 (a) Limited Access.
Required courses which receive a grade of “F” or “D” must be repeated. Education elective courses which receive a grade of “F” or “D” must be repeated or replaced with other Education elective courses. Courses which receive a “C” grade or higher may be repeated; but only with the consent of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships.
Education courses may only be repeated once. When a course is repeated, the last grade achieved will be used in calculating the DGPA.
Students admitted to the After-Degree B.Ed. program will be required to withdraw from the After-Degree B.Ed. program on academic grounds upon failure (receipt of a grade of "F") of any 2 (of the 4) required practicum courses.
The normal maximum time allowed for the completion of the B.Ed. program is six years from the date of admission.
Supplemental Examinations
Supplemental examinations are not permitted in Education courses.
Voluntary Withdrawals
Refer to the General Academic Regulations.
Voluntary Withdrawal from Practicum Limit
All students admitted are permitted one voluntary withdrawal from each of the practicum courses.
5000-Level Courses
Students enrolled in the After-Degree B.Ed. program are not permitted to take 5000-level courses.
Academic Regulations for the After-Degree Bachelor of Education
In addition to Academic Regulations of Bachelor of Education Programs, the following regulations apply to the After-Degree B.Ed. program.
Maximum Course Load
The maximum credit hour load for After-Degree B.Ed. students is 30 credit hours in the regular session (September-April). The following requests for exception will apply:
- Requests to register for 33 credit hours, from students who are in good standing, do not need approval but the student must contact an Academic Advisor for assistance.
- Requests to register for 36 credit hours are approved by an Academic Advisor provided the student’s minimum DGPA is 3.50.
- Requests to register for 3 credit hours above the maximum load but where the student’s DGPA is below 2.50 are not permitted.
- Requests to register for more than 36 credit hours must be submitted, in writing, to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships.
Transfer of Credit
Students may transfer a maximum of five full courses (30 credit hours) from another recognized university or college Professional Education program toward the After-Degree B.Ed. provided the courses are comparable and acceptable to the program, and they have not been applied to another degree program.
Students will not receive advance standing for any Education course which is more than six years old at the point of their admission to the Faculty of Education.
Courses taken as part of the Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (CTESL) (completed by end of Winter 2017) or Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) (started by Summer 2017) through Extended Education, U of M, may receive credit for some coursework. See PBDE, Transfer of Credit for a listing of equivalents.
Those students who are currently in the program and wish to register for a course at another university or college must complete an application for “Letter of Permission” prior to registering. Further information can be found on the website.
Courses at the 5000-level cannot be transferred to the After-Degree B.Ed. program .
Bachelor of Education Program - Additional Information
Scheduling changes to courses and practicum will be updated to Aurora Student. Students are expected to check their Week-At-A-Glance on Aurora Student to confirm location, time, and instructor changes. Cohort meetings and faculty events will be posted on the faculty website. Students are encouraged to regularly refer to the website.
Continuing Students
Refer to Admissions.
Part-Time Students
Opportunities for part-time study are available in all After-Degree B.Ed. streams. Important things to note:
- Students can begin part-time studies in the first year provided they successfully complete 3 credit hours of Education coursework from the Year 1 program requirements. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility to continue in program and require re-application and re-admission.
- The Statue of Limitations policy (which can be found under the section "Academic Regulations of all After-Degree Bachelor of Education Programs" on this page) indicates the After-Degree B.Ed may take a maximum of 6 years to complete.
- Part-time students should note that not all Curriculum and Instruction courses are offered every year.
- Part-time students should work with an Academic Advisor for program planning.
Special Students
The Faculty of Education does not admit students to this category.
Students Enrolled in Other Faculties/Schools
Students currently enrolled in other faculties/schools at the University of Manitoba may take some 1000-level Education courses. Students who hold a recognized degree from an accredited institution may also take 5000-level courses, however, students must obtain permission by completing the Registration Permission form available on the website or from the Education Student Services office, Education Building. 5000-level courses cannot be applied towards an After-Degree B.Ed.
Visiting Students
For admissions procedure, refer to the Application for Visiting Students and contact the Student Services office, Faculty of Education at (204) 474-9004.
The Faculty sponsors a number of lectures, workshops and forums. Attendance for students at program days is expected. Details will be posted on the “News and Events” of the faculty’s website.
Education courses may have unique start and end dates. Students are referred to Academic Schedule to view voluntary withdrawal and fee refund dates.
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) - Admission Requirements
Applicants for Admission to the PBDE program must possess:
- A bachelor's degree with a Grade Point Average of 2.00 (including any after-degree program).
- Two years of appropriate teaching/work experience. Individuals must complete a Supplementary Application and include a brief statement as to educational plans and a resume showing evidence of two years of appropriate full-time teaching or work experience.
- One of the following types of certificates granted by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning: Permanent Professional Certificate, Provisional Professional Certificate, or Clinicians' Certificate; or equivalent from other provinces.
The granting of a certificate to teach in the public schools of Manitoba is the prerogative of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning and is based on a recognized program of teacher education. Individuals wishing to apply for such certification should contact the Professional Certification Unit, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.
Applications are reviewed by the Office of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, for suitability for PBDE study.
Admission Procedure
Applications may only be completed online and the form is available at https://apply.umanitoba.ca/portal/ug_app. The deadlines are:
- Applications Due
- Summer Term
- April 1
- Summer Term 2
- June 1
- Fall Term
- August 1
- Winter Term
- December
- Summer Term
- Classes Beginning
- Summer Term
- May
- Summer Term
- July
- Fall Term
- September
- Winter Term
- January
- Summer Term
- 1
International Applicants should apply at least five (5) months in advance of the above deadlines.
Readmission, Continuing, and Returning Students
All students who were admitted and who did not follow through with course registration or who voluntarily withdrew from their first year of studies must reapply for admission (www.umanitoba.ca/applynow).
All students who were admitted to the PBDE and who have not been in attendance for three consecutive terms, must request permission to re-register in the program and pay the re-admission fee. The ‘Request for Permission to Re-Register in the Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education" is available at https://umanitoba.ca/education/student-experience/resources-pbde.
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education (PBDE) Program - Academic Regulations
Appeal Procedures
The Faculty of Education Grade Appeal Policy & Procedure is located on the Faculty of Education website. Information about admission decision appeals may be found in the Academic Calendar, Admissions.
Assessment of Student Academic Performance- Effective Fall 2022
Academic performance is normally assessed at the completion of nine credit hours of course work and at the end of every session thereafter. A minimum grade of “C” is required for each course that is to be included in the student’s diploma program. Effective September 2011, a student must maintain a minimum Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) of 2.50 to continue in the program. A student whose DGPA falls below 2.50 will be placed on academic suspension for two years. Reapplication and written request for reinstatement addressed to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, is required for readmission to the program. The written request must be received no later than 30 days prior to the application deadline and must identify actions the student has taken during the suspension period to better prepare for meeting the academic requirements of the program.
Note: Students admitted prior to Fall 2022 should consult the relevant calendar.
Attendance at Class and Debarment
Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses, including practicum. An instructor or Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, in consultation with the instructor, will initiate procedures to withdraw a student from a course where unexcused absences exceed 10% of the scheduled instructional class hours for a course, or where absences (excused or unexcused) reach 20% or higher of the scheduled class instructional hours for a course in any one term.
Students must contact instructors regarding absences. Students may be required to complete alternative professional learning activities.
The Director of Practicum & Partnerships will initiate proceedings to withdraw a student from a practicum course where absences from required practicum days, excused or unexcused, cannot be made up within the term.
Please see the section Attendance and Withdrawal in the General Academic Regulations. In addition, see Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Education Attendance Procedures for full details.
Continuing Students
See Admissions.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade | Grade Point | Level of Achievement | Percentage Range |
A+ | 4.50 | Exceptional | 95 and above |
A | 4.00 | Excellent | 90-94 |
B+ | 3.50 | Very Good | 85-89 |
B | 3.00 | Good | 80-84 |
C+ | 2.50 | Satisfactory | 75-79 |
C | 2.00 | Adequate | 70-74 |
D | 1.00 | Marginal | 60-69 |
F | 0.00 | Failure | Below 60 |
See the chapter, General Academic Regulations and Requirements, Academic Evaluation. Students who are unable to complete the term work prescribed in a course may apply to the instructor prior to the end of term for consideration of a grade classification of 'incomplete.' It is understood that the student is to write the final examination if one is scheduled for the course.
Taking into account the results of the final examination, the value of the term work completed, and the extent of the incomplete term work, the instructor shall calculate the temporary grade using a zero value for incomplete work.
Normally, the following maximum extensions are allowed:
- August 1 for courses terminated in April
- December 1 for courses terminated in August
- April 1 for courses terminated in December
If a final grade is not reported within one month of the extension deadline, the Incomplete (I) classification will be dropped and the grade will remain as awarded. The student will no longer have an opportunity to improve the grade. In no case will the satisfaction of the incomplete requirements result in a lower grade being awarded.
Maximum Time Limits/Statute of Limitations
The maximum time allowed for completing the PBDE is six1 years from the time of admission. In addition, a student will not be permitted to count toward the diploma any course completed more than six1 years prior to the time of admission. Students will be permitted to retake and use as PBDE credit Education courses beyond the six1 years provided they have not been previously used elsewhere for credit toward a degree or diploma program. Courses from other faculties will need to be dealt with on an individual basis.
- 1
For students admitted prior to September 2015, the maximum time allowed to complete the PBDE is nine years and courses cannot be older than nine years at the completion of the PBDE.
Repeating a Course
Courses for which a grade of “F” or “D” is obtained, must be repeated or replaced; however, courses may only be repeated once. Courses in which a grade of “C” or higher is obtained may not be repeated. Courses may be repeated once. When a course is repeated, the last grade achieved will be used in calculating the Degree Grade Point Average.
Supplemental Examinations
Supplemental examinations are not permitted in education courses.
Voluntary Withdrawals
See, General Academic Regulations.
Authorized Withdrawals (AWs)
Authorized Withdrawals (AWs) may be permitted on medical or compassionate grounds, subject to satisfactory documentation. Students must contact an Education Student Advisor to initiate an authorized withdrawal.
Graduate Requirements
In order to graduate from the Faculty of Education with a Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education, students must complete at least 60 percent of their coursework in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba.
Transfer of Credit - Effective Fall 2022
Subject to approval by the Faculty, transfer of credit may be granted on the basis of:
Courses taken as part of the Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (CTESL) (completed by end of Winter 2017) or as part of the Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) (completed by the end of Fall 2017) through Extended Education, U of M, may receive credit for some coursework.
Those students who are currently in the program and wish to register for a course at another university or college must complete an application for “Letter of Permission” prior to registering. Further information can be found at http://umanitoba.ca/registrar/letter-permission.
A maximum of 12 credit hours may be transferred from an accredited post-secondary institution provided they have not been previously used towards a degree. Transferred courses must have a grade of C or better. Students will not be permitted to count toward the diploma any course completed more than six years1 prior to the time of admission.
Note: Students admitted prior to Fall 2022 should consult relevant calendar.
- 1
For students admitted prior to September 2015, courses transferred to the PBDE must fall within the nine year statute of limitation at the completion date, must be within the program requirements, and must have a grade of C or better.
Extension of Time to Complete Program of Study (Applicable to students admitted September 2015 and later)
All requests for extensions must be made to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, and must be made within the final term prior to the expiration. The student must complete the “Request for Extension” form available at available at http://umanitoba.ca/education/ and submit it to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, Faculty of Education at least three, but no more than four, months prior to expiration of the respective maximum time limit. Requests for an extension are reviewed by Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, on a case by case basis.
Requests for extension must be accompanied by a realistic timeline for completion.
The normal time requested for extensions is one term. More than one extension period may be considered; however, the total approved for all extensions will not normally exceed one year. Students requesting extensions should consult with an Academic Advisor.
Regular Leave
A request for a leave of absence must be made to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate) who may grant a leave for a maximum of one year. While on leave of absence, a student would not be expected to maintain study. Students on a Regular Leave of Absence will be required to register for courses at the end of the leave period. A Regular Leave of Absence status does not extend the time limits as outlined in the Faculty regulations.
Fees: No Re-Admission fee will be levied upon return to study at the end of a 12 month leave.
Exceptional Leave
In exceptional circumstances, at the request of the PBDE student, the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, may grant an exceptional leave of absence for a period of time not to exceed one year. While on leave of absence for exceptional reasons, a student would not be expected to maintain study nor pay the Re-Admission fee. In addition, the leave period would not be included in the time period allowed for the completion of the diploma.
Fees: No Re-Admission fee will be levied upon return to study at the end of a 12 month leave.
Parental Leave
A PBDE student who is bearing a child or who has primary responsibility of the care of an infant or young child immediately following a birth or adoption of a child is eligible for parental leave. The request should be made to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Partnerships, and may be granted for up to one year. While on leave of absence for parental reasons, a student would not be expected to maintain study. The leave period is not included in the time period allowed for completion of the diploma.
Fees: No Re-Admission fee will be levied upon return to study at the end of a 12 month leave.
Note: At the time of approval of an application for leave, the procedures for the return of the student to the Faculty at the completion of the leave must be stipulated.
The Leave of Absence Application Form is available at http://umanitoba.ca/education/.
Awards & Leave of Absence
Students granted exceptional or parental leave will retain the full value of an award whose terms and conditions are established by the Faculty of Education. Such an award will be suspended at the onset of the leave and reinstated at the termination of the leave period (4 to 12 months) provided that the student returns to full time study at that time. Other awards will be paid according to the conditions established by the donor or granting agency.
Courses Grouped by Subject
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5012 | Legal and Administrative Aspects of Schools for Clinicians | 3 |
EDUA 5302 | Gender and Sexual Diversity in Education and Community | 3 |
EDUB 5870 | Mentoring for Teachers | 3 |
EDUB 5940 | Instructional Product Development | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5480 | Counselling Skills | 3 |
EDUA 5490 | Field Placement in Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5500 | Theories and Issues in Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5510 | Elementary School Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5520 | Ethics in Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5530 | Secondary School Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5540 | Group Counselling | 3 |
EDUA 5550 | Psychology of Human Relationships | 3 |
EDUA 5570 | Family Life Education | 3 |
EDUA 5580 | Career Development | 3 |
EDUA 5590 | Career Information | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5200 | Readings in Educational Foundations | 3 |
EDUA 5210 | Recent Developments in Educational Foundations 1 | 3 |
EDUA 5230 | Studies in International Education | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5930 | Observing Child Behaviour | 3 |
EDUA 5940 | Language and Symbolic Process | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5010 | Introduction to Educational Administration | 3 |
EDUA 5014 | Educational Leadership | 3 |
EDUA 5020 | Principles of Curriculum Development | 3 |
EDUA 5030 | Management of Educational Institutions | 3 |
EDUA 5040 | Personnel Administration in Education | 3 |
EDUA 5060 | Principles of Instructional Supervision | 3 |
EDUA 5080 | Recent Developments in Educational Administration 1 | 3 |
EDUA 5070 | Organizational Behaviour in Educational Institutions (No longer offered) | 3 |
EDUA 5090 | Recent Developments in Educational Administration 2 | 3 |
EDUA 5100 | Issues in the Administration of Education | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5710 | Readings in Educational Psychology 1 | 3 |
EDUA 5730 | Recent Developments in Educational Psychology 1 | 3 |
EDUA 5740 | Recent Developments in Educational Psychology 2 | 3 |
EDUA 5760 | Psychology of Instruction in Educational Contexts | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5840 | Internet Pedagogy | 3 |
EDUB 5850 | Theory and Practice of Designing and Developing Web-based Courses | 3 |
EDUB 5860 | Project Management in Education and Training | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5012 | Video Art, Culture, and Education | 3 |
EDUB 5014 | Pedagogy and Film | 3 |
EDUB 5040 | Theory and Practice of Teaching Art (Elementary) | 6 |
EDUB 5060 | Theory and Practice of Teaching Art in the Senior Years 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5120 | Music in the Early Years/Middle Years School 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5130 | Music in the Early Years/Middle Years School 2 | 3 |
EDUB 5140 | Special Methods in Music 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5150 | Special Methods in Music 2 | 3 |
EDUB 5160 | School Band | 3 |
EDUB 5190 | School Music Productions | 3 |
EDUB 5250 | Music: Advanced Choral Methods | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUA 5602 | Introduction to Inclusive Education | 6 |
EDUA 5614 | Working with Vulnerable Children: An Introduction to Trauma Care | 3 |
EDUA 5620 | Teaching Children Through Alternative and Augmented Communication | 3 |
EDUA 5632 | Assessment and Instruction in Inclusive Education | 6 |
EDUA 5642 | Inclusive Education: Transition from School to Adult Life | 3 |
EDUA 5652 | FASD and other Neurodiverse Conditions in the Classroom | 3 |
EDUA 5662 | Delivering Supports for Inclusive Education | 3 |
EDUA 5680 | Promoting Responsible Behaviour in Educational Settings | 3 |
EDUA 5690 | Focus on Exceptionality: Gifted and Talented | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5330 | Teaching Language and Literacy in the Content Areas | 3 |
EDUB 5350 | Current Issues in Language and Literacy | 3 |
EDUB 5360 | Children's Literature | 3 |
EDUB 5370 | Adolescent Literature | 3 |
EDUB 5380 | Theory and Practice in Written Composition | 3 |
EDUB 5390 | The Teaching of Written Composition | 3 |
EDUB 5400 | Diagnostic and Remedial Techniques in Language Arts | 6 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5550 | Library Reference and Informational Materials | 6 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5760 | Recent Developments in Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUB 5762 | Problem-solving in K-12 Mathematics Classrooms | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5200 | Readings in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5210 | Readings in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 2 | 3 |
EDUB 5220 | Recent Developments in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5230 | Recent Developments in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 2 | 3 |
EDUB 5470 | Recent Developments in Mathematics Education and Science Education | 3 |
EDUB 5480 | Recent Developments in Curriculum: Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2 | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5510 | ESL Materials Development and Practicum | 3 |
EDUB 5512 | Teacher Development and Leadership in Second Language Education | 3 |
EDUB 5514 | Assessment and Testing of ESL/EAL Learners | 3 |
EDUB 5516 | Teaching Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Learners | 3 |
EDUB 5518 | Intercultural Communication in Transnational Contexts | 3 |
EDUB 5522 | English as an Additional Language Teaching for Academic and Specific Purposes | 3 |
EDUB 5524 | Language Development for Multilingual Educators | 3 |
EDUB 5580 | Fundamentals of ESL (English Second Language) Instruction | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5600 | The Teaching of Social Studies in the Early and Middle Years | 3 |
EDUB 5660 | Theoretical Foundations of Social Studies | 3 |
Course | Title | Hours |
EDUB 5100 | Developing Competency Skills in Enterprise Education 1 | 3 |
EDUB 5110 | Developing Competency Skills in Enterprise Education 2 | 3 |
EDUB 5690 | Seminar in Business Education | 6 |
Dates applicable to Education (B.Ed. only *)
Event | Date |
All students | August 30, 2024 |
Start and End Dates
Note: Practicum dates may vary by practicum placement.
Event | Date |
Fall Term | |
Practicum Block | September 3 to 6, 2024 |
Practicum Mondays | September 9, 16, 23, 28, October 7 2024 |
Day Classes | September 10 to November 8, 2024 |
MTS PD Day | October 25, 2024 |
Program Day | November 4, 2024 |
Practicum Block | November 18 to December 16, 2024 |
Practicum Make-up Days (if required and assigned by faculty) | December 17 to 20, 2024 |
Winter Term | |
Program Day | February 3, 2025 |
Practicum Mondays | January 6, 13, 20, 27, February 10, 24, March 3, 10, 2025 |
Day Classes | January 7 to March 14, 2025 |
Practicum Block | March 17 to 28; April 7 to April 24, 2025 |
Practicum Make-up Days (if required and assigned by faculty) | April 25 to 30, 2025 |
Term Breaks
The academic and administrative offices will be open during this period, but there will be no classes/examinations held for students.
Event | Date |
Fall Term Break (Note: Dates may vary by practicum placement) | See the Term Break section of Dates Applicable to Most U of M Students |
Winter Term Break | See the Term Break section of Dates Applicable to Most U of M Students |
Winter Practicum Break (Note: Dates may vary by school division and/or practicum placement) | March 31 to April 4, 2025 |
Examination and Test Dates
Event | Date |
Fall Term (as required) | November 16, 2024 |
Winter Term (as required) | March 15, 2025 |
Academic Schedule Fall/Winter Term 2024-2025
Dates Applicable to all U of M Students
University Closure
When the University is closed no classes/examinations will be held
Event | Date |
Canada Day | July 1, 2024 |
Terry Fox Day (Civic Holiday) | August 5, 2024 |
Labour Day | September 2, 2024 |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | September 30, 2024 |
Thanksgiving Day | October 14, 2024 |
Remembrance Day | November 11, 2024 |
Winter Holiday | December 21, 2024 to January 1, 2025 |
Louis Riel Day | February 17, 2025 |
Good Friday | April 18, 2025 |
Victoria Day | May 19, 2025 |
Canada Day (Holiday Observed) | July 1, 2025 |
Terry Fox Day (Civic Holiday) | August 4, 2025 |
Dates Applicable to most U of M Students
Some additional or differing date information is included in separate sections for: Agriculture Diploma, Art (School of), Dental Hygiene, Dentistry (includes IDDP), Education (B.Ed. only), Management, Medicine (excludes Family Social Sciences), Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Education (B.Ed. only), Management, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Welcome Day Fall Term | Sept 3, 2024 |
Welcome Day Winter Term | Jan 3, 2025 |
Faculty of Architecture | August 23, 2024 |
Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management | July 4 & 9, 2024 |
Start and End Dates
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education, Management, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant Studies, Respiratory Therapy, and Social Work. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term | September 4 to December 9, 2024 |
Winter Term (no classes, examinations or tests will be held March 29, 2024) | January 6 to April 9, 2025 |
Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 6 to July 3, 2025 |
Registration and Withdrawal Dates
Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy and other faculties, colleges and/or schools offering irregularly scheduled courses. Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy students should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule; all others should also refer to the Class Schedule.
Regular Registration Period
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | Ends September 3, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter /Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | Ends January 5, 2025 |
Registration Revision Period
Students may use this period of time to make changes to their selected courses or class schedule. Last day to drop is 1 business day prior to the end of the Registration Revision Period.
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | September 4 to 18, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 6 to 20, 2025 |
Last Date to Drop without Penalty
Last date to drop and have course excluded from transcripts; VWs will be recorded on transcripts for courses dropped after this date. There will be no refunds for courses dropped after this date. Additional or differing dates exist for Agriculture Diploma; students in this program should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term | September 17, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term classes Part A | September 17, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term classes Part B (VW recorded if dropped after Sept 18, 2023) | January 17, 2025 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 17, 2025 |
Last Date to Register/Registration Revision Deadline
Event | Date |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes | September 18, 2024 |
Winter Term classes and Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | January 20, 2025 |
Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) Deadline
Last date to withdraw and not receive a final grade; students cannot withdraw from courses after this date
Event | Date |
Fall Term classes | November 19, 2024 |
Fall/Winter Term spanning classes | January 17, 2025 |
Winter Term classes | March 19, 2025 |
Winter/Summer Term spanning distance and online courses | May 15, 2025 |
Fee Payment Deadlines
A financial penalty will be assessed on accounts with an outstanding balance after this date.*
Event | Date |
Fall Term | October 2, 2024 |
Winter Term | February 5, 2025 |
- *
Please see the Last Day to Drop without Penalty
Term Breaks
Academic and administrative offices will be open during this period; no classes, tests or assignment due dates occur during this time. Additional or differing dates exist for: Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education (B.Ed. only), Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, and Respiratory Therapy. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
Event | Date |
Fall Term Break (The U of M will be closed Monday November 11 for Remembrance Day) | November 12 to 15, 2024 |
Winter Term Break (The U of M will be closed Monday February 17 for Louis Riel Day) | February 18 to 21, 2025 |
Examination and Test Dates
Students are reminded that they must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled. Additional or differing dates exist for: Agriculture Diploma, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Education, Medicine, and Pharmacy. Students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule. Students in faculties, colleges, schools or programs offering irregularly scheduled courses should also see the exam timetable available through their program office.
Event | Date |
Fall Term (includes tests and mid term exams for Fall/Winter Term classes) | December 10 to 20, 2024 |
Winter Term (includes final exams for Fall/Winter Term classes) | April 11 to 25, 2025 |
Challenge for Credit Application Deadline
Event | Date |
For classes offered Fall Term 2023 and spanning Fall/Winter 2023-2024 | September 18, 2024 |
For classes offered Winter Term 2024 | January 20, 2025 |
Final Grade Appeal Deadlines
Event | Date |
For Final grades received for Fall Term 2023 classes | January 23, 2025 |
For final grades received for Winter Term 2024 and Fall 2023/Winter 2024 classes | June 9, 2025 |
Graduation and University Convocation
Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates will be awarded at Convocation. Graduation date may differ from Convocation Ceremony date. Additional or differing dates exist for Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy; students in these programs should also see their respective section of the Academic Schedule.
For students graduating Fall 2024
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | July 25, 2024 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | August 27, 2024 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | October 22 to 23, 2024 |
Convocation Ceremony (Bannatyne Campus) | October 31, 2024 |
For students graduating February 2025
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | September 17, 2024 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | January 2, 2025 |
Graduation date for students graduating in February | February 5, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | June 4 to 6, 2025 |
For students graduating Spring 2025
Event | Date |
Deadline to apply online to graduate for most Undergraduate students | January 17, 2025 |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* | March 27, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Bannatyne Campus) | May 15, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony (Fort Garry Campus) | June 4 to 6, 2025 |
Convocation Ceremony - Université de Saint-Boniface | June 16, 2025 |
Graduate Studies Submission Deadline* for students graduating Fall 2025 | August 21, 2025 |
Annual Traditional Graduation Pow Wow in honour of Indigenous graduates | May 3, 2025 |
- *
Last date for receipt by Graduate Studies of Theses/Practica and reports on Theses/Practica, comprehensive examinations, and project reports from students, and lists of potential graduands from departments.
Dates for Summer Term
Start and End Dates (Generally Monday to Thursday classes)
Classes on Monday, May 19th will be made up on Friday, May 23th
Classes on Tuesday, July 1st will be made up on Friday July 4th
Classes on Monday, August 4th will be made up on Friday, August 8th
May - August courses will have no classes scheduled Monday, June 16th to Friday, June 27th
Event | Date |
May - June | May 5 to June 13, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
July - August | June 30 to August 8, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
May - August (3 credits) | May 5 to August 8, 2025 - 3 hours instruction/week |
May - August (6 credits) | May 5 to August 8, 2025 - 6 hours instruction/week |
Registration and Withdrawal Dates
Regular Registration Period
Registration start dates are to be determined by the Registrar’s Office.
Event | Date |
May - June | Ends May 4, 2025 |
July - August | Ends June 29, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | Ends May 4, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | Ends May 4, 2025 |
Late Registration/Registration Revision Period
Students may use this period of time to make changes to their selected courses or class schedule.
Event | Date |
May - June | May 5 to May 8, 2025 |
July - August | June 30 to July 4, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 5 to May 15, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 5 to May 8, 2025 |
Last Date to Drop without Penalty
Last date to drop and have course excluded from transcripts; VWs will be recorded on transcripts for courses dropped after this date. There will be no refunds for courses dropped after this date.
Event | Date |
May - June | May 8, 2025 |
July - August | July 4, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 15, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 8, 2025 |
Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) deadline
Last date to withdraw and not receive a final grade; students cannot withdraw from courses after this date.
Event | Date |
May - June | June 3, 2025 |
July - August | July 29, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | July 17, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | July 17, 2025 |
Fee Payment Deadlines
Event | Date |
May - June | May 21, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | May 21, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | May 21, 2025 |
July - August | July 16, 2025 |
- *
A financial penalty will be assessed on accounts with an outstanding balance after this date. (determined by Financial Services)
Examination and Test Dates
Students are reminded that they must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled.
Event | Date |
May - June | June 16 to 21, 2025 |
July - August | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
May - August (3 credits) | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
May - August (6 credits) | August 11 to 16, 2025 |
Challenge for Credit
Event | Date |
Challenge for credit application deadline | |
For classes offered Summer Term 2025 | April 25, 2025 |
Educational Administration, Foundation and Psychology
A study of the extensive knowledge of lifespan development and its importance for adult education practitioners. With a focus on development, learning and change, emphasis is placed on the importance of context and individual differences in adult learning.
An introduction to the field of Education from a local and global perspective. Attention will be given to historical movements in adult education, philosophical perspectives, participation and motivation, transformative perspectives on adult learning, and current and future perspectives on adult education.
An introduction to the theory and practice of program planning in adult education. Attention is given to the context in which learning is to take place, the structuring of adult learning opportunities, and the logistics of successful programming.
A study of theoretical and practical aspects of facilitation in adult education.
This course is an introduction to primary and secondary education, the role of the classroom teacher, and the principal tenets of developing relationships and a sense of belonging with children, youth, families, and communities. Students will learn about education as a career; including developing an understanding of what a teacher does, and why they would choose to become teachers. Students will learn about how teachers support student achievement, value student diversity, appreciate the importance of student engagement in learning and teaching, and recognize how administrative and union responsibilities function in education. Students will learn about numerous disciplinary topics as well as important issues such as Indigenous knowledge and education, and anti-oppressive education. This course will utilize a reconciliatory perspective and foreground social justice, human and more-than human rights, global citizenship, democracy, and the impacts of new technologies/media in education. May not be used for credit in the Bachelor of Education nor the PBDE program. May not be held with EDUB 1790.
Equiv To: EDUB 1790
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
The purpose of the course is to explore with teacher candidates the ways in which schooling and teachers’ work is shaped by, and shapes, particular administrative, social, political, economic, historical, legal, organizational, and professional contexts.
An examination of educational ideas and practices that are often contested in the context of a diverse society. The course also focuses on understanding schooling through historical, philosophical, sociological, and cross-cultural perspectives.
A study of fundamental issues, philosophies, and models of Indigenous education. Within a multi-modal and interactive setting, cultural, spiritual, social, and political perspectives regarding Indigenous education will be critically explored. May not be held with the former EDUA 3400.
Equiv To: EDUA 3400
Theory and practical applications related to understanding the complexities of culture, race, ethnicity, social inequality in classrooms, focusing on Indigenous groups, immigration, and the needs of students in culturally diverse classrooms.
Equiv To: EDUA 1540
This course provides a foundation for introducing teacher candidates to the impact of childhood trauma and the educator’s ongoing role as they support students’ academic and social- emotional development. May not be held with EDUA 3502 when titled "An Introduction to Childhood Trauma and Its Impact in the Classroom."
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 3502
Topics will vary depending on the needs and interests of students, and will include specialized topics in educational administration and foundations.
Topics will vary depending on the needs and interested of teacher candidates, and will include specialized topics in educational psychology not studied in regular program courses.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 3422
Examination of the theory and practice of moral and religious education, including curricular and pedagogical issues in both humanistic and religious perspectives.
Theory and practical applications are stressed in the preparation, use, and interpretation of various approaches to assessing student learning.
The purpose of this course is to help teacher candidates increase their awareness, understanding and proficiency in communication and interpersonal relationships. Emphasis in this course is on the integration of theory, research and practice in the areas of communication and interpersonal relationships in schools.
Equiv To: EDUA 1550
An examination of concepts and issues related to meeting the diverse needs of all students, including methods and resources that respond to diversity in classrooms and schools.
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
A study of teaching music in Early and Middle Years schools. For both classroom teachers and Music specialists, the course covers all traditional areas of music instruction as well as music's role across the curriculum.
This course is an introduction to primary and secondary education, the role of the classroom teacher, and the principal tenets of developing relationships and a sense of belonging with children, youth, families, and communities. Students will learn about education as a career; including developing an understanding of what a teacher does, and why they would choose to become teachers. Students will learn about how teachers support student achievement, value student diversity, appreciate the importance of student engagement in learning and teaching, and recognize how administrative and union responsibilities function in education. Students will learn about numerous disciplinary topics as well as important issues such as Indigenous knowledge and education, and anti-oppressive education. This course will utilize a reconciliatory perspective and foreground social justice, human and more-than human rights, global citizenship, democracy, and the impacts of new technologies/media in education. May not be used for credit in the Bachelor of Education or the PBDE programs. May not be held with EDUA 1790.
Equiv To: EDUA 1790
Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses
This course is designed to provide an introductory study of English language and literacy in Early Years education and how it relates to development of classroom communities.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1010
This course addresses mathematical sense making, quantitative reasoning, and practical instructional approaches in the context of the Manitoba Early Years mathematics curriculum towards a developing mathematics teacher identity.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1000, EDUB 1050
Instructional approaches to helping young children construct knowledge about the natural world and the human society they inhabit. Attention is given to planning for learning in science and in social studies represented by current research, and provincial outcomes documents.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1040, EDUB 1060
An exploration of art, drama, and music. An emphasis will be placed on the value of play in early childhood development, the creative process, aesthetics, constructivism and the emergent curriculum.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1030, EDUB 2030
This course examines English as an Additional Language (EAL) development related to early years education. Issues to be addressed include: trends in EAL education, orienting newcomer students and parents to the school context, EAL-inclusive lesson/ unit planning, the new EAL curriculum, cooperative learning, and other related issues.
This course will explore the theoretical concepts of learning and development, both for Middle Years students and teachers as adult professional learners. This is a professional inquiry into practice and learning to observe students to assess their social and emotional, cognitive, and physical development, and how this information impacts learning and classroom dynamics.
Equiv To: EDUA 1800
This course focuses on effective teaching across curriculum areas with emphasis on classroom - based assessment to develop a learner-responsive pedagogy. Strategies for integrating educational technologies into teaching and assessing for learning will be addressed.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3050.
Equiv To: EDUB 2100
This course introduces Middle Years teacher candidates to pedagogically appropriate teaching in Mathematics.
Equiv To: EDUB 1140
A study of curriculum, theories, and instructional approaches and techniques relevant to teaching English Language Arts in the Middle Years. This course will include a focus on teacher candidates' literacy practices and the processes of Middle Year students' literacy learning.
This course facilitates the development of teacher candidates' view of (1) themselves as educators of science and (2) science as a learning area. The course focus is on the learning and teaching practices that contribute to engagement and learning for diverse student populations in Middle Years science.
The course focus is on the learning and teaching practices that contribute to engagement and learning for diverse student populations in Middle Years social studies. Contemporary learning, teaching and assessment models and practices are investigated with integrated inquiry unit planning as the central activity.
A study of current arts curricula (dance, drama, music, visual arts) and pedagogical practices. Emphasis will be placed on the critical role that the arts play in creating rich classroom learning communities, as well as the role of technology in arts teaching and learning.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1120, EDUB 2120
Engagement in physical activities in the gymnasium/ classroom that highlight teaching learning strategies in PE/HE pedagogy. A central theme in this course is the promotion and understanding of physical and health literacies in our classes.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1130, EDUB 2150
A general curriculum and instruction course designed to illuminate the connections between theory and practice and offers a practical approach to planning, teaching, and learning regardless of subject area specialty. Teacher candidates will critically consider the qualities of an effective Senior Years learning environment and recognize the elements at work.
A deeper examination of the relationship between language, literacy and learning through an interdisciplinary approach, including how to understand language and literacy as a part of multiple sociocultural practices that are interconnected within various identities and contexts.
A curriculum and instruction course for the clustered subject areas of Arts: Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Music with opportunities to examine the pedagogical possibilities of their particular art form. The course will explore foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment in the Arts.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster subject areas for languages. This course provides an introduction to the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in teaching languages and how to make connections between research, theory, and practice in the teaching/learning of languages in the Manitoba context.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster of subject areas for the Social Sciences: History, Geography, Indigenous Studies. This course provides the foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in the social sciences.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Equiv To: EDUB 1230
A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster of subject areas for the Natural Sciences includes: General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Human Ecology, Physical Education/Health Education, and Computer Science. This course provides teacher candidates with the foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in the Natural Sciences.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: 3 credit hours from EDUB 3010, EDUB 3012.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1960
Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3310. Pre- or corequisites: EDUB 3010 and EDUB 3012.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1960
Introduction aux perspectives culturelles autochtones et metisses en contexte scolaire dimensions historique, anthropologique, ethique et pedagogique. Developpement de competences professionnelles relatives a l'enseignement dans un environnement autochtone et metis.
Attributes: Université de Saint-Boniface
Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3050.
Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisites: EDUB 3100.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1980
Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3330.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1980
The course will focus on fostering teacher candidate pedagogical knowledge, orientations and capabilities for developing and implementing curricula for kindergarten through to Grade 12 that reflect Indigenous perspectives. May not be held with the former EDUB 3402.
Equiv To: EDUB 3402
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1840
This course will introduce students to the topic of reconciliation in kindergarten to grade 12 educational settings. Students will be introduced to the historical, social, cultural, political, and ethical contexts for reconciliation in Canada and the role that schools and school divisions can and should serve.
Ce cours ser d'introduction aux principes et aux pratiques de base dans le domaine de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage du Français comme langue seconde (FL2) ou additionnelle. Les participants au cours examineront les principes fondamentaux et la mise en pratique de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage du français en tant que langue seconde ou additionnelle. L'accent est mis sur les pratiques pédagogiques de l'approche communicative expérientielle, telle qu'approuvée par le Ministre d'éducation du Manitoba. Puisque ce cours forme partie de la liste de cours répondant au 'Diversity Requirement' de Ministère de l'éducation, une philosophie d'ouverture et d'inclusion de la diversité sous-tendent l'essentiel de ce cours. May not be held with EDUB 1830.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: 18 credit hours of French or permission of instructor.
Equiv To: EDUB 1830
The study of emerging topics in curriculum, teaching, and learning not studied in regular program courses.
This course provides English language development for multilingual teachers of English as a second/additional language and other subject areas. The focus is on teacher, classroom, and professional English that can be applied in various contexts.
Examination of principles and demonstration of procedures for developing basic second language knowledge and skills in various contexts, e.g., ESL, EFL, AL, HL, IL. May not be held with the former EDUB 1620.
Equiv To: EDUB 1620
Principles and procedures of teaching ESL/Bilingual students in subject-area classrooms, using content-based language instruction and language sensitive content instruction. May not be held with the former EDUB 1820.
Equiv To: EDUB 1820
This course will focus on responding to students from immigrant, refugee and Indigenous backgrounds in the classroom, understanding how to teach pronunciation, grammar, word choice and subject area content. Through structural linguistics, this course aims to enhance teacher candidates' confidence in, and knowledge of, language structures necessary for teaching EAL learners. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled, "Language Awareness for Teachers".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502
A survey of the literature available for adolescents. The course includes reading and discussion of the literature, and consideration of techniques for encouraging extensive reading.
A survey of the literature available for children. The course includes reading and a discussion of the literature, and consideration of techniques for encouraging extensive reading.
This course will emphasize the importance of visual learning and its potential for teaching in the various curriculum areas at all levels. Opportunities for studio work, discussion and planning will be provided.
For all students, specialist and non-specialist, who wish to develop a greater understanding and practice of drama in the classroom across the curriculum.
The major ideas and discoveries in science of the lonians and the Greeks, the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the 'modern' period of science, up to the 20th century will be explored with an emphasis on science education and scientific literacy. May not be held with PHYS 2700.
Equiv To: PHYS 2700
The study of selected topics in mathematics in Senior Years.
This course, which is appropriate for early, middle and senior teacher candidates, will critically examine the role of practical work in the teaching and learning of school science. Topics will include: demonstrations, experiments, investigations, field experiences, simulations, data collection and interpretation, new educational technologies, assessment and laboratory safety.
Training teachers to analyze and teach about technological principles within the content area, and to develop specific teaching and learning interventions to infuse technological literacy across content areas.
The role of media in society, designed to assist educators in all disciplines and levels to develop an informed and critical understanding of the mass media and its impact on teaching and learning.
This course provides a community-based field experience. Students will attend a weekly seminar and spend 20 hours a week for six weeks at a host site. The focus of the course is to consider, challenge, and broaden understandings of education, curriculum, and pedagogy within the context of social justice. Site examples: arts programs, nature reserves, youth programs. This is a pass/fail course.
A study of teaching movements/ dance education in Early (K-4) and Middle Years (5-8) schools. For both classroom teachers and physical education specialists, the course covers all traditional areas of movement instruction as well as movements' role across the curriculum.
Equiv To: EDUB 1750
This course is designed to support teacher candidates in developing their confidence as writers and in expanding their pedagogical knowledge and approaches as teachers of writing. Open to teacher candidates in all streams and teachable areas.
This course examines current approaches to education for sustainability within the K-12 classroom. Students will be introduced to the historical, social, cultural, political, and ethical contexts for sustainability in Canada, and the role that school education can play in developing sustainable living. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled "Education for Sustainability".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502
Students will critically examine assessment practices and policies for Grades K-12 learning contexts including practices associated with 'assessment of, as and for learning' in various school subjects. Students will consider the role of assessment in self-regulated learning and deepen their understanding of ways to provide feedback to K-12 students to support their learning. Assessment practices that can enhance equity including culturally +3.0 responsive/sustaining assessment will be explored as well as ways to gather assessment information to guide teaching. Ways to communicate assessment information to parents will be considered and assessment policies and guidelines will be examined. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled "Understanding Assessment Policy and Practice for Grades K-12 Settings."
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502
An exploration and critical reflection on theory, research, and practice in education for sustainability in science, mathematics, and social studies and the ways in which multiple literacies can assist children in consolidating their knowledge and understanding of sustainable well-being. Course offered off-campus.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: EDUB 3012, EDUB 3014, EDUB 3312. Corequisite: EDUB 4012.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2040, EDUB 2050, EDUB 2060
A school-based course, taught in collaboration with EDUB 4010 Pedagogy for Sustainable Well-being: Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies, providing opportunities for teacher candidates to be immersed with children and teachers in curriculum inquiry related to learning languages/literacies, learning about languages/literacies, and learning through languages. Course offered off-campus.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3010, EDUB 3312. Corequisite: EDUB 4010.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2000, EDUB 2010, EDUB 2070, EDUB 2080
The focus of this course is to promote the development of movement and personal management skills for lifelong activity and fitness. Teacher candidates will learn to create activities and strategies within the gymnasium/classroom that incorporate physical activity into daily routines.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1020, EDUB 2020
A study of the effective teaching practices which are essential for creating positive learning environments in middle-years classroom communities. Emphasis is placed on the social processes and pedagogy, especially the use of formative assessment and integrated curriculum approaches.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3052.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2400
This course focuses on advanced instructional strategies in the teaching of mathematics in the middle years.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3054.
An introduction to educational and information technology in the classroom. Focus will be on the utilization of technology, the development of information skills for teachers and critical analyses of the potential of educational technology.
Themes in Senior Years is a topics course designed to expose students to current issues and topics relevant to professional thinking and practice. Topics are offered and represent those pedagogical practices that enhance and expand upon broad forms of teaching practice. Students will focus on an area of interest to experience pedagogies that promote choice and multiple modes of expression. May not hold credit for more than one topic under this course number.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3332.
The development of skills for planning, teaching, and assessing visual art in a Senior Years setting.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An advanced study of curriculum, and instructional approaches and techniques relevant to the teaching of music in Senior Years.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An examination of the issues of arts, pedagogy, creative process and program development.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An in-depth study of the curriculum and pedagogy relevant to inquiries into curriculum and pedagogy relevant to teaching English Language Arts in diverse, 21st century classrooms.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A course that will focus on theory and practices as well as strategies in teaching French as a Secondary Language. Students will address issues and challenges faced in FSL literacy and spend time focusing on inclusion in the FSL classroom and benefits of allophone students in the FSL classroom.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A course that will focus on theory and practices as well as strategies in teaching Heritage, Aboriginal, or International Languages. Students will address issues and challenges faced in literacy and spend time focusing on inclusion in the classroom.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Designed to prepare students to become teachers of Geography using the Manitoba Senior Years Social Sciences curriculum.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Designed to prepare students to become teachers of History with expertise to help students acquire historical knowledge, historical thinking, and attain the enduring understanding (topics) listed in the Manitoba Curriculum documents for History/ Social Studies.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An examination of the curricular and pedagogical issues relating to the teaching of Indigenous Studies in Senior Years. Includes the study of trends and current issues relevant to Canadian Indigenous experience. May not be held with the former EDUB 4134.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Equiv To: EDUB 4134
An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Biology in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching of science in these documents, as well as the key scientific concepts in each unit of the curriculum. Following contemporary approaches to teaching and learning, particularly conceptual change and socio-scientific issues (SSI), readings and discussions will focus on content-specific issues related to teaching and learning biology at the senior level.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Chemistry in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching chemistry.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A study of the curriculum, instructional approaches, and assessment as they pertain to teaching computer science at the secondary level. Teacher candidates will compare and contrast technical, educational, assessment and professional development aspects of computer-related secondary school courses. This involves knowing and understanding the strengths and limitations of current curriculum documents.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An overview of the theory and practice of teaching General Science in the context of the Manitoba Curriculum Framework at the Grade 9 - 10 level. General principles of science and education, conceptual development, cognitive and learning theories, and scientific literacy, are presented and discussed. Emphasis is placed on using conceptual development models to help science teachers present concepts and topics.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A study of the planning and teaching of home economics. Emphasis will be placed on the new research on teaching, learning, assessment, principles of educational change, information and communications technology (ICT), inclusivity, current brain research and how it affects learning, differentiated instruction, and multiple intelligences.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A study of the curriculum and instructional approaches to teaching mathematics, including how mathematics is learned, how to structure learning opportunities for students, and developing and expressing, pedagogically sound approaches to teaching mathematics courses in secondary schools.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
A course designed to prepare teacher candidates to work with students in ways that enable and encourage them to develop the commitment and capacity to lead an active healthy lifestyle. The course will also develop and enhance students' life skills to promote physical and health literacy, and health related behaviours.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Physics in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching of physics.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.
Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3312.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2960
Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher (s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4310. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2960
Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher (s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3322. Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 4050.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2970
Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4320. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2970
Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3332. Pre- or corequisites: 6 credit hours from: EDUB 4110, EDUB 4112, EDUB 4114, EDUB 4120, EDUB 4122, EDUB 4124, EDUB 4130, EDUB 4132, EDUB 4138 (or the former EDUB 4134), EDUB 4140, EDUB 4142, EDUB 4144, EDUB 4146, EDUB 4148, EDUB 4150, EDUB 4152, EDUB 4154.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2980
Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4330. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2980
The study of emerging topics in curriculum, teaching and learning not studied in regular program courses.
Educational Administration, Foundation and Psychology- Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education
A study of the basic concepts, tasks and processes of administration as they apply to education. Not to be held with EDUA 5011.
Equiv To: EDUA 5011
This course will involve an examination of the form, functioning and organizational aspects of schooling through the lenses of legislation, policy, and public expectations. Students will gain an understanding of The Public Schools Act and The Education Administration Act (and associated Regulations), as well as other pertinent statutes, and their individual and collective application to, and impact upon, the work of school personnel in Manitoba. May not be held for credit with EDUA 5080 where title is "Legal and Administrative Aspects of Schools for Clinicians".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5080
This course focuses on the concept of educational leadership and its relevance to the organization of schooling (primarily public schooling) in Manitoba and the lives of those people (students, teachers, parents, administrators etc.) most closely associated with school. May not be held with EDUA 5080 when titled "Educational Leadership".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5080
An examination of approaches to curriculum design. Influences on the design process, and aspects of implementation. Emphasis is given to teacher participation in creating curriculum. Not to be held with EDUA 5021.
Equiv To: EDUA 5021
A study of basic patterns of organization and the administrator's role in educational institutions. The focus is on decision making, communicating, planning and evaluating in educational institutions. Not to be held with EDUA 5031.
Equiv To: EDUA 5031
An examination of the administrator's relationships with other personnel in education, with emphasis on personnel policy, staff development and motivation. Not to be held with EDUA 5041.
Equiv To: EDUA 5041
An analysis of theoretical models of instruction and supervision and their application in education. Not to be held with EDUA 5061.
Equiv To: EDUA 5061
An opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and application of, recent or emerging developments in educational administration.
A continuation of certain topics of EDUA 5080 to extend and develop studies previously undertaken in these areas.
An analysis of issues in the administration of educational organizations. Not to be held with EDUA 5101.
Equiv To: EDUA 5101
Readings and research in selected areas of the study of education.
An opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and application of, recent or emerging developments in educational foundations.
An examination of educational issues and practices in other countries, especially those of the third world. Emphasis will be given to teaching and administration in developing countries.
This course explores the various historical, political, and social struggles facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, two-spirit, and queer (LGBT2Q) people in educational contexts and their communities. The course explores LGBT2Q experiences with, and concerns relating to, policy, curriculum, administration, school experience, support, pedagogy, and community organizations. Students in this course will learn strategies for making their learning environments more inclusive of gender and sexuality diversity. May not be held with EDUA 5080 when titled "LGBTQ Issues in Education & Community" or "Gender and Sexual Diversity in Education and Community."
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5080
Emphasis will be on the development of counselling skills such as attending and listening, reflection of content and feelings, feedback and self-disclosure, focusing and summarization. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. May not to be held with EDUA 5481. While students from other departments including Psychology and Social Work can enrol in this course, priority will be given to Education students.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 5500 or EDUA 5501 or permission of instructor.
Equiv To: EDUA 5481
A field-based counselling situation for students to apply counselling skills under qualified professionals in the field, and supported by university instructors. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Enrolment limited. May not be held with EDUA 5491.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisites: [EDUA 5500 or EDUA 5501 or permission of instructor] and [EDUA 5480 or EDUA 5481 (P)].
Equiv To: EDUA 5491
A study of the philosophy and theories of counselling, issues in school and community-based settings. May not to be held with EDUA 5501.
Equiv To: EDUA 5501
An examination of the role and functions of the counsellor in the elementary school. May not be held with EDUA 5511.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 5500 or EDUA 5501 or permission of instructor.
Equiv To: EDUA 5511
In this course, participants will be introduced to the Codes of Ethics for counsellors. Major ethical issues related to the following topics will be discussed: informed consent, confidentiality, record-keeping, boundary issues, training and competence, clinical supervision and multicultural and diversity issues. Participants will get an opportunity to practice various ethical decision-making models.
A study of counselling as related to secondary-school practice. Emphasis on the secondary-school counsellor's role and functions. Examination of the various counsellor services: educational, orientation, staff, etc. May not be held with EDUA 5531.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 5500 or EDUA 5501 or permission of instructor.
Equiv To: EDUA 5531
A study of groups, group leadership and related skill development, especially as related to a counsellor's functioning in the schools and community-based settings. May not to be held with EDUA 5541.
Equiv To: EDUA 5541
A study of interpersonal relationships. A laboratory approach is used to increase the personal sensitivity of the participants to people. Particularly suitable for teachers, school administrators, and other professionals. Not to be held with EDUA 5551.
Equiv To: EDUA 5551
A study of human sexuality and family relationships. Consideration is given to research findings, teaching resources and the methods, development, and cooperation with home and community. Not to be held with EDUA 5571.
Equiv To: EDUA 5571
Study and application of theories of career development, occupational choice, and decision making; evaluation and design or self-knowledge programs in counselling for decision. Not to be held with EDUA 5581.
Equiv To: EDUA 5581
A study of work, local employment, and training; analysis of career information; evaluation and design of career resource centres; a development study of career education.
A survey course for educators interested in inclusive education- legislative, pedagogical, attitudinal and systemic barriers to inclusion and exemplary inclusive provisions are covered. Topics include SRV, the organization and implementation of inclusive classroom, school-wide, and community supports. May not be held with the former EDUA 5600 or EDUA 5601.
Equiv To: EDUA 5600, EDUA 5601
An examination of alternative and augmented communication issues, services, supports, and inclusive teaching and learning strategies.
An examination of curriculum-based and classroom-based assessment to guide the instruction of students experiencing learning or behavioral difficulties in inclusive classrooms. May not be held with the former EDUA 5630 or EDUA 5631.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisites: EDUA 5602 (or the former EDUA 5600) or EDUA 5601 or equivalent.
Equiv To: EDUA 5630, EDUA 5631
An examination of the practices for supporting students from preschool until they transition into adulthood, including the nature of support services and an analysis of factors influencing program development and effectiveness. May not be held with the former EDUA 5640 or the former EDUA 5650.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5640, EDUA 5650
This course will examine how FASD and other neuro-behavioural/developmental conditions are diagnosed, and their associated learning and behavioural characteristics. Theoretical academic frameworks and educational strategies to optimize students' success in the classroom also will be explored. May not be held with the former EDUA 5770.
Equiv To: EDUA 5770
A critical study of the nature of learning support and an analysis of factors influencing program development and effectiveness. May not be held with the former EDUA 5660 or EDUA 5661.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisites: EDUA 5602 (or the former EDUA 5600).
Equiv To: EDUA 5660, EDUA 5661
The course is designed to provide teachers with an understanding of the needs of children who display maladaptive behaviours in a school setting. Conceptualization of behaviour disorders, identification/assessment procedures, and intervention strategies will be studied. The purpose of the course is to enable teachers to generate intervention strategies which are appropriate in an educational setting. Not to be held with EDUA 5681.
Equiv To: EDUA 5681
Students will be introduced to various topics and issues in the realm of gifted education, including theoretical models; relevant research, and appropriate teaching and assessment practices.
Directed readings and study of topics in various aspects of education from the psychological viewpoint.
An opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and practical application of, recent or emerging developments in this area.
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5614
An opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and practical application of, recent or emerging developments in this area.
Designed primarily, although not exclusively, for classroom teachers and school personnel. A critical examination of major theoretical foundations and models of instruction. The course aims at the integration and application of traditional and emerging approaches and strategies of classroom instruction.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200 or equivalent.
Equiv To: EDUA 5761
A study of scientific inquiry in the field of education. Research and statistical methods are surveyed within the context of educational research. Particularly recommended for students interested in the evaluation and application of research findings. Not to be held with EDUA 5801.
Equiv To: EDUA 5801
Particular attention is given to problems of item analysis, validity, reliability, and test evaluation in the educational setting. Norm and criterion referenced tests are considered. Not to be held with EDUA 5811.
Equiv To: EDUA 5811
The use of qualitative observation techniques, especially in educational settings, to understand children's behaviour, thinking, and motivations.
Equiv To: EDUA 5931
The focus in this course is on the role of symbolic learning in the development of the young child. A study of theories on symbol formation is intended to serve as a framework for examining the emergence of representational capacities in movement, gesture, play, drawing and three dimensional media.
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning- Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education
This course will focus on fostering students pedagogical, historical, theoretical, and sociological knowledge, as well as creative video skills. Students will learn about developing and implementing video across the curricula from grade 1 to grade 12 in order to incorporate video making and current viewing practices into classrooms. May not be held for credit with EDUB 5220 where the title is “'Video Art, Culture, and Education.”
A study of films and their relationships to contemporary educational practice. The approach will be a critical one exploring and analyzing films and their relationships to teaching, teachers, students and curricula. The emphasis is on understanding film as a powerfully educative media in its own right as well as its complex relationships with traditional school knowledge. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled "Pedagogy and Film: Studying the Moving Image" or EDUB 5230 when titled "Portrayal of Teaching in the Popular Media".
The theory and practice of teaching Art in the Elementary School will be examined through an inquiry into both the development of the child through his/her art expression and related curricular experiences.
An overview of major aspects of Art Education in the context of Senior Years 1 curriculum through a study of current theory, a variety of studio areas and related aesthetic concepts.
Promotes the development and integration of skills of creativity, innovation, self-reliance and responsibility in students, within the framework of an enterprise education/entrepreneurship paradigm. Participants develop teaching strategies and materials and learn to integrate these skills into current educational practices.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Corequisite: EDUB 5110.
This course continues the promotion and application of student competency skills, within the framework of an enterprise education/entrepreneurship paradigm. Participants plan and organize a school, community or business venture, develop plans for the promotion and marketing of the product or service, arrange financial support, and make a presentation of their venture plan to a panel of evaluators.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Corequisite: EDUB 5100.
A course to assist classroom teachers plan for music making activities based on knowledge and proficiency in the use of Orff instruments and recorder.
A course to assist classroom teachers plan for music making activities based on knowledge and proficiency in the use of a wide range of string instruments (guitar, baritone ukulele, dulcimer, etc).
An advanced study of the Orff method as it applies to Early and Middle Years schools with emphasis on ensemble performance. The course is designed for the music specialist.
An advanced study of the Kodaly method as it applies to Early and Middle Years schools with emphasis on the contributions of the method to fine choral performance. The course is designed for the music specialist.
An advanced study of the methods for initiating and continuing a band in Middle and Senior Years schools with emphasis on the contributions of a band program to Middle Years education.
A study of the principles and procedures for presenting school music productions.
Readings and research in special areas of curricular study related to curriculum, teaching and learning.
Readings and research in special areas of curricular study related to curriculum, teaching and learning.
An opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and practical application of, recent or emerging developments in the area.
A continuation of certain topics of EDUB 5220 to extend and develop the study previously undertaken in these areas.
Advanced methods in choral instruction and conducting through a study of choral literature related to school music programs.
An examination of approaches to literacy in the content areas (science, mathematics, social studies, etc); emphasis on strategies for reading, writing, and studying, materials, and material assessment, procedures, and supporting research.
This course invites participants to engage in becoming stronger writers and more effective teachers of writing. Th course is designed with the premise that to become better teachers of writing, teachers must become writers themselves. This is an intensive and experiential course that affords opportunities to write, participate in writing groups, delve into professional literature in writing craft and pedagogy, interact with guest speakers, explore place and place-writing as inquiries into power and (in) justice, and design and lead a teaching demonstration. The course is open to all, regardless of prior writing experience. May not be held with EDUA 5220 when titled 'Writing Workshop: Writing for/as Human Rights" or EDUB 5230 when titled 'Curriculum Development: Writing for/as Human Rights."
Mutually Exclusive: EDUA 5220, EDUB 5230
A special topics course designed to update students on the most recent developments in Language and Literacy Education.
The nature and psychology of literature for children in the elementary grades. Areas for consideration include an examination of materials, use of evaluative criteria to assess the materials, and research findings concerning development, interest and use of the material. Not to be held with EDUB 5361.
Equiv To: EDUB 5361
The nature and psychology of literature for students in Grades 7-12. Areas for consideration include an examination of materials, use of evaluative criteria to assess the materials, and research findings concerning development, interest and use of the material. Not to be held with EDUB 5371.
Equiv To: EDUB 5371
A course designed to explore the nature of written composition and to provide practice in various types of writing.
A course designed to assist teachers in organizing and implementing writing programs. Consideration will be given to motivational strategies, useful writing activities and exercises, and practice in editing and evaluation.
Diagnosis and correction at the classroom level. Opportunities for detailed analysis of diagnostic instruments. Practical aspects include diagnosis of language arts problems, prescriptions, and correction on the basis of evaluation.
This course will provide an opportunity to examine the theoretical bases for, and practical application of, recent or emerging developments in the area. May not be held with EDUB 5471.
Equiv To: EDUB 5471
A continuation of certain topics of EDUB 5470 to extend and develop the previous study undertaken in these areas.
A general survey of published ESL instructional materials will form the basis for students to design learning experiences to be implemented in a supervised practicum. Students who feel they would benefit from some English as an Additional Language support and have limited prior teaching experience should take EDUB 5524 prior to the practicum course.
PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 5580 or instructor's permission.
This course explores current approaches in the development of second language teachers and initiatives to facilitate leadership in programs inclusive of language learners.
This course will examine various methods in assessment and testing of English language learners, including formative, summative and alternative assessment strategies. Attention will be paid to the following areas: initial and ongoing needs assessment, evaluating without tests, and questioning the educative value of assessment and testing. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled " Assessment and Testing of ESL/EAL Learners".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 5220
This course will introduce course participants to the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching K-12 LAL learners, who are newcomers to Manitoba and have limited or no previous schooling experiences due to war or refugee status. These learners need to develop literacy and foundational academic skills in addition to learning English as an additional language as they usually have little or no literacy in any language. Course participants will examine LAL students' backgrounds, learn different instructional strategies and develop appropriate materials to meet diverse needs of LAL learners effectively. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled "Teaching Literacy, Academics, and Language (LAL) Learners".
This course provides an introduction to theory and practice related to intercultural communication. Students will investigate the ways in which language, culture, and nonverbal communication play out in cross cultural contact. Students will become attuned to the values, beliefs, and assumptions they hold generally and about communication specifically as they interact with people unlike themselves. The course combines theory and research as well as the application of concepts, both in class and out of class, by way of activities, simulations, and interactions with people of other cultures. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled " Intercultural Communication in Transnational Contexts".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 5220
This course provides up-to-date views of Teaching English for specific and academic purposes, including a brief history and relevant definitions. Issues related to needs assessment, curriculum development, course design, materials development, evaluation and assessment, and teacher development will be discussed, focusing on both local and international settings. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled "English as an Additional Language Teaching for Academic and Specific Purposes".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 5220
Multilingual/Non-Native English-Speaking (NNES) teachers in Canada face unique challenges when teaching English, including using culturally-appropriate language registers and teaching methods, and facing discrimination in the workplace because of the varieties of English they speak. This course addresses these challenges. May not be held with EDUB 5220 when titled "Language Development for Multilingual Educators".
Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 5220
Principles of reference and research with special emphasis on interdisciplinary investigation; the problems of access to information; types of reference sources, their evaluation and selection for library reference collections; services to library users.
Examination of principles and demonstration of procedures for teaching ESL in Canada and EFL overseas.
This course concentrates on the teaching of social studies in schools from Kindergarten to approximately Grade Nine, with particular reference to the implications of social studies teachers of the characteristics of students at those levels.
This course examines recent developments in social studies education. It aims to familiarize students with the debates, the research and the innovations (successful and otherwise) that have characterized social studies curriculum.
Curriculum development; methodologies; evaluation and measurement; research.
Reading and research in mathematics education (selected topics).
Students will explore various aspects of problem-solving in K-12 mathematics classrooms. The course will introduce the knowledge, processes and strategies involved in problem-solving as presented in curriculum, theory and research. Students will have opportunities to engage in collaborative problem-solving and be invited to reconsider their preconceived understandings of the role of problem-solving in mathematics teaching and learning.
Theory and practice of teaching and learning with the Internet. Focus on instructional applications of the Internet, for all levels from K-12 as well as adult, post-secondary and training settings. Current research will be examined and monitored for its relevance to this fast-changing field.
Theory and practice of the design, development and evaluation of on-line web-based distance education courses for K-12 through adult/post-secondary programs.
Theory and practice of project management principles in education and training. Emphasis on application of concepts and procedures of educational project management including planning and proposal creation for developmental and/or research activities in educational agencies.
An examination of mentoring practices with particular focus on educative ways of mentoring teacher candidates and new teachers
Systematic development of an instructional product. Includes needs assessment, goal setting, writing objectives, task analyses, product development, evaluation techniques.
- Introduction
- Residence and Written English and Mathematics Requirements
- Course Identification
- Grades and Grade Point Average Calculation
- Academic Evaluation
- Academic Integrity
- Appeals of Grades
- Attendance and Withdrawal
- Deferred and Supplemental Examinations
- Final Examinations
- Hold Status
- Graduation and Convocation
- Personal Information
This chapter contains the regulations and requirements that apply to all students, regardless of faculty or school.
Each faculty and school has its own supplementary regulations and requirements. These are published in the faculty or school chapters of the Academic Calendar. Some faculties and schools also have additional regulations and requirements governing their programs; these are available from the faculty or school.
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the academic regulations and requirements of the University of Manitoba in general and of the specific academic regulations and requirements of their faculty or school of registration. Accordingly, students are asked to seek the advice of advisors in faculty and school general offices whenever there is any question concerning how specific regulations apply to their situations.
Residence and Written English and Mathematics Requirements
Residence Requirements For Graduation
Each faculty and school recommends to the Senate the number of credit hours each student must complete in order to graduate from its programs. Senate also requires each student to complete a minimum number of credit hours at the University of Manitoba -- this is called the “residence requirement.”
Unless otherwise stated in faculty and school chapters, the minimum residence requirement of the University of Manitoba is the work normally associated with one year in the case of programs of three years’ duration, and two years for programs of four years’ duration. Some faculties and schools may have additional residence requirements specified in their program regulations. However, in all cases, the residence requirement is assessed following an appraisal of the educational record of the student applying to transfer credits from another institution or applying to earn credits elsewhere on a letter of permission. The residence requirement is not reduced for students whose “challenge for credit” results in a passing grade.
University English and Mathematics Requirements for Undergraduate Students
All students are required to complete, within the first 60 credit hours of their programs, a minimum of one three credit hour course with significant content in written English, and a minimum of one three credit hour course with significant content in mathematics.
Some degree programs have designated specific written English and mathematics courses to fulfil this requirement.
Price Faculty of Engineering have their own written English requirements.
Some degree programs require that the written English and/or mathematics requirements be completed prior to admission.
See the program descriptions in the faculty and school chapters of the Academic Calendar for details.
Exemptions to the Written English and Mathematics Requirement
- All students with completed baccalaureate degrees and who transfer into any program to which these requirements apply.
- Registered Nurses entering the Bachelor of Nursing Program for Registered Nurses.
- Students admitted before the 1997-98 Regular Session.
- Written English exemption only: Students transferring from Université de Saint-Boniface who have completed a written French requirement (at the university) before transferring to the University of Manitoba will be deemed to have met the written English requirement.
Approved English and Mathematics Courses
A complete list of all courses which satisfy the university written English and mathematics requirement is provided below. (When searching for courses in Aurora, students may search Course Attributes for courses that satisfy the written English and Mathematics requirements).
Note that some programs may restrict the choice of English or Mathematics courses. See the program descriptions in the faculty and school chapters of the Academic Calendar for details.
Written English Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
AGRI 2030 | Technical Communications | 3 |
ANTH 2020 | Relatedness in a Globalizing World | 3 |
ARTS 1110 | Introduction to University | 3 |
ASIA 1420 | Asian Civilizations to 1500 (B) | 3 |
ASIA 1430 | Asian Civilization from 1500 (B) | 3 |
CATH 1190 | Introduction to Catholic Studies | 3 |
CATH 2010 | Literature and Catholic Culture 1 | 3 |
CATH 2020 | Literature and Catholic Culture 2 | 3 |
CLAS 2612 | Greek Literature in Translation | 3 |
CLAS 2622 | Latin Literature in Translation | 3 |
ENGL 0930 | English Composition | 3 |
ENGL 0940 | Writing About Literature | 3 |
ENGL 1XXX | All English courses at the 1000 level | |
ENGL 2XXX | All English courses at the 2000 level | |
ENVR 2810 | Environmental Critical Thinking and Scientific Research | 3 |
FAAH 2930 | Writing about Art | 3 |
FILM 2280 | Film and Literature | 6 |
FORS 2000 | Introductory Forensic Science | 3 |
GEOG 2900 | Geography of Canadian Prairie Landscapes (A) | 3 |
GEOL 3130 | Communication Methods in the Geological Sciences | 3 |
GMGT 1010 | Business and Society | 3 |
GMGT 2010 | Business Communications | 3 |
GPE 2700 | Perspectives on Global Political Economy | 3 |
GRMN 1300 | Masterpieces of German Literature in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 1310 | Love in German Culture in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2120 | Introduction to German Culture from 1918 to the Present (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2130 | Introduction to German Culture from the Beginnings to 1918 (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2500 | Special Topics in German in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2510 | German Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm to Hollywood (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2520 | Spies: Stories of Secret Agents, Treason, and Surveillance (C) | 3 |
GRMN 2530 | My Friend the Tree: Environment and Ecology in German Culture in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3262 | Representations of the Holocaust in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3270 | Studies in Contemporary German Cinema (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3282 | Sex, Gender and Cultural Politics in the German-Speaking World in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3390 | German Representations of War (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3510 | Special Topics in German in English Translation (C) | 3 |
GRMN 3530 | Special Topics in Comparative German and Slavic Studies (C) | 3 |
HIST 1XXX | All History courses at 1000 level | |
HIST 2XXX | All History courses at 2000 level | |
HNSC 2000 | Research Methods and Presentation | 3 |
HYGN 1340 | Communications | 2 |
INDG 2020 | The Métis in Canada | 3 |
INDG 2110 | Introduction to Indigenous Community Development | 3 |
INDG 2530 | Introduction to Indigenous Theory | 3 |
KPER 2120 | Academic Skills in Kinesiology and Recreation Management | 3 |
LABR 1260 | Working for a Living | 3 |
LABR 1290 | Labour Unions and Workers' Rights in Canada | 3 |
LABR 2200 | Labour History: Canada and Beyond (C) | 3 |
LABR 2300 | Workers, Employers and the State | 3 |
LABR 4510 | Labour Studies Field Placement Seminar | 3 |
LAW 1540 | Legal Methods | 5 |
LAW 2650 | Introduction to Advocacy | 3 |
LING 2740 | Interpretation Theory | 3 |
PHIL 2612 | A Philosophical History of Science | 3 |
PHIL 2614 | Philosophy of Science | 3 |
PHIL 2790 | Moral Philosophy | 6 |
PHIL 3220 | Feminist Philosophy | 3 |
POL 1900 | Love, Heroes and Patriotism in Contemporary Poland | 3 |
POL 2600 | Polish Culture until 1918 | 3 |
POL 2610 | Polish Culture 1918 to the Present | 3 |
POL 2660 | Special Topics in Polish Literature and Culture | 3 |
POLS 1502 | Introduction to Political Studies | 3 |
PSYC 2500 | Elements of Ethology | 3 |
PSYC 3380 | Nature, Nurture and Behaviour | 3 |
PSYC 4520 | Honours Research Seminar | 6 |
RLGN 1440 | Evil in World Religions | 3 |
RLGN 2032 | Introduction to the Study of Religion | 3 |
RLGN 2036 | Introduction to Christianity | 3 |
RLGN 2052 | Conservative Christianity in the United States | 3 |
RLGN 2112 | Medicine, Magic, and Miracle in the Ancient World | 3 |
RLGN 2116 | Cognitive Science and Religion | 3 |
RLGN 2140 | Introduction to Judaism | 3 |
RLGN 2160 | Hebrew Bible (Tanakh/"Old Testament") | 3 |
RLGN 2162 | Great Jewish Books | 3 |
RLGN 2170 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 |
RLGN 2222 | The Supernatural in Popular Culture | 3 |
RLGN 2590 | Religion and Social Issues | 3 |
RLGN 2770 | Contemporary Judaism | 3 |
RLGN 3102 | Myth and Mythmaking: Narrative, Ideology, Scholarship | 3 |
RLGN 3280 | Hasidism | 3 |
RUSN 1400 | Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation | 3 |
RUSN 1410 | Love in Russian Culture in English Translation | 3 |
RUSN 2280 | Russian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
RUSN 2290 | Russian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
RUSN 2310 | Exploring Russia through Film | 3 |
RUSN 2410 | Russian Literature after Stalin | 3 |
RUSN 2600 | Special Topics in Russian Culture in English Translation | 3 |
RUSN 2740 | Literature and Revolution | 3 |
RUSN 3770 | Tolstoy | 3 |
SLAV 3530 | Special Topics in Comparative German and Slavic Studies | 3 |
SOC 3100 | Practicum in Criminological/Sociological Research | 6 |
SOC 3350 | Feminism and Sociological Theory | 3 |
UKRN 2200 | Ukrainian Myth, Rites and Rituals | 3 |
UKRN 2410 | Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Experience | 3 |
UKRN 2590 | Ukrainian Literature and Film | 3 |
UKRN 2600 | Special Topics in Ukrainian Studies | 3 |
UKRN 2770 | Ukrainian Culture until 1900 | 3 |
UKRN 2780 | Ukrainian Culture from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
UKRN 2820 | Holodomor and Holocaust in Ukrainian Literature and Culture | 3 |
UKRN 3970 | Women and Ukrainian Literature | 3 |
WOMN 1500 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Humanities | 3 |
WOMN 1600 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences | 3 |
WOMN 2560 | Women, Science and Technology | 3 |
WOMN 3520 | Transnational Feminisms | 3 |
Mathematics Courses
Course | Title | Hours |
AGRI 2400 | Experimental Methods in Agricultural and Food Sciences | 3 |
ECON 2040 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 3 |
FA 1020 | Mathematics in Art | 3 |
GEOG 3810 | Quantitative Research Methods in Geography (TS) | 3 |
MATH 1XXX | All Mathematics courses at 1000 level | |
MATH 2XXX | All Mathematics at 2000 level | |
MATH 3XXX | All Mathematics at 3000 level | |
MATH 4XXX | All Mathematics at 4000 level | |
MUSC 3230 | Acoustics of Music | 3 |
PHIL 1300 | Introduction to Logic | 3 |
PHIL 2200 | Intermediate Logic | 3 |
PHYS 1020 | General Physics 1 | 3 |
PHYS 1030 | General Physics 2 | 3 |
PSYC 2260 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 3 |
SOC 2294 | Understanding Social Statistics | 3 |
STAT 1XXX | All Statistics courses at 1000 level | |
STAT 2XXX | All Statistics courses at 2000 level | |
STAT 3XXX | All Statistics courses at 3000 level | |
STAT 4XXX | All Statistics courses at 4000 level |
Course Identification
Credit Hours (Cr.Hrs.)
Each faculty and school develops courses for its degree credit programs, subject to Senate approval, and assigns a credit hour value to each course.
The credit hours for a course are expressed as a number associated with the course which indicates its relative weight. There is a correlation between class hours and credit hours (i.e. 6 credit hours = 3 hours a week, two terms; and 3 credit hours = 3 hours a week, one term).
For the purposes of registration, courses taught over both the Fall and Winter Terms have been divided into two parts. The credit hour value of the course are divided equally and applied to each part of the course. For example: for a six credit hour spanned course each of the Fall and Winter Term parts of the course will be assigned the value of three credit hours. Students registering for term spanning courses will receive one grade for the course and only when the second part is completed. The course grade will be applied to both the Fall and Winter parts of the course.
Prerequisite and Co-requisite Courses
Prerequisite: If a course is prerequisite for a second course, the prerequisite must be met in order to begin the second course. To determine whether or not a course has a prerequisite, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course. Normally, a minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses listed as prerequisites, except as otherwise noted in the course descriptions.
For some courses, the prerequisite may be completed before registering for the second course or may be taken concurrently with the second course. To determine if a course may be taken concurrently, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course.
Co-requisite: If a first course is a co-requisite for a second course, the first course must be completed in the same term as the second course. To determine if a course has a co-requisite, see the course descriptions in the chapter of the faculty or school offering the course.
Course Numbers
First Two to Four Characters
The two, three or four characters in every course number are a shortened version of the subject of the course.
Last Four Digits
At the University of Manitoba the last four digits of the course number reflect the level of contact with the subject.
For example:
ECON 1210
ECON is the code for Economics.
1210 indicates that it is an introductory or entry level course.
If the course requires a laboratory, this will be shown following the credit hours immediately following the title.
For example:
BIOL 3242 (lab required)
The 2000, 3000, 4000 course numbers indicate the second, third, and fourth levels of university contact with a subject.
Numbers in the 5000 range are normally associated with pre-Master’s work or courses in the Post Baccalaureate Diploma and the Post-Graduate Medical Education programs.
Courses numbered 6000-8000 are graduate courses of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Course numbers in the 9000 series are used to identify courses taken at the University of Winnipeg by students in the University of Manitoba/University of Winnipeg Joint Master’s Programs. The 9000 numbers do not indicate the level of the course taken (see Graduate Calendar or University of Winnipeg Calendar).
In most cases, some correlation exists between the course number and a student's year of study; that is, students in the third year of a program will generally carry course loads comprised primarily of 3000-level courses.
Other course numbering information
Courses with numbers that end in 0 or an even number are taught in English, most of which are offered on the Fort Garry or Bannatyne campuses or through Distance and Online Education.
Courses with numbers that end in odd numbers are taught in French at Université de Saint-Boniface.
Grades and Grade Point Average Calculation
Final grades in most courses are expressed as letters, ranging from F, to A+ the highest. A grade of D is the lowest passing grade, however the minimum grade required to use a course as credit toward a degree or diploma program may be set higher by a faculty or school. Refer to faculty and school regulations. Each letter grade has an assigned numerical value which is used to calculate grade point averages. Grading scales used to determine the final letter grade may vary between courses and programs.
Some courses are graded on a pass/fail basis and because no numerical value is assigned to these courses, they do not affect grade point averages. Courses graded in this way are clearly identified in course descriptions and program outlines.
The Letter Grade System
Letter Grade | Grade Point Value | Description |
A+ | 4.5 | Exceptional |
A | 4.0 | Excellent |
B+ | 3.5 | Very Good |
B | 3.0 | Good |
C+ | 2.5 | Satisfactory |
C | 2.0 | Adequate |
D | 1.0 | Marginal |
F | 0 | Failure |
P | Pass | |
S | Standing |
The grade of “D” is regarded as marginal in most courses by all faculties and schools. It contributes to decreasing a term, degree or cumulative Grade Point Average to less than 2.0. Courses graded “D” may be repeated for the purpose of improving a GPA. Note that some faculties and schools consider a grade of “D” as unacceptable and will not apply the course toward the program as credit. In most cases the course will need to be repeated to attain the acceptable grade. Refer to faculty and school regulations.
Calculation of Grade Point Average
The University of Manitoba will report cumulative and term grade point averages for all students through Aurora Student.
Please also refer to the Grade Point Averages Policy found in the University Policies and Procedures..
Quality Points
The quality points for a course are the product of the credit hours for the course and the grade point obtained by the student; e.g., 3 credit hours with a grade of “B” (3.0 points) = 3 credit hours x 3.0 = 9.0 quality points.
Quality Point Total
The quality point total is the sum of quality points accumulated as students proceed through their program of studies.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The grade point average (GPA) is the quality point total divided by the total number of credit hours.
Course | Credit Hours | Grade | Grade Points | Quality Points |
Course 1 | 3 | B | 3 | 9 |
Course 2 | 3 | B+ | 3.5 | 10.5 |
Course 3 | 3 | C+ | 2.5 | 7.5 |
Course 4 | 3 | B | 3 | 9 |
Course 5 | 3 | A | 4 | 12 |
Totals | 15 | 48 |
Grade point average: 240 Quality Points / 15 Credit Hours = 3.20
Poor Grades and Program Progression
A course in which a “D” standing is obtained may need to be repeated by probationary students in certain faculties or where a minimum grade of “C” is required in a prerequisite subject or to meet degree requirements.
Students in doubt as to the status of their record should consult an advisor in their faculty or school.
For minimum grade levels, especially as they affect progression requirements, see the faculty or school regulations in the Academic Calendar or consult an advisor.
Academic Honours
Students qualify for the Honour List (Dean’s, Director’s, University 1) when they achieve qualifying grade point averages, as specified by the faculty/school or program regulations.
In addition, outstanding academic achievement will qualify students for other honours and awards. These include:
- the University Gold Medal, which is awarded at graduation in each faculty or school to the student with the most outstanding academic record;
- program medals, which are awarded by faculties and schools to the best student graduating from a specific program;
- graduation “with distinction”, which is recorded on the transcripts of all students who attain a qualifying grade point average;
- and other medals and prizes that are specific to programs or disciplines.
Academic Evaluation
Methods of Evaluation
Students shall be informed of the method of evaluation to be used in each course, as specified in the Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students Policy, found in the University Policies and Procedures.
In departments where a course is offered in more than one section, the department offering the course endeavours to provide instruction so that all sections cover similar topics and that all students achieve a similar level of competency in the topic. However, there will be differences in evaluation as well as in teaching style, readings and assignments from one section to another. Students may contact the department for additional information before registration.
Credit for Term Work
In subjects involving written examinations, laboratories, and term assignments, a student may be required to pass each component separately. If no final examination is scheduled in a course, the student’s final grade will be determined on the basis of the method of evaluation as announced in the first week of lectures.
If credit is not given for term work, the student’s final grade will be determined entirely by the results of the final written examination. Where the final grade is determined from the results of both term work and final examinations, the method of computing the final grade will be as announced within the first week of classes. Should a student write a deferred examination, term grades earned will normally be taken into account as set out in the immediately preceding paragraph.
Repeating a Course
A course in which a “D” standing is obtained may need to be repeated by probationary students in certain faculties or where a minimum grade of “C” is required in a prerequisite subject or to meet degree requirements.
Elective courses graded “F” may either be repeated or another elective substituted. All electives in a program must be approved by the faculty or school.
Probation and Academic Suspension
Failure to meet minimum levels of performance as specified in the regulations of the faculty or school will result in a student being placed either on probation or academic suspension in accordance with the faculty or school regulations.
A student’s status is determined, following final examinations, at the end of each term (Fall, Winter or Summer terms) or at the end of an academic session as specified in faculty regulations. A student placed on probation is advised to discuss his/her program prior to the next registration with a representative of the dean or director to determine which courses, if any, should be repeated.
A student placed on academic suspension will normally be permitted to apply for re-entry to the faculty or school after one year has elapsed, but reinstatement is not automatic and individual faculty or school regulations must always be consulted.
While on suspension, students are not normally admissible to another faculty or school.
Other Forms of Earning Degree Credit
Letter of Permission for Transfer of Credit
Students in degree programs at this university may take courses at other recognized colleges or universities for transfer of credit provided such courses are approved at least one month prior to the commencement of classes at the other institution by the faculty or school in which they are currently registered. The approval is subject to individual faculty/school regulations and is granted in the form of a Letter of Permission. The student must obtain a Letter of Permission whether or not the course/s being taken are for transfer of credit to the University of Manitoba. Failure to obtain a Letter of Permission may have serious academic implications.
To obtain a Letter of Permission, application must be made to the Registrar’s Office as early as possible and at least one month prior to when required at the other institution.
Each application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. The fees are for each application and a separate application is required for each session and institution regardless of the number of courses being considered. Students planning to seek permission to take courses elsewhere for transfer of credit to the University of Manitoba are cautioned to check the current Academic Calendar for the residence and degree requirements of the degree programs in which they are enrolled.
Transferred courses will be given assigned credit hour values and grades. The transferred grade will be included in the student's degree and cumulative GPA.
Challenge for Credit
The purpose of Challenge for Credit is to provide students of the university with some means of obtaining academic credit in University of Manitoba courses (not otherwise obtainable as a transfer of credit from other institutions) for practical training and experience, or reading and study previously completed. Students who have registered to challenge would normally not attend classes or laboratories. Courses which have previously been taken at the University of Manitoba may not be challenged for credit.
To be eligible to challenge for credit a student must first be admitted to a faculty or school of the University of Manitoba. Eligible students will be required to demonstrate their competence in the courses which they are challenging for credit. Where formal, written examinations are required, these will be generally scheduled during the regular examination sessions in April/May, June, August, or December.
For information regarding requirements, procedures, applications and fees a student should contact the office of the faculty or school in which the student is enrolled, or in the case of new students, the faculty or school to which the new student has been admitted.
Application of Course Credit when transferring between Programs within the University of Manitoba
When students transfer into program from another faculty or school within the University of Manitoba, some course credits previously earned may be applied to the new program. The credit hour value assigned by the faculty or school that offers the course is used. That is, there can only be one credit weight designated for a course with a particular course number.
Appeal of Academic Decisions, Admission Decisions and Academic Accommodation Decisions
The Senate Committee on Appeals will consider appeals of Academic Decisions, Admission Decisions and Academic Accommodation Decisions, in accordance with the Senate Committee on Appeals policy and procedure.
Academic Decisions: Decisions of Faculty/School Councils or their Appeal Bodies, of Professional Unsuitability Committees, of Faculty/School Award Selection Committees and of the Comité d’appels de l’Université de Saint Boniface upon application by Appellants.
Admission Decisions: Decisions of Faculty/School/College admission selection committees, and these only when the Appellant has sought reconsideration by the admission selection committee as set out below:
i) Administrative decisions which affect the admission process
ii) Decisions of Faculties/Schools/Colleges or Admissions Office personnel regarding eligibility requirements
iii) Decisions of Faculties/Schools/Colleges regarding granting transfer of credit at the point of admission and possible granting of advanced standing
Academic Accommodation Decisions: Decisions of the Director of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) regarding a request for reconsideration of a proposed accommodation.
The Senate Committee on Appeals policy and procedure as well as an Appeal Form may be obtained from the Governing Documents website.
Academic Integrity
The University of Manitoba takes academic integrity seriously. As a member of the International Centre for Academic Integrity, the University defines academic integrity as a commitment to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. (International Centre for Academic Integrity, 2014)
To help students understand the expectations of the University of Manitoba, definitions for the types of prohibited behaviours are in the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure and provided below.
"Academic Misconduct" means any conduct that has, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on the academic integrity of the University, including but not limited to:
(a) Plagiarism – the presentation or use of information, ideas, images, sentences, findings, etc. as one’s own without appropriate attribution in a written assignment, test or final examination.
(b) Cheating on Quizzes, Tests, or Final Examinations – the circumventing of fair testing procedures or contravention of exam regulations. Such acts may be premeditated/planned or may be unintentional or opportunistic.
(c) Inappropriate Collaboration – when a student and any other person work together on assignments, projects, tests, labs or other work unless authorized by the course instructor.
(d) Duplicate Submission – cheating where a student submits a paper/assignment/test in full or in part, for more than one course without the permission of the course instructor.
(e) Personation – writing an assignment, lab, test, or examination for another student, or the unauthorized use of another person’s signature or identification in order to impersonate someone else. Personation includes both the personator and the person initiating the personation.
(f) Academic Fraud – falsification of data or official documents as well as the falsification of medical or compassionate circumstances/documentation to gain accommodations to complete assignments, tests or examinations.
Note that the above applies to written, visual, and spatial assignments as well as oral presentations.
Over the course of your university studies, you may find yourself in situations that can make the application of these definitions unclear. The University of Manitoba wants to help you be successful, and this includes providing you with the knowledge and tools to support your decisions to act with integrity. There are a number of people and places on campus that will help you understand the rules and how they apply to your academic work. If you have questions or are uncertain about what is expected of you in your courses, you have several options:
- Ask your professor, instructor, or teaching assistant for assistance or clarification.
- Get support from the Academic Learning Centre or Libraries:
- Visit the Academic Integrity site for information and tools to help you understand academic integrity.
- Make an appointment with the Student Advocacy office. This office assists students to understand their rights and responsibilities and provides support to students who have received an allegation of academic misconduct.
Appeals of Grades
Appeal of Term Work
Students may formally appeal a grade received for term work provided that the matter has been discussed with the instructor in the first instance in an attempt to resolve the issue without the need of formal appeal. Term work grades normally may be appealed up to ten (10) working days after the grades for the term work have been made available to the student.
The fee which is charged for each appealed term work grade will be refunded for any grade which is changed as a result of the appeal.
Appeal of Final Grades
Final grades are not released to students who are on “Hold Status”; the deadline for appeal of assigned grades will not be extended for students who were unable to access their final grades due to a hold.
These regulations expand on the Final Grades Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
Attendance and Withdrawal
Attendance at Class and Debarment
Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses.
An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty or school regulations.
A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.
Withdrawal from Courses and Programs
Voluntary Withdrawal
The registration revision period extends two weeks from the first day of classes in both Fall and Winter terms. Courses dropped during this period shall not be regarded as withdrawals and shall not be recorded on official transcripts or student histories. The revision period is prorated for Summer terms and for parts of term.
After the registration revision period ends, voluntary withdrawals (VWs) will be recorded on official transcripts and student histories.
The following dates are deadlines for voluntary withdrawals:
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline shall be the 48th teaching day in both Fall and Winter term for those half-courses taught over the whole of each term;
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline for full-courses taught over both Fall and Winter term shall be the 48th teaching day of the Winter term; and
- The Voluntary Withdrawal deadline for full-and-half courses taught during Summer terms or during some other special schedule shall be calculated in a similar manner using a pro-rated number of teaching days.
The exact Voluntary Withdrawal dates that apply to courses offered in the current academic session are published in the Academic Schedule.
Authorized Withdrawal
Subject to the provision of satisfactory documentation to the faculty of registration, Authorized Withdrawals (AWs) may be permitted on medical or compassionate grounds.
Required Withdrawal from Professional Programs
Senate, at the request of some faculties and schools, has approved bylaws granting them the authority to require a student to withdraw on the basis of unsuitability for the practice of the profession to which the program of study leads.
This right may be exercised at any time throughout the academic year or following the results of examinations at the end of every year.
This right to require a student to withdraw prevails notwithstanding any other provisions in the academic regulations of the particular faculty or school regarding eligibility to proceed or repeat.
Where Senate has approved such a bylaw, that fact is indicated in the Academic Calendar chapter for that faculty or school. A copy of the professional unsuitability bylaw may be obtained from the general office of the faculty or school.
Deferred and Supplemental Examinations
These regulations expand on the Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
Accepting Standing in Course without Examination
In the event that a student is unable to write a deferred examination as it has been scheduled, a grade may be assigned without examination (please refer to the Deferred and Supplemental Examinations Procedures). A student who accepts standing in a course without examination may not, at a later date, request permission to write a deferred examination in the course.
Supplemental Examinations
Supplemental Examinations are offered by some faculties to students who have not achieved the minimum result in required courses.
Students who are granted supplemental privileges are normally required to sit the examination within thirty (30) working days from the end of the examination series in which the supplemental grade was received, unless the progression rules of a faculty or school require the successful completion of an entire academic year before a student is eligible to proceed into the next. In this case, students are obliged to sit the examination at the next ensuing examination period.
Final Examinations
These regulations expand on the Final Examinations and Final Grades Policy and Procedures found in the University Policies and Procedures.
General Examination Regulations
Students (with the exception of students auditing courses) are required to write all final examinations. Those who absent themselves without an acceptable reason will receive a grade classification of “NP” (No Paper) accompanied by a letter grade based on term work completed, using a zero value for incomplete term work and for the final examination. If no credit for term work is involved, a grade of “F” will be assigned. Under certain conditions a student may apply for a deferred examination; see Deferred and Supplemental Examinations.
Examination Schedules
For most faculties, schools and colleges, final examinations are normally conducted in December for Fall Term courses; in April/May for Winter Term and Fall/Winter Term spanned courses; and in August for Distance and Online Education Summer Term courses. Exact dates for the exam period can be found in the Academic Schedule.
The Schedule of Final Exams for Fall and Winter is made available by the Registrar’s Office approximately one month after the beginning of the term. This schedule is made available on the Registrar’s Office Website and includes finalized dates and times for each exam. Exam locations are added to the schedule at a later date. Summer Term courses, final exam details will be made available 1 – 2 weeks before the posted exam period.
Students must remain available until all examination and test obligations have been fulfilled. Travel plans are not an acceptable reason for missing an exam.
Examination Personations
A student who arranges for another individual to undertake or write any nature of examination for and on his/her behalf, as well as the individual who undertakes or writes the examination, will be subject to discipline under the university’s Student Discipline Bylaw, which could lead to suspension or expulsion from the university. In addition, the Canadian Criminal Code treats the personation of a candidate at a competitive or qualifying examination held at a university as an offence punishable by summary conviction.
Hold Status
More details about being on Hold can be found online on the Registrar's Office website.
Students will be placed on "Hold Status" if they incur any type of outstanding obligation (either financial or otherwise) to the university or its associated faculties, schools, colleges or administrative units.
Some typical reasons for holds are:
- Program/course selection must be approved
- U1 student must transit into the Faculty of Arts or Science
- Required Major, Minor and/or Concentration declaration
- Transcripts or documents required from other institutions
- Unpaid tuition and/or other university fees
- Outstanding library books and/or fines
- Parking fines
- Pending disciplinary action
Depending on the reason for the hold, limited or no administrative or academic services will be provided to students on Hold Status until the specific obligations have been met.
Students must clear their holds prior to registration by contacting the appropriate office. Students with outstanding financial obligations to the university will not be permitted to register again until the hold has been cleared or permission to register has been obtained from the Office of the Vice-President (Administration).
Advisor and Program Holds
Students enroled in some programs are required to discuss their course selections and program status with an advisor prior to registration. Advisor and Program Holds normally only restrict registration activity; other administrative services remain available.
Students can verify whether their program requires consultation with an advisor by checking their faculty/school section of the Academic Calendar, or by viewing their Registration Time and Status in Aurora.
Graduation and Convocation
Students may graduate from the University of Manitoba in May/June, October, and February of each year. (Convocation ceremonies are held in May/June and October only).
Students are eligible to graduate when they have completed all of the requirements for their degree program in accordance with the regulations described in the chapter General Academic Regulations and the regulations available from the general offices of their faculties and schools.
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the graduation requirements of the program in which they are enrolled. Consultation with academic advisors is advised to ensure that graduation requirements are met.
Please refer to the Registrar’s Office website for Frequently asked Questions about Graduation and Convocation.
Application for Graduation
Every candidate for a degree, diploma or certificate must make formal application at the beginning of the session in which he/she expects to complete graduation requirements.
Application is to be made through Aurora Student. (Log into Aurora Student; click Enrolment and Academic Records, then Declarations, then Declare Graduation Date.)
Changing a Graduation Date
If you need to change your graduation date after you have made your declaration, you must contact the general office of your faculty, college, or school as soon as possible.
Receipt of Information about Graduation
After you have declared your graduation, you will be sent a series of e-mails to your University e-mail account, requesting you to verify your full legal name, asking you about your attendance at convocation, providing convocation information, and so on. It is imperative that you activate your University of Manitoba email account and check it regularly.
Convocation ceremonies are held in May/June and October of each year.
February graduates are invited to attend the May/June ceremonies.
Graduating students are encouraged to attend with their families and friends because it is the one ceremonial occasion that marks the successful conclusion of their program of studies.
Graduates who wish to attend Convocation, verify their attendance at the Convocation ceremony by reserving their academic attire through the University approved supplier.
Students who, for any reason, do not attend Convocation will receive their degrees in absentia.
The Registrar’s Office will hold unclaimed parchments for a maximum of twelve months after graduation when any unclaimed parchments will be destroyed. These will include those not given at Convocation, those that were to be picked up in person but not claimed, those that were mailed but returned to the Registrar’s Office by the postal outlet or courier depot, those that were not issued due to a financial hold on a student’s records, and those that were reprinted immediately after convocation due to corrections.
It is critical that you update your address, phone number and email through Aurora whenever changes occur. Note that any changes made with the Alumni Association are not reflected in your University of Manitoba student records.
If you do not receive your parchment, it is your responsibility to follow up with the Registrar’s Office within a twelve-month period. Any requests for parchments after this time will be processed as replacements; there is a fee charged for replacement parchments.
Academic Dress
Students are responsible for making arrangements to reserve their academic attire through the University approved supplier. Rental fees apply. Details will be provided via e-mail once Convocation planning begins.
Convocation Information
Information on Convocation may be found on the Graduation/Convocation website.
Personal Information
Mailing Address
In order to receive University mail, it is essential that you to provide the Registrar’s Office with your current address. All mail will be directed to the address you provide. You may change your mailing address and phone number by accessing Aurora Student and then selecting Personal Information.
Change of Name
If you have changed your name since you were first admitted or if the name on your record is incomplete or inaccurate, official evidence of the name change or correction must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office along with a completed Request for Change of Name form. The University of Manitoba uses your full legal name on its records, transcripts, and graduation documents (a full legal name, for example, includes all names on your birth certificate - first, middle, and last - or on your study permit). Abbreviated names, Anglicized names, or initials should not be used unless they have been proven with appropriate documentation.